Most people are too stupid to understand Batman v Superman

Are you one of the stupid general audience?



>It's another DC shilling thread

Go away, fat spic. No one is going to fall for your shitty bait.

Full Metal Batfleck is Lucifer.
Superman is Jesus.
Both are retarded.

>in other news, Water! Wet!

this movie is already dead

He takes a shit on the Nolan trilogy, the last thing DCucks can claim to be a real success, artistically, critically and commercially.

I have a 160 IQ and I work in screenwriting. I understood the movie just fine. That's why I especially disliked it.

i have an IQ of 161, how does it feel being inferior to me? and i've got a 10 inch penis. nerd.

marvelfags literally BTFO

>Snyder fans explaining things that everybody already understands in an attempt to imply that critics just didnt "get it"
holy shit, it MoS all over again

I don't know you, why would I feel inferior to someone I don't know? I do wish you well, though, friend.

Thats what I dont get from dccucks ( or maybe Snyderfags ), why would they think its necessary to shit on Nolan's work just to defend Snyder's crap? Because normies love it? Fucking bananas, man.

But that doesn't make sense because he knew he had parents cause he made a speech about it a few seconds earlier

Why didn't superman just a finger in his mouth?

we already knew this OP when the movie first came out and morons kept spewing "plot holes"

>You know civil bore is going to rip this off just like
they do everything else that DC does

>Unsurprisingly there's a rumor going around that craptain america civil trash is going to rip that scene off by mentioning each other's moms which is pathetic right there!

>All True DC Fans on MAy 6th Send a message see Batman V Superman Again not civil Bore!

But Batman surely knew, that Superman did some pretty normal human things and had a earthling family. All the motivations in this movie were a total mess

Most people are too stupid to understand anything.

fucking this. really reminds me of Inception, too

I am legit confused as to whether or not Sup Forums as a whole is trolling/joking about this BvS shit. The movie was a fucking mess. Is it all a joke? Or is it just the absolute dregs of Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums now gather on Sup Forums now?

The only things you fuckers talk about are superhero movies and how much you hate black people/jews/women.

Why would he know he has an earth family? His name is Kal El and can fly - the vague info supports Bruce's fear of him being only alien

Because they have shit taste

>I am legit confused as to whether or not Sup Forums as a whole is trolling/joking about this BvS shit.

It's a meme. This whole crusade about elevating capeshit is one big meme under "Kino".

No I think that's all you focus on when you come here. There's plenty of other discussions, but yes, you knew this was coming when these 2 movies were released.

And no, BvS is a great movie, it's not a mess. You were memed by critics.

There's nothing to understand about a comic book movie. You and others claiming it has some sort of deeper meaning than it already is laughable and has to be the most pretentious thing I've seen. watch a real film sometime, instead of trite like this made and marketed to appeal to losers like you.

>And no, BvS is a great movie, it's not a mess.


>Is it all a joke? Or is it just the absolute dregs of Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums
It is pretty much a mixture I think.
Some people praising it ironically, some are baiting, some like it while knowing it has many flaws and then there a fanboys, who really think this was some sort of high art

People were saying the same thing about Superman's adoptive father who committed suicide by tornado so he could beat that dead horse "life lesson" one last time. Top comment on youtube will probably affirm this. As we all know, top comment is the normie pleb consensus on things.
Superman could have saved his dad and hidden his powers at the same time, but no. Or at the very least tried to help by sprinting like a marathon athlete, grabbing him, and using the tornado debris as a cover. It's a fucking tornado- people will be protecting their faces from debris and shit- just go. Stranger things have happened when it comes to tornados. Like fuckin babies being found perfectly fine some 100 feet from where they were last seen when the tornado took them.

It's not the fact that he had parents. It's the fact that when he only had seconds to live, his only desire was his mother's safety. Prior to that, Batman thought that Superman only cared about himself.

I too enjoy lying on the internet.

Zack Snyder is the Kubrick of our time

>makes blockbuster films based on preexisting pop-cultural media
>each foray suffers from negative criticism in its time, enjoying plaudits and praise later in the director's career
>usually derided by the original content maker and their fanboys due to his being an 'outsider' of their buffdom and lack of appreciation for his adaptive vision
>has a genius IQ

You can't deny the parallels are there.

lol how long would people have to be blinded to not notice that somebody reaching Superman senior and pulling him out of the way of danger was a physical impossibility?


Not lying. I'm in the /swg/ threads all the time and have discussed minor details about where I work.

Only a few would watch. They barely would believe their own eyes. Most people wouldnt believe them if they told what they witnessed.

Why should I listen to an autistic dc fanboy?

He wasn't even that far, by the time he took that kid t osafety he could have returned just by running (maybe a little faster than usual but people wouldn't notice) and protect his father, and people wouldn't find it that strange

The biggest problem was that old man went to go get the dog at all. Clark could have gotten the dog and came back with no problem because that was his dad's plan before his leg got fucked up.

The scene was written in a very dumb way.

Another lie, bravo

I invite you to come to the next /swg/ thread and we can talk :)

>161 IQ
that's why i love this place

Ironically Batman v Superman was so poorly made that it will likely be discussed for years. It's like "The Room" of capeshit.

>I did not hit Martha, I did not. Oh hi Supes

spotted the pleb

Listen brah, I like both DC and Marvel movies and characters. I loved the Nolan Batman movies with Rises being on the low end of that spectrum, but I can say without irony that Batman V Superman was shit. Some of the imagery and visuals were okay, but it was poorly done in every other sense. It's a disservice to DC and the characters they portray.

Fuck this movie and fuck you for defending it.