ITT: Good movies no one saw

ITT: Good movies no one saw

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But I did

Good job. How'd you like it?

I liked this.

I liked it a lot, but I understand why plebs found it boring


Watched it years ago. Interesting

This movie is about a man named G.D. and his son, They shoot themselves into space in a circular ship to find a new world, because earth was getting so s**tty (Also because G.D.'s Wife kicked him out for f***ing his personal secretary {Yes, you do get to see it}). Anyway G.D.'s son grows up and they travel for a long time and eventually find an identical planet to earth.. G.D. send's Red (G.D.'s son) down with friends... They find it great but G.D. wants to blow the surface up for a totally clean start (And to get rid of the dinosaurs).. And to cut a long story short it becomes Satan (Red) versus God (G.D.). Recommended to everyone from 10-169 years old.. It has everything... Sex, Marijuana, Violence, Sex with Gorilla's and a great story line... Get it from your local video shop.

Go to Hell!! (1997)

Also, Hardware.

Plenty of people saw this.
I mean if your definition of everyone includes plebs seeing good shit, they aren't going to any time soon.

while deftly made, i thought both of these films fell apart in the final acts. A Most Violent Year more so. great performances overall in both.

Saw at a bootleg theatre in Cambodia. Pretty OK movie, but... it's just missing something. Sorta' goes nowhere. Reminds me of Shoe Me A Hero in that way: great acting, CHAMELEON performance from Oscar as usual, really well produced... but just lacking in story.

Good, but pretty unmemorable.

i dug Hardware back when i saw it ages ago. decent low-budget cyberpunk (post-apocalyptic industrial punk?) flick. too bad Stanley never got anything going after the Dr Moreau debacle.

i saw it and loved it

>but... it's just missing something.
My reaction upon seeing it, too. I felt like it was an anti-crime movie, y'know. Like you're expecting for him to go hard criminal throughout the movie but it never happens. It almost felt like this was exactly the point, I dunno.

Yeah, I really need to re-watch.


>that vr sex scene
i fapped like crazy back then

> Like you're expecting for him to go hard criminal throughout the movie but it never happens. It almost felt like this was exactly the point, I dunno.

I think that was definitely the point. I felt like I got trolled when I walked out. Not necessarily a bad thing I guess.

as i see it, the movie is about a guy who refuses to become a criminal despite the circumstances. it's just the tale of a "lawful good" character.
it's funny how he's so similar and so different at the same time to vito corleone

Seems like we agree. That probably was the point, then.

This is pretty good, but the whole movie is some dudes sitting around a big table having a conversation.

>I am your Greatest Ally Goyim: The Movie

Not even meming, this movie is about the suffering of being a shabbos goyim. He was literally striving to be the guy who lights the jews ovens on the sabbath.

His sacrifice of his own people to earn that honor was symbolic.

>but the whole movie is some dudes sitting around a big table having a conversation
>implying this is a bad thing
It's one of the reasons I like 12 Angry Men.

it wasn't a good movie, it tried way too hard to be the godfather or something. how can you guys like this?

You need to understand that it is the anti-godfather when watching it, then you will get more enjoyment out of it.

Its not about a racial minority carving out their place among the american ruling class, its about an individual eschewing his racial collective to earn the place of scion within the preexisting machinery of the big city.


>no one saw

I'm all for dialogue-driven movies, don't get me wrong. I didn't expect exploding Jews or anything. I just thought there'd at least be some:
>record scratch
>I guess you're wondering how I got to be at this secret Nazi meeting...
cutaways or something.

I'll check out 12 Angry Men.

Wtf I don't see the grand mufti, how is this about the formulation of the idea to commit the holocaust? That happened in palestine.

this movie is in my top 5
i thought it was better than the godfather
no bully pls

Does Jessica Chastain get naked in this?

Anything by Andrezj Zulawski besides Possession

fucking love these movies

your not wrong buddy.

