Misophonia thread, the hatred of sounds

Misophonia thread, the hatred of sounds.
I hate eating sound and mouth smacking. How to get rid of this problem?

Sniffing makes me want to kick someone in the ribs


I had that for a couple of years, now i completely ignore it. It entirely depends on whos making the sound, well at least for me.

I have to wear earplugs every time I go tosleep because I cannot stand the noise around me

superglue your mouth shut or get a feeding tube inserted so you can bypass it alltogether.

then just avoid people

Every mouthsmack from anyone makes me cringe in agony. I've become a perfectly silent eater myself.
I've been trying to rid myself of this issue for a long time, but there seems to be no cure. Psychologist, doctor, priest, friends, parents, boss, ear-ringing-clinic.... Nobody seems to know what's going on or how to improve it.

Yup. I have irrational rage when someone smacks their mouth when eating. I've lost friends over it. I can't stand excessively loud sneezing or coughing either. Rustling and faffing with wrappers and papers will send me into a rage as well. Dragging of feet in flip flops will do it too. Scraping knives and forks on plates etc will piss me off. All excessive noise basically. I always hate the person after I just categorise them as a Neanderthal and hate them for being such a basic animal.

This is normally related to hearing other peoples eating sounds, not own eating sounds. Is there a cure?


Are you me?

You listed nearly every single sound I've been having issues with, though the fork and plate sound is not bad for me.
Fork and plate sound is not pleasant, but all the other sounds are, for me, just so much worse, making fork-and-plate trivial to endure.

It's called being a lonely prick who expresses his own superiority in every possible nit picky way, down to chewing and opening of mouths and loud sighs.

I have it too, and that's what it is. Just submit to the sound because you can't control what noises other people excrete via their poorly applied, uncaring, ape-like use of motor functions.

It's called being an autistic dick.

Go deaf.
Get to a psychologist and go through therapy to learn to cope.
Only choices.

super super super light sleeper birds wings flapping wake me up.

But the sound that drives me insane is the labored mouth breathing of fat people.

here is the secret:
literally get over your fucking self
you think everyone needs to reduce themselves to zero for you?
how bout you stop being a long sufferiing fake silent faggot and get into real life
people make sounds
you do too
do you put a speculum up your ass for silent farting?
then fuck you

Expose yourself to it. Go listen to some crappy ASMR stuff, get mad for a while, get used to it and finally just ignore it altogether. Worked for me for the most part.

You must hate getting oral, shit must suck.

When I was in highschool there was this bitch in my econ class who would clear her nasal passage while simultaneously snorting and she would do it every couple minutes or so. I had to sit through an hour of that shit every morning and I was so disgusted by it. Shit drove me absolutely fucking insane.

ITT: we rage over thing that we shouldnt

ITP: you pretend there is no cock in your eye

stop dining with other people.

dine on other people