I made a think

Many Britan to Ireland are since the Japan of South Korea?

Reason should persons involved security is islands and war at it.

Yes no or disagree??

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes and disagree for long as the Korea become attacking of Ireland the Britain ago Japan is not ~

Very smart is conclusion your for that because Japan never attack Korea only defend since is too Britan bigg









shut up bitch faggot i kill your skull



キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!!!!!!!!

Proxies are trying to act as japanese who don't know English

Fuck you stupid proxy Gandon


UK: Based, wellspring of culture
Ireland: Butthurt ingrates, recipients of culture but refuse to recognize it

Sounds about right.

hitted too hard




What the fuck are you saying?

Nyan nyi?

British aren't perverts though. Japanese are warmongering barbarians at worst, panty sniffing degenerates at best.

>Many Britan to Ireland are since the Japan of South Korea?

>Reason should persons involved security is islands and war at it.

>Yes no or disagree??

This is the sort of thread that makes a person go hmm this is the sort of post that makes a person go hmm this is the sort of thing that really makes a person go and say hmm this really makes me think.



>dumb shit

Is it golden post?

dumb proxylarper