The Counselor
Killing them Softly
Killer Joe


Not saying it wasn't decent, but how the fuck do you justify this?


Is that title a reference to Hannah?


Munich was so fucking good. Easily my favorite of Spielberg's, need to watch it again soon.

>muh six million

Six million what? There was only 2.4 mil jews in Europe and 14 mil world wide.

After the world war ended, 2.8 mil jews got reparations and the world jewish population has only sunk by -200k.

>mfw that movie
The sympathetic portrayal of hezbollah terrorists was absolutely haram

OP here. I liked it a lot but not as much as you apparently.

Apocalypse Now > The Godfather 2 > The Godfather tho

This looks really cool.
Gonna check it out.

idk, i just liked it a lot. everything about it was great: acting, pacing, script and i loved the minimal approach the movie took, barely showing the violence but implying it exists all the time.

>tried way too hard
ah, the lazy person's shortcut to critical thinking.

>how can you like this?
because it was a mature portrayal of a working man trying hard not to resort to criminal activity again. some movies, like books, a person has to have some sort of real life experience to fully appreciate the narrative.

I love how everybody who praises this movie ignores the overtly jewish themes in this movie.

It's really good. Can't say much about it cause I don't want to spoil it but it's a fun ride all the way through.

JIDF go away

JIDF want to make out that the movie is about le honest hardworking man becoming some randian superhero in a gritty realistic setting, when in fact its a tragedy about the life of the shabbos goyim.


you don't say

>oy vey goyim the only honest thing to do here is to bend you over a barrel and ream your asshole until you like it
>you wouldn't want to lose the opportunity to service our jewish suburb in queens, would you?

thats a cool cover


oh shit there's a blu ray of this now? Is it torrentable?


On the Silver Globe is well overdue for a proper restoration.

What size you got there breh?



I'll bite, tell me about these jewish undertones. As far as I remember, the only jew in the movie was his lawyer


Some things you have to be from NYC to know:

The 'new market' he was battling for control over (Forest HIlls) is a suburb that formed in Queens around the time of the film populated by wealthy jews who dominate local real estate interests. Catering to their need for crude oil is how the protagonist intends to rise to predominance amongst the aristocracy of New York City. He is specifically facing a crisis whereby his need to court the business of this rising enclave of upper class merchants is at odds with what brought him to his presently uplifted circumstances (namely his financial relationship with a holdover of the anglo-saxon old-money aristocracy of New York).

In the film, he is forced to resist engagement with the conflict running through the portion of his industry still managed by WASP interests as well as the tribal affiliations symbolized by his south american employee and the politics of the union men in order to earn the business and blessing of the Jewish merchants who could potentially enable him to rise to the same station as his former WASP patrons.

Its about a man who has the choice of remaining within the commercial machinery of an embattled, waning ethnic ruling class, forging some kind of ethnic establishment based on his own heritage, or rising to the status of a singular industrialist with the much narrower immediate family-oriented model that is commonly practiced by the various .1% jewish families.

The explicit plot is literally about gaining control over a new market of rich, jewish business interests forming in a small sector of Queens and culminates with a victory won through the blessing of a Jewish patriarch.

>onlyjew I remember was his lawyer

I don't know what movie you were watching m8. You realize he bought his storage facility at the end from a hasid?

the 6.6 im doin to yer right now is seeding at less than 1 mb/s right now. You finna help a brother out?

Did I redpill you bro?

Halfway through watching it i thought it might be a dead-of/dark-side-of-the-american-dream kind of movie, where the guy thinks he can 'make it' by honest hard work but in reality it's his wife is doing the dirty work behind his back. But the ending showed me wrong.

No .

thanks for the discussion blue balls you fucking JIDF

So wolf of wolf street: wasp edition?

Munich was good.


Not at all my manz. Main character is a beaner.

Its more like Eyes Wide Shut: Jew-naming edition.

Does yours have three different english subs?

What up with that?

great fiilm