Films that turned Sup Forums into a mess

We all know pic related was the uncontested champion for 2012, but what about other years?

2016 already goes to BvS.

i really, really loved Prometheus

prolly cos Alien is my favorite movie since i was like 7 and im biased to everything in the universe but still...

2011 - the dark knight rises
2012 - the dark knight rises
2013 - the dark knight rises
2014 - the dark knight rises
2015 - the dark knight rises
2016 - the dark knight rises


For you

>2016 already goes to BvS

>implying it didn't
I don't think I've ever seen a single movie generate so much console war style fanboy shitflinging and falseflagging on this board as BvS did.

Ignore my post. I thought this was a different thread

Truthfully I am struggling to think of anything for 2014 and 2015. What did we argue about, anyone?

it still makes me laugh, big guy .

some 2014 contenders the turned /tv into a shitfest were Guardians of the Galaxy, Interstellar, the Hobbit part 3, the Lego Movie and Gods Not Dead.

only god forgives

that movie was the biggest pile of shit

>the Hobbit part 3

on the contrary, we were pretty united in hating it

>What did we argue about, anyone?
whether or not Rust was shooting at God, Bane

2012 - tdkr
2013 - 12 Years a Slave
2014 - foxcatcher
2015 - TFA
2016 - BvS

>2013 - 12 Years a Slave
Man of Steel came out that year.

do you have a problem with me?

>t. Shit flinging Cameron fag

District 9

Game of thrones was the cancer that finally killed Sup Forums.

Ya and I love Alien too, and also enjoy Aliens and even Alien 3 to a degree. Prometheus was fucking trash and felt like a bad sci-fi episode of scooby doo teenagers run amok.

Nah, I love Alien too, this movie felt like a fucking mess, the thing that is pulling a blindside on you is the fact that it looks very very pretty, its in the service of nothing though. Wasnt there suppose to be a sequel to explain all the fucking bullshit?

its coming out next year, its actually supposed to be a trilogy or quadrology iirc("prometheus" alone, not counting the alien series and alien 5, tho they now renamed it to Alien:Covenan so i dont even fucking know what happening anymore...)

I am now reminded that there is another Alien movie being made, and by transit I am reminded of Ghostbusters being remade. Did you know that the cast of the new movie was almost the Always Sunny in Philadelphia crew?

No, Eagle.

>you know that the cast of the new movie was almost the Always Sunny in Philadelphia crew

huh?of which movie?

anyway, its fucking weird, im not sure how the franchise works now.

iirc, Prometheus was supposed to be 3(or 4?)movies separated from the original 4 Alien movies, but now the new "Prometheus" is called Alien and Neil Hackcamp is making a new, "new" Alien 5 so i dont even know anymore....

they are prolly trying to start a whole fucking "universe" with all the marvel and dc hype now

>2014 - foxcatcher
I don't recall it being mentioned once on Sup Forums


ungrateful ape spotted

sign of a classic
one might call it... kino?

For you...