What will this even be about?

What will this even be about?


Other urls found in this thread:


>muh POC

Muh black wall street
Muh Tulsa riots



Great. Now I pay money to fund tv that is aimed to make me feel bad for being white.
You done it again, America...



Looks like I'm gonna cancel my subscription.

You pay money for Netflix? Well then you were always a cuck to begin with

how much is MTV paying for this shit lel



>it's now okay to openly put down white people

Now I'm starting to see why niggers were slaves instead of treated as an equal. Just give them just a bit of power, and they start to turn on you. Just when will the madness end.

why is it always the same, things bait white people and become successful and then they push their agenda on us when they have summoned enough white people

Dear black people: You don't like it here? Then go back to Africa where it's so much better. Get over it, stop playing the victim.

Can we please make a new ebin meme called dear black people and piss sjw's supporting this off on twitter.

it's okay, Trump will be president soon and there will be a race war

you're like a year late to the party

Cue the oppressed white men that has been spoonfed everything by their racist ancestors to cry about this some more.

I love it.

These pretzels are making me racist!

i'm so annoyed at the same old cuckservative comments on these sort of things


just annoying ill informed knee-jerk reactions

Dear black people, please stop raping white women.

>give a voice to those too often unheard in our culture
rap, hip hop, r&b

I watched this movie and I just couldn't for the life of me figure out if it was neoliberal or anti-neoliberal. Maybe it's because of me being european rather than american. But then again, the credits 'racist fratparty' montage made it lean heavily towards the former.

Stuff like this gets made because white people will get triggered and give it more publicity just like OP is doing right now

Jesus Christ before all this social justice shit started coming about circa 2011, I really liked black people, I was super sympathetic to them, and would be the first person to defend them if I felt they were being victimised at the hands of racism.

But now I'm a bona fide racist, I didn't ask for this to happen, and I wish I wasn't, but now when I see blacks I just see whiny entitled cunts with a disgusting culture who've made no contributing to the world, the sight of them makes me angry. IF YOU HATE THE WEST SO MUCH GO BACK TO AFRICA WE'D BE BETTER OFF WITHOUT YOU.

They're entire culture is just being either victims or criminals, "black" movies and music are about one of two things - "White people are evil and we are/ we were treated really bad"or "I love crime, crime is great, Gangsta OG, murder murder, drugs drugs." Nice culture, faggots.

I realised a little while ago that I've never met a black person IRL who wasn't a cunt.

If you're white and still paying for Netflix after this you deserve your fate.

Dear black people, stop shooting each other then blaming us on the bodies.

None of the negroes here were born in Africa.

You sound as stupid as the nigs that say all Europeans should go back to Europe.

We are all stuck here together, nothing short of civil war, decades of suffering and tens of millions of deaths will change that.

>dear black people
stop being niggers

>i'm so annoyed i have no counter to a logical question
Sucks for you.

The racewar hasn't started yet, so he is still in time.

Nice meme

Go to bed Krager

This has potential

They'll always have point. It doesn't matter if one's side been living in shit or not.

If people want equality they shouldn't do shit like that.


no i'm annoyed that so many people that probably share my sentiment are so poor at formulating the reason for their stances

liberals are much better at this, all your random cuckservative seems to do is knee-jerk at things

Dear black people, please stop claiming to be law abiding when half of your culture revolves around crime.


It's happening

Eat shit nigger.

How is there enough material there for a god damn tv show?!?
Cucks are going to love it tho, they will gather around the tv weekly to have their privilige checked

Merely a coincidence goy

>tfw Sup Forums was right again

Dear black people, ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga

>Want equality
Equality is not what this is about.

>it's a dyke jew

My fucking sides

>it's a Sup Forums gets offended by anything episode


I wonder how many people actually watched the movie
It makes fun of blacks just as much as whites

They've got no chance as long as Ben is on our side.

>tfw jewish
I keep getting convinced more and more that my own race is evil

Then what do they want? Take over as the dominant race?

Fuck them, then.

No both liberals and conservatives largely argue on emotion but liberals are far more guilty of this. Hence the term "bleeding heart."

Case in point: anti-trump and "Bernie Bros" arguments in general being emotionally driven rhetoric that means nothing

"Trump is Hitler", " muh free everything "

It just doesn't add up to a logical argument but when you have the loudest voice you can just shout down anyone that doesn't agree with you.

Yes but the problem is they're always saying how much they hate America or Europe, always saying how their African ancestors were put down by the white man, the whole "not MY flag" thing accompanied by American flag burning proves this, if they love Africa so much they should go back to either
A: The parts of Africa ravaged by civil war and chaos.
B: The prehistoric tribal parts of Africa where they can have fun putting bones through their septums.
C: Go to South Africa, which is a nice country, but I guarantee that it's more racist than America.

most will actually find it funny and laugh it off

whites can take a joke
blacks can't

most of them are "i wun dat gib me" instead of actually working for what they want

You've never seen the movie, have you. If anything, generalized white hate looks dumb. Look at the title, for Christsake, it's literally a racist title--that's the joke.

