Let's ignore plot and dialogue and character development for a moment

Let's ignore plot and dialogue and character development for a moment.

Which movie had the better action scenes?

>MoS flashback with Bruce Wayne driving through Metropolis
>Batmobile chase
>BvS fight
>Batman vs thugs

Civil War
>Rumlow's heist in Africa
>Bucky chase
>Bucky escape
>Airport fight
>Cap&Bucky vs Tony

Other urls found in this thread:


BvS no contest.
Much better editing in action scenes too.

The batman warehouse scene was better than Civil war in its entirety.

The Airport fight didn't even seem like a real fight. The Giant man was cool, but thats about it

How about the movie that didn't make me violently ill with its shitty fucking fight editing.

Both had solid editing during the action scenes.


>MoS flashback with Bruce Wayne driving through Metropolis
Was a cool scene but not particularly actiony
>Batmobile chase
>BvS fight
Too floaty and light. Saw literally all of it in the trailer.
>Batman vs thugs
Cool, but over hyped. The mediocrity of it's surroundings made it seem cooler than it was

I think the winner is clear

Wait they both are over 2 hours long and only had 5 action scenes each?

That's how it's done.

Easily Civil War, if only because you can actually tell what's going on in that film.

Civil War it isn't even a contest BVS fights wrre nothing but stupid bullshit.

Even the main fight just regressed into Batman hitting Superman with a Sink which led into an even worse 20 minute CGI monster fight.

Bucky chase was the best action part, rest were all terrible and cartoony.

Batman warehouse fight is just truly glorious.
Batman vs Superman easily better than the airport fight because it was more focused than civil war.

Overall Batman v Superman had better quality shots and cinematography while Civil war had good choreographed fight scenes with tv show quality shots and poor quick cut editing.

Reminder anyone answering Civil War is either blatant fanboyism or theyre literally blind.

I don't even think the Russo brothers would sit there with a straight face and say they could replicate the Zod battle in BvS.

Snyder could do what's seen in Civil War with his eyes closed. It's literally Greengrass tier with shitty effects

>Batman tossing people around as if he had super strength

What a garbage movie.

>People go to see a film called Civil War expecting a civil war fight between superheroes
>Get that

>People go to see Batman vs Superman expecting Batman vs Superman
>Get a horrible nonsensical 2 hour buildup then a 5 minute fight which ends because both their mothers have the same name, then one of them murders a bunch of people in a warehouse with a fire explosion and seizure inducing editing then there is a CGI monster fight for 30 minutes where they fly around destroying buildings then one of them "dies" so they can reborn in the sequel.

This is the same director who gave all the watchmen super strength because he thought it was cool

How the fuck are you people actually answering BvS? Is this fanboyism?

Superman and Batman wailing on each other was in terrible choreography. Stupid shit like Superman charging through obvious smoke, Batman swinging Superman around, and hitting him with a sink.

Batman fights are interesting because he uses gadgets, traps, and uses cool kungfu. The way Batman setup the machine guns and supersonic sound attack was completely stupid and he didn't follow up the traps with any sort of planning. The fight was Superman wailing on him, Batman using krypt gas, then wailing back and forth with shit choreography.

Doomsday fight was garbage. Explosions everywhere, even worse than Michael Bay shit. And it's surprising it was so shit when Zod and Kryptonian fight in Man of Steel was well done. Only thing cool about it was Wonder Woman.

The only thing I literally wanted in this shit fest of a movie was a good fight. And Snyder couldn't even give me that with his 10 min bullshit punching each other garbage.

t. blind fanboy

>poor quick cut editing
>Posts that webm
Am I being trolled?

Aside from the usual shaky cam nonsense, CW definitely had better action scenes. Buck and Cap vs the police and then into the chase with BP in particular was tight.

Frankly, not showing Batman steal the Kryptonite was a dumb idea.

Civil War had much better action and it's not even close

which one is going to make more money in the end bros?

