The modern day question

The modern day question

Trump or Clinton Sup Forums?

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Its like asking do you want to be shot or stabbed?

If you believe that polls are somewhat accurate...

Clinton 79% to be POTUS
Trump 19%


Anyone but Hillary

We need Trump, if Hillary wins I hope there will be pew pew pew

if trump wins it proves America is retarded

holy fuck

Since its late in the more populous regions of America, I take it that I can actually have a logical discussion here for the time being.

She's got 40 years worth of dirt, and more skeletons in her closet than a mass grave in Cambodia.
List of people she's had killed:

If someone thinks Hillary is the lesser of any evils, they've never heard of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
She's a shady, corrupt, two-faced liar who easily bows to corporate interests and pressure from Wall Street while paying lip service to the American left's ideals. That is, unless she's trying to pander to centrists and moderate conservatives, in which case she's suddenly just a pragmatic moderate liberal. The majority of scandals against her have been just smear campaigns via yellow paging, most made up within recency by the Republicans, but many hold honest legitimacy. The biggest she should be in prison right now is because she hid emails containing CLASSIFIED GOVERNMENT INTELLIGENCE IN A PRIVATE EMAIL SERVER. A server which was then hacked into. She then also ordered the server wiped prior to handing it over to the Justice Dept. or FBI or whoever subpoenaed it. That's evidence tampering, and that's ILLEGAL.
Don't also forget that she LIED UNDER OATH MULTIPLE TIMES, back when she claimed there was no classified information on said server, which the government found. That is perjury.
But, of course, Hillary won't be punished because politicians are above the law apparently.

She is a criminal, violating laws against governmental bribery, as she has been paid millions of dollars from countries like Saudi Arabia in exchange for foreign policy concessions.
Basically every political situation or task she has been in since the early 90's have all devolved into the most horrid of failures, like her policies which have gone down in flames or the time she threw an aide under the bus and he killed himself.

Underage ban

Obvious dumb-ass

mother of god

dubs like this can't lie

Keked and checked.
You beat me to saying it.

3 of the same dubs

Hopefully Hillary gets indicted before July 25th

If you think the sjws and feminazis are bad now.. wait till clinton is elected.

Donald Trump because he has bigger tits

Crooked Hilary or meme President. I choose Trump all the way, not even joking. Hilary is fucking shady, one of the most corrupt politicians, lied on camera and interviews too many to count. And uses the gender card because she's a female.


Oh god, no, please...

Ben Shapiro 2016

Not too sure why but this statement made me grin.

Nice post, agreed. This is all public information

Yeah, but Trump is not the kind of person I want in charge of the nukes.

I'll take evil over stupid any day.

>having to pick between Hilary and Trump


I can see it now. Hillary passes a bill forcing toilets to be 4 ft off the ground so men have to pee sitting down. Also outlaw urinals.

Gary Johnson or Jill Stein.

Trump is the first real choice we've had in decades. Clinton, Romney, Obama, McCain, Bush, Kerry, Gore, Dole, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Dukakis, all of them were just a vote for The Government. Trump is a vote for The People.

Underrated post

I'd vote for Mateen buz he's R.I.P. sweet prince



I do not want trump to become president, i want him to become KING TRUMP

I'm a liberal, and even I can admit Trump is the president we deserve, but I think we deserve him as punishment for putting up with Bush/Obama. We are bad citizens and we brought this on ourselves. Clinton is just more of the shit we've had for the past 16 years, so I won't be voting for her either. Trump may be a punishment, but allowing politicians like Clinton is why we deserve to be punished.

No, Trump is not punishment. The average liberal pansy will have a better life. It’s only “people” like Clinton, George Soros, Jeff Bezos, Angela Merkel, Islamic terrorists and crime gangs who are going to be punished. So then how is making America great again a bad thing? Can you provide me with anything he has said that would be bad for America?



The weebs are for Trump.

Can you name a better reason not to vote for him?


This isn't the Empire from Star Wars or the Cobra from G.I. Joe or NOD from C&C kind of evil though. It's the kid who got good grades but bullied other kids but teachers never did shit cuz he's a good kid kind of evil. You know, THAT, evil.
I must agree though, Trump does lack the social skills that Hillary does have.

The biggest threat we have today is feminists. Theyve allready ruined 2 generations of males. Voting for hillary would be disasterous. Better to vote for trump. Atleast we get a cool wall out of it.

Agreed, and Trump is only able to be real due to independent wealth. Those roaches you mentioned suck the tit of the establishment.

If Trump loses, I don't see another rogue billionaire stepping up.

Seems pretty fucking obvious to me.

Not Clinton

I lean Republican and can't stand the sound of Hilary's voice, but I'd still vote for her over Trump. I think Trump's a boss and all, but he'd make a terrible President.

This nigga cheating

>Trump is only able to be real
oh cmon the fuck on. do you really believe his shit? The dude can't keep his story straight from day to day. you really think he is out there to help you out? fuck. he is 1% elite, he doesn't give a fuck about you, not in a million years.


He doesn't have an increasing body count like Killary does.