>The film version of “Dear White People” began life in 2012 as a concept trailer, which Simien paid for with his tax refund.

anyone getting that large of a tax refund is either top 1% or too stupid to figure out their own taxes, and therefore has nothing worth listening too.

>about students at an ivy league school

Just because the fucking elite is white doesn't make all whites elite. It's like calling all nig's dindu's, except with a much MUCH lower statistical likely-hood of being correct.

Seriously question: who watched the film here?
Because it was highly controversial among the sjw


"Black people can't be racist"


Do people actually believe that?

>None of the negroes here were born in Africa.
No shit Sherlock.
But they all seem to have this attitude like "we wiz kings and shit until whitey came along and took us from our home", actually pretending that they wish (their ancestors weren't shipped over here, and) that they didn't live in America surrounded by their enemy. Nothing is stopping them from leaving if they feel it's so bad here.

wew lad

>n-nuh uh! liberals do it more often!
Conservatives conveniently ignoring more than 60 years of vocal and artistic repression in the name of 'good morals' and God.

Ive thought about this before and for some reason I find nothing wrong with this
>but who will be against each other black vs white,black vs light skinned blacks,Mexicans and whites vs all blacks,Mexicans and blacks against all whites???
Sombody help me with this on how the war would go down


It lobs softballs at blacks while going straight for the jugular with whites. I will agree that it's not completely one-sided but you can tell they were pulling punches when it came to black issues and then acted like racist frats and other relatively small-scoped things were emblematic of white culture as a whole.

Why is it considered completely fine to stereotype and put down white people?

Lowest ratings for a Netflix show, yet?

it's the feds shitposting
COINTELPRO internet style

liberal society

>he still thinks Israel stole land from the Palestinians

literally wake the fuck up

good, it will kill it sooner.


so yes

>being so neocolonialized that you fall for the diversity is what made the USA a powerhouse meme

>going straight for the jugular with whites

But Sup Forums told me nonwhites cant insult whites effectively. Why so fragile? :^)

>I don't have a point so I'll just pretend like I already presented an argument and won

I'm strictly talking about emotionally driven rhetoric. Liberals are far more guilty of this. Also

>maybe if I just trivialize his point with greentext I won't have to acknowledge it

Let me guess, you read dailykos and subscribe to OccupyDemocrats on Facebook?

You're asking that on a board where the consensus is "if you don't use the word nigger you're a cuck".

You idiots have no self-awareness at all.

That makes absloutely no sense. It's a flagrantly illiberal idea.

Nice convenient change of definition you people made.

Wonder how the next change will be and how well it'll fit your arguments.

Maybe because there's no effective insults for whites like there are for nonwhites.

You don't really get offended by this stuff, do you? Cuck.


time to cancel, not what i want my money to go to.

There's a reason why cops are their natural predators.


The whole movie was about the main character realizing that she was trying to act like a Black Panther to overcompensate for having a white dad, and then dating a white guy because muh Ophelia complex.

It was also about how black people hate gays.

I would love to read your take on it. You can't deny that it's true, though. I'm asking because this whole thing confuses the hell out of me.

>if you don't use the word nigger you're a cuck

Nice hyperbole, faggot.

Dont be. If you are askhenazi, then you are the true masterrace. I wish I was Jewish.


Fuck off, Milo. We all know you love circumcised dicks, you jewish cuck.


Yet you have no answer for that question.

I don't mind blacks, they seem ok, I enjoy much of their music and such, I just don't want to live next to one irl, or anywhere where they make up more than ~5% of the population.

>emotionally driven rhetoric
Oh, you mean bullshit no one cares about? Well, that's surely destroying those precious Western values.

Conservatives actively and successfully repressed artists and openly censored media; even at their best liberals nowadays can only manage to, say, get an openly racist employee fired from a big company. That hardly takes any push.

But keep pretending this hasn't been going on for decades and conservatives haven't been doing it far more often and far more successfully than others. All in the name of God, mind you.

black SJWs on twitter have repeatedly stated that the only reason homophobia is so rampant in the black community is because of white people who invented homophobia and invented the system of white supremacy/patriarchy in which the whole world has to live in

in short it was imposed on them by white people's systems (!?)
whatever that means

also white dudes be gay on down low bruh

How come?

Firstly I don't see that in the Oxford Dictionary definition

Secondly, so if a powerful black person (Spike Lee, Morgan Freeman, I dunno, Obama even) were to say something derogatory about white people then they'd be racist according to your definition?

I remember when I used to think people on this site had thick skin.

>more attention is diverted to horseshit racial "inequalities" than actual tangible problems such as dwindling natural resources and climate change


>also white dudes be gay on down low bruh
/fit/ confirms that, though

>inb4 the "[board] is not one person" mee-mee

It will be about thousands of Netflix accounts being cancelled.

>What will this even be about?
What was the movie even about? I watched it and it seemed like it was trying to insult white people but failed, and there was maybe one or two black people who seemed normal while everyone else was an SJW.