Bucky and Cap broing it up againt the police is better than anything in BvS and it's not even the best scene in Civil War

Wonder Woman > Scarlet Witch

prove me wrong

Wonder Woman is from a man hating group of Amazons. She a shittier Superman and is very boring.

Scarlet Witch uses fucking mind powers. There is a whole array of shit she can do from manipulating people, creating shields, force pushing. And if Scarlet Witch was your waifu she could even jack off your penis with her powers.

Scarlet Witch >>> Wonder Woman.

So I've been on Reddit for about 7 years now. I'm a moderator on several popular boards, including /r/Sup Forums. I will try to give you guys an unbiased, objective outlook.

Reddit's main problem is its karma system. It encourages users to post content which the majority will agree with rather than something that may be controversial (but still contributes to the conversation). Because of this, most communities become predictable and boring.

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- anything afterwards: barely any comments are posted, because why even bother? Their comment won't be seen under the mass of thousands of other posters.

yeah but Gal Gadot looks hotter and is much taller

WW is literally just a weaker superman with boobs

>civil WAR
>The avengers cast plus black batman reenacting the opening of West side Story in an airport parking lot

Yeah totally man, what a huge war tons of casualties amirite?

>I don't even think the Russo brothers would sit there with a straight face and say they could replicate the Zod battle in BvS.
You mean that fight that looked like a ps4 vidya instead of watching to real guys punching the shit out of each other? yeah good thing they were not able to replicate that shitty fight

necrophile pls

That's not how it works, shill. Lurk moar

at this point marvel has perfected their fighting scenes, and civil war's action was just ridiculously fluid and badass. That said I'm a huge Batman fan so the Batman warehouse scene is still the coolest, but that's just my fanboyism

>Which movie had the better action scenes?

>scene from the trailer is edited

I actually think retards browse this board

>saw all of it in the trailers
And that makes it bad why exactly? Seems to me you are just a memer.

I don't get people like you who claim the BvS fight was bad, yet they never can say why.
>he hit him with a sink
Wow, compelling argument. Civil War 10/10 no sink in it.

The dudes obviously running at him full speed as to tackle him so bats just tossed him over the back his shoulder.

Only good thing in BvS was Bat saving Sups mom I found Civil War much more fun to watch.

The only action scenes I actually enjoyed in BvS were
>Batman takes on all those guys while trying to save MARTHA
>parts of the BvS fight

All the rest range from mediocre to absolute shit, with the worst being the Doomsday fight. So I'm gonna have to go with Civil War.

Airport fight >>>>>>>>>>>>> anything else > BvS

This should tell you something

I was actually surprised at how well that scene turned out.

Clearly you cannot appreciate the better waifu.

Gal Gadot is a kike paid by Israeli shekels

While Olsen is a fine waifu who was excellent in Age of Ultron and really shines on Civil War.

>>MoS flashback with Bruce Wayne driving through Metropolis

Doesn't really count since its Batman being a civilian trying to save lives

>>Batmobile chase

Batman blows up a buncha guys. Superman bullies him with a threat. Ho-hum

>>BvS fight

5 minutes of two idiots beating each other up over a conflict that could have easily been resolved by sitting down

>>Batman vs thugs

Arguably only one of the better action sequences, but everything took place in the dark making the action ahrd to keep track of


...pretty epic I'd say. But there was so many dumb decisions (Zod + Lex blood = Doomsday, Superman deciding to sacrifice himself when a better option to beat Doomsday was available) that I couldn't really enjoy it. I'm just thankful I didn't see the trailer - if I had known how Doomsday had attacked, I might not have liked the final fight at all. And I was struggling.


>>Rumlow's heist in Africa

Really great fight. Good action sequences, and the day is almost saved, but a miscalculation leads to a consequence. Well done

>>Bucky chase & escape

Pretty innovative, including Tony's handy portable repulsor, and a formal introduction of the anti-banther panther. Only nitpick is Rhodes doing little at one point. But thats about it.

>>Airport fight

Sweet. Jesus.

