/who/ - Doctor Who General

The Deadly Assassin edition.
Only companion-less outing for the Doctor in the classic series, first story set entirely on Gallifrey, return of the Master, first mention of Rassilon, story that triggered Mary Whitehouse more than any other... You mention it, this serial has it. But is it as good as they say? And above all, is there really any need to specify that an assassin is deadly?


Other urls found in this thread:


The Non-Lethal Assassin

Reminder that Cloister is Melanon, and probably cats too. He gets his schizophrenic kicks trolling /who/

Spoken like someone who has never read a Cloister post in their liofe.

So Eve Myles was just attention whoring that one time, yeah?

Unless this was already recorded at the time?

>I don't like sand


Which one of you is this?

BF said on Facebook they recorded it today, which is confirmed by an Eve Myles tweet.

She was drunk probably.

Is that a Dalek puppet clown?

And he is probably the one who starts a new thread every time he can't engage with the subject and/or gets BTFO/identified

I suspect she was drunk or something.

So, anyway, the BF license got renewed until 2025. Bad news if you thought they were going to wait until Capaldi left to get the rights for his era. Unless they think he'e going to stay longer than Tom Baker, that is. Or unless they just got the rights for S8-9 only.


Oh hi cloister or should I say melanon. Fuck off cunt

Forgot link


Adjective - Very good. Excellent.

Adverb - in a way resembling or suggesting death; as if dead.

Fuck off Cloister autistic cunt

>Irish & Australian informal
I doubt Holmes was thinking of that.

They'll just renew it when Capaldi leaves or soon after. After all they already had the license until 2020, yet they extended it this year.

what a mong!

its a the Timelords lose the last bit of their awe episode

I'm not Cloister. What a stupid thing to suggest! Everyone look at this stupid guy over here! He's so wrong! I'm obviously not Cloister!

desperate contrarianism, mate.

worst bait ever

Fuck off back to Australia.

Time Lords

Which of these actors will still be alive in 2025?

McGann and maybe Davidson.

Tennant doesn't make it?

But Capaldi's most likely going to leave in one or two years.
Renewing four years in advance is one thing, but seven years? And before the second to last extension has even run out?
Seems weird to me.

I suspect audios are not huge moneyspinners and that the BBC are happy to let BF do it because they are definitely not going to make them themselves.

stabbed by girlyletters, outside his home in 2018


He'll eat himself to death like our Pie Lord.

They could also renegotiate the current extension to add the Capaldi era when he leaves. Even then, I think Peter would want to wait a couple of years before starting again with the Doctor.

>I think Peter would want to wait a couple of years before starting again with the Doctor
alternatively he may relish the chance to do classic style audios and hang out with the BF gang


were you raised by deaf mongoloids?

She said that Gwen will be in Torchwood no more.

This was a few months ago.

>tfw no regeneration-scene to introduce Peter Pratt

why even canon

It's the same incarnation. It's supposed to be the Delgado Master but heavily burnt and incapable of regeneration.

seems like she made us look

no it's not. you obviously didnt watch the story. youre not a truvian.

What line contradicts that?

fuck off melanon


What fresh meme is this?

melanon BTFO again and shitposting starts

"Predictable, as ever, Doctor."

"Il Dottore" fuck you, you Italian scum you and your people are all shit.

Hey Guys And Today I Have Discover Some Big News For Fans Of Classic Doctor Who

I Have Believe That More Missing Episodes Are On The Way This Year In Time For Power Of The Daleks 50th Anniversary Celebrations. So Please Check Out My Video I Done About Huge Missing Episode Recoveries Which I Believe Are Happen Soon.

An Announcement Is On The Way.


I'll give RTD one thing. He knew how to write despicable characters. Just fucking look at everyone in Midnight. Even Deedee turns on the Doctor and starts thinking he's the bad guy.

thanks Sammi

Dont Mention It. I Cant Wait For The Reveal Announcement.Please Like Comment And Subscribe.



tbf if there's gonna be an end to the omnirumour it'll probably be sometime this year while the show is off-season

it would give the show some publicity and act as a nice way to remind casual viewers about s10 coming after the hiatus

Wouldn't that also make him girlyletters?

Who's the best Time Lord and why is it River Song

It'd be hilarious if the whole thing was a meta-joke. Also, that's an awesome cover.


Part 3 is easily one of the best and most memorable single episodes of the classic series. Although some of the plot is a little iffy. I guess it's possible for anyone to postpone their trial by declaring they want to run for president? And no one ever took advantage of this loophole before?

List of people who are just me under another name:

>The Edgy Frenchman
>Friendly Neighbourhood user
>Gareth Roberts
>Ian Levine
>IDKWIA user
>Lawrence Miles
>"PEG PEOPLE" user
>Philip Morris
>Philip Sandifer


Your spelling is way too good to be Sammi's.

>There won't be Big Finish SJA

They could just have the kids run around without her.

But there is user. Anyone listen to these? They're apparently dark as fuck.


>>The Edgy Frenchman
I can confirm this isn't you.

You forgot Nadine Who and Joker user.

>rain behind 11 but in front of umbrella
What kind of shit reverse-brolly is this?

What have you shopped in?

nothing? just posting a high res because you said you liked the cover.

Wibbly wobbly brolly wolly

Oh. I'm not OP btw but thanks nonetheless.

I really need more Doctor Who. It's like my oxygen. I'm not even kidding I feel fucking depressed to know we won't have anything until Christmas.

i've got the feeling she was just upset that a series of (non-canon) audio dramas mean a very unlikely return to television.

It's time to turn off the computer and leave the house.

ace loved drugs

I'm OP. Thanks.


Wow what a stuck up whiny girl I fucking hate Emm Lee whatever the shit her name is


Man or woman?


Hi y'all! I was accused of being Melanon in the last thread.

Confession: I'm new-ish to /who/. Who..or what? is Melanon?

Btw I suspect Cats is one of our female contributors, possibly Cloister too, but certainly not Shneili (am sure I spelt that wrong).

Lurk more.
Just kidding, I've been here since August 2014 and I have no idea who that is. Urban legend probably.

man pretending to be waomn

But Melanon is very real.
The original thread from 2014 is on the /who/ museum.

cloister is confirmed shared trip between some guy and his female sex slave.
she posted nudes on /s/

Yeah I'm beginning to think there's some kind of horrifying backstory behind Cloister and Belle and she's locked in a cage, Hobbit Ten-like in Last of the Time Lords. I don't like this at all.

Is Cloister really hacked off?


Haha. That's kinda funny. This DnM is a *shock horror* a new-ish female fan of Doctor Who. Got hooked in series 6 with Matt Smith as the Doctor, really liked the River Song story arc. I've seen a few pre- Matt Smith episodes, admit I'm not a fan of Tennant (so far anyway from what I've seen). Liked Eccleston in series 1.

Capaldi is older, but kinda like his acting style, and I LOVED the whole Doctor/Clara hybrid arc in series 9.


Wait you're sure you're not a genderfluid genius or something?


When I first watched Amy's Choice I paused the episode when I saw Amy was pregnant and thought I had missed a series and searched on the Internet. I was 12 and not fluent in English don't hold it against me :(

>Oh shit not her again I thought I killed her way back with the ghost shits
>my chest hurts in this shirt
>I wanna suck that mic

This is MelAnon.

Is she the most wooden actor?

>looking down at my c-sections scars, but they were both worth it

No, am 100% female.

>Btw I suspect Cats is one of our female contributors

yeah, didn't you know im girlyletters?

Not as bad as Freema