Luv ya Sup Forumsro

This. Look at the logic of these faggots. No weeb president

>I lean republican
still votes for Hillary.

kill yourself faggot

Man I love Latinos.

>Trump does lack the social skills that Hillary does have.

I'd say the opposite actually. Trump knows how to lie, how to work an audience, how to "sell".. that is what he fucking does, he sells shit.

Hillary is pretty shitty in front of a group of people. She isn't dynamic. She isn't interesting.

Germanon here. I think the americans want a great man to lead their country and not a fucking criminal Cunt like Hillary... She should have been already arrested by the feds for that email scandal! I bet america will elect Donald Trump and that will lead to 8 years full of topkeks!

king trump?

She is a woman though. Anyone for any liberal values are pretty much put between a rock and a hard place given they find themselves disagreeing with something she says.

Literally hang yourself

Or just don't vote

Trump has no need to lie. He's got anything he wants

For decades he has talked about reforming our economy

TFW we'll have a grandma as a president.

I can validate that your first statement won't work on a person like him.

using clinton news network
obamas not doing a good job, i know because i saw a fox news poll on it

The gods have spoken.

I fucking despise both of them but fuck man as much as I'm mostly conservative Trump isn't getting a vote for me. I fell for bush but I'm not falling for trump, I used to vote ego>plans but now I'm voting plans>ego. Hillary2016

Come on man, that's like holding a vote in Tumblr and DeviantArt.
We all know CNN is a globalist network, which means it's focal point is primarily liberal politics. That shit dun work mate.

i didnt realize it was possible to start from retard and go full circle back to pants on head retarded
thanks hillary shill

KANEY 2020

I'll just leave this here...

I found the millennial.
Underage b&.

can't stop the trumpster!

"I didn't realize it was possible to start from retard..." How is it retarded to not vote for someone with incoherent plans, outlandish ideas, and piss poor language? I think that's quite fair.

Just a prank.

Yeah, now underage confirmed.


It's retarded not to include the post number that you're responding to in your response.


trump masterace

wait what the odds of this happening? Has Kek approved of Trump?

Trump, no more affirmative action Presidents.

Title : This video will get Donald Trump Elected

>right on women's issues
>right on taxing the rich
>right on helping the middle class from economic recession
>right on the environment
>right on reducing prison population
>right on education
>right on helping abroad instead of killing abroad
>right about common sense gun control
>right on health care
>right on immigration
>right on min wage increase

Trumpfags are either racist rednecks or racist fat kids.





I'm autistic.

No bully pls.


Holy fuck me, close.

how much exactly does one get paid to shill for hillary?
is it enough to legit not care about your country?

>taxing the rich

you seriously believe she'll tax the peoples who paid for her campain ?

I'll be voting for trump, simply because if you google "trump nudes" The only results you get are trump's lovely trophy wife ...nayked...

but if you google "hillary nudes" you get this shit. pic related


Is okay. Russiya brother no kill retard pussy boy. Retard pussy boy is good kid.
Mak Russiya great again!

A trump presidency is a massive leap in the wrong direction. The man is a witless demagogue. The only thing he can do is feed the anti-establishment sentiment to ride that hate train. Hillary isn't the ideal candidate, and she's far from trustworthy, but she's a career politician. She isn't going to burn everything to the ground and in 4 to 8 years with her, we'll still be recovering like we have been. Also, fucking lol at the "she's a murderer" comments. How many times does that need to be debunked?

Tl;dr - Trump bad man who hurt country. Hillary just pat country gently.

Observing the Comment to Commentor ratio, we can safely assume that , , , and are same fagging.

debunk it for me please. havent seen it done once
also shes a literal rape apologist with ties to big business
go back to campaign headquarters and ask for more money, your heart just isnt in it at this payrate

god I hate that question...

I wanted Gary Johnson, and still want Gary Johnson, to be president.

Now, most of the times I've voted, I've gone for the candidates I like the most, regardless of their party, regardless of if they are "going to win" (which a fucking stupid number of Americans do, they simply try to decide who will win and who their friends will vote for, which is retarded).

This year, most likely, I'd vote for Johnson.

This year I'm going to suck it up, take a stiff shot of whiskey before I do, and vote for Clinton. Mind you, I fucking HATE HATE HATE her. I have a number of friends who are former secret service and capital police who worked there during the Clinton era, and they have nothing but horrible stories about what a cunt she is, even to those who are there to protect her life (they universally love Bill and his pot smoking self).

But I can't fucking stand Trump. He's a compulsive liar, he has ZERO idea what's happening in the world (Scotland? Really Donald?), he's nothing but a loud mouth, ignorant fuckbag. So this time around I'm simply voting against a candidate. I won't sit around and let that orange dickbag be president.

fucking kill me and/or bomb KAPITOL hill™ that's our only way out

the spook of choice got me clawin' at the throats of every vulture capitalist that controls this whole shitshow

Double fours for trump!

Hilary, I want to see the US President in a berka.

But we already have Obama.

trump. people are tired of political establishment bullshit