So much was done in the airport fight. So much. So many great things. It literally was like seeing some of the best comic book fights brought to life. If the Doomsday fight was a one scoop ice cream cone, the Airport Fight is a 4 scoop banana split. With extra whipped cream, a cherry, and the waitress singing you Happy Birthday

>>Cap&Bucky vs Tony

Tight, intense, like a fight from The WInter Soldier. Very emotionally packed. Not as big as airport, but, it didn't need to be.


Civil War wins it. I know the contrarians will say BvS to anything but, really - Marvel put dedication into Civil War's fights.

Spider-Man 3 final brawl > Airport fight > BvS.


There was a huge tonne of casualties.

A huge tonne of Trust among the avengers

Not gonna lie fampai.

Spiderman 2's train sequence tops a lot of stuff in the MCU.

....but not the airport fight. The Airport fight is, literally, the best superhero fight in comics to date. Only thing superior to it is the final battle in the first Avengers movie.

And even that lacked magic and A MOTHERFUCKING GIANT MAN

Gadot doesn't play a moody teenager is not a womanlet :^)
truly God's Chosen People

I thought they really fucked up Giant Man, other than tossing War Machine around hilariously he was pretty useless.

Plus the Empire Strikes Back quip was probably the single most cringey line out of the entire MCU outside of the Thor movies.

I wanted more of Spidey vs Bucky/Falcon and Cap. When Spidey fucking reks the both of them it was pure bliss.

And here I thought DCfags saw themselves as "patrician", conservative and Sup Forumsitically correct.

How does it feel knowing that the current actress of Wonder Woman belongs to a race/religion you;re supposed to "hate"?

How did they fuck up Giant Man?

I'm not familiar with how it's handled in the comics but I thought the part in the movie was pretty great. Scott made mention that he had only tested it before and that he was still doubtful if he could pull it off, if not die from trying.

Then he did pull it off and was essentially the key to allowing Cap and Buck get away, since Scott tied up Iron Man, War Machine AND Spiderman for a considerable amount of time.

>Empire Strikes Back quip was probably the single most cringey line out of the entire MCU outside of the Thor movies.
hey how can I explain a tactic that everyone in the fucking world can understand.

>Batman lifts around 1 ton in comics
Hi there underage casual

That quip was fucking gold.

God, autists like you are the ones that make me cringe the most.

I wasn't ragging on it you stupid faggot.

what if I am a casual Sup Forums-poster and never cared about hating Jews?

some of them do shitty stuff, many do not. I honestly do not care enough to bother with anti-semitism.

Still Gal Gadot > Elizabeth Olsen
sorry if I hurt your feelings fäm

It could have been a good quip, but the line delivery and writing were incredibly poor and cringey.

It felt like it took 40 years to explain the plan, so long in fact that it was already half over by the time he'd finished explaining it.

Very poorly written.

Nice trips...

But I still find you cringe a lot more cringey than the actual line delivery.

Spidey did no wrong.

Batman has peak human strength. He's about as strong as a non-juiced Bane.

>>Batman vs thugs
This was an excellent action scene, no doubt about that. But it was so shockingly silly for Batman to immediately stop fighting Superman and somehow track down Martha and rescue her so quickly.

Wouldn't it have made more sense for Batman to go after Luthor and Superman to go after his mom? Since as far as I can recall neither Batman or Superman are lead to believe Luthor has a gigantic monster in the oven, and Superman is the one with the super-senses to find anyone in an instant.

Of course that wouldn't have worked because Clark has to be the one to face Lex and Doomsday, and Bruce needs his Freudian saviour moment, but man was that a convoluted mess.

Good action scenes are one thing, but if they don't have good contextual relevance they're not worth much. e.g. Star Wars OT vs prequel lightsaber fights.

BvS. Until that final fight which was overblown by cgi extravaganza.

The one that had actual actors and stuntmen for a majority of the fight in a properly lit stage

So the whole movie then.

No you didn't.

I just know you have bad taste :^)

MoS flashback was pretty cool, rest were shit.

Bucky's chase with Black Panther was great.
Airport fight was extremely underwhelming. The angles were uncomfortable and every single line said by Ant Man felt like a forced joke.

>super gets his ass whooped by a bathroom sink

DCucks will defend this with their lives

Here's your (you)

The empire strikes back line was pretty shitty. I actually groaned when I heard that line

The airport scene is the best in cape movies

Oh its another of those "Sup Forums is a bunch of hipsters, so they will claim to hate both movies, but they hate BvS less because its the less popular one" threads.

batman fight in the warehouse was the action highlight of the movie. The actual batman vs superman fight was pretty slow and clunky ...

>throw through wall.
>react/glare at one another
>smash through something else
>glare some more
>hit with sink
>grapple and struggle and glare

really wish there was better fight choreography and overall speed to it, like the warehouse fight.

civil war had more dynamic sequences, but the chaotic quick cuts were almost a little too much for me. Though it might just be a matter of personal taste.

Black Panther was pretty amazing. I was blown away by really all his fight scenes.

Superman Vs Doomsday was pretty alright. Nuking a villain is something I love to see and Superman just floating there was neat.

Overall though, civil war had it for me. That scene where bucky and cap are fleeing and bucky is fighting for his life and cap is trying to save the people. Well balanced, well done

Is that a decent camrip? For where

>Let's ignore plot and dialogue and character development for a moment.
Bay pls


When Bucky got all hyrda'd up and went straight Danny the Dog on pretty much the entire facility.

Dude practically soloed falcon, cap, stark, black widow, agent 13, and black panther. Just walking the halls dismantling people.

>1 ton
>peak human strength

HAHAHAHA you fucking morons are so pathetic.

The world record deadlift is 1000lbs.

A ton is 1000kg. Batman shits on anyone.

And does Bruce Wayne have the physique of a guy who can lift that kind of weight?

scarlet witch has tits and ass

gg no re

Civil War was fucking legit. The worst action scene was the first one, and that's saying something.


Civil War. Well fucking done.

Bucky escape > Batman vs thugs > Heist in Africa > Batmobile chase > Cap vs Tony > MoS flashback > Airport fight > BvS fight > Doomsday

Civil War. BvS was horrendous with all that shit CGI. It was distracting.

BvS, Civil War only good action scene was the airport fight and it wasn't even that the choreography, editing or cgi was good, it was only good because some of the characters had interesting powers.

Go here: (ignore the company wars s*posters; the thing is more that Winter Soldier {and even AoU} had better action scenes; the concern being Perlmuter taking over and corners cut because of it)

Civil War was vastly superior on every conceivable level, and the action scenes are no exception.

The only great sequence in BvS was the main event BvS fight which was really good. Everything else about that film was straight garbage.

>MoS flashback with Bruce Wayne driving through Metropolis
>Batmobile chase
>BvS fight
>Batman vs thugs
Lmao awful

Civil War
>Rumlow's heist in Africa
>Bucky chase
>Bucky escape
>Airport fight
>Cap&Bucky vs Tony

I'd say CW was better on the whole, but BvS had one that was just a cut above.

Civil War.

The airport fight is the best fight in any superhero movie ever.

>prove me wrong
You just did it.

>>Rumlow's heist in Africa


>captain america fight scenes
>literally 19 cuts in 5 seconds

I thought the action scenes were undoubtedly the worst parts of BvS. I dont know why you'd even ask this question.

>Spiderman 2's train sequence tops a lot of stuff in the MCU.

The two Peter vs Harry fights are incredible in 3. The second one especially.

Except for like that one truck, its might be the first superhero fight that didn't involve enormous explosions. It was 9/10.

He thought it was a water truck tho

Probably find it on kat or the bay...

Gee, user, that's a tough question because action scenes don't work without those little things like plot and dialogue and character development. Unless you're some kind of expert in choreography or special effects action scenes on their own don't hold much interest.
