ITT: TV and Film MEN don't understand

ITT: TV and Film MEN don't understand

I'm a man btw

>TV and Film MEN don't watch

fixed that for you and your wife's son

only reason why i watch this shit show


i understood it pretty well, women can be disgusting when men aren't around

it's sex and the city but with funny people

why is it so forward looking again?

>we're whores and slobs from Manhattan who love drugs

What's there to understand?


Nah he's not wrong. She's got nice legs and cute tits but her face is way too jewish

I actually enjoy this show greatly. Also checked

>watching a show about women

>Jewish American Princess Dykes: The show featuring Hillary Clinton

What is there to get?

Yet somehow she's prettier than any human being you'll ever have contact with. Ever.

I understand this show plenty well.

>enjoying it is the same as understanding it


That's an opinion, not a fact. Take some deep breaths, it's just the internet ;^)




The show goes from comfy to Curb Your Enthusiasm so fast my cringe gland starts to hurt.

this is kino

This show seems relevant to my interests. I'll have to check it out.


Come back here when you're 18.

Any nude scene with her?


I think you meant for

What are some films which extol traditional feminine virtues?

Also, it has to be the thematic core of it. It can't be just like a subplot.


>i understood it pretty well, women can be disgusting when men aren't around

this is part of the "humor" that I don't understand.

like yes, we know, women can be disgusting too. But that in and of itself doesn't make anything funny or interesting. It just sets the premise that these people are slobs.

Where's the wit? The banter? The setup? The jokes?

I really enjoy this show but the Hillary episode was painfully cringey.

True, I don't understand being a Jewish cunt.

Hillary's camp has been terrible at appealing to millennials.

Don't waste your time man there isn't any of that, just masterbate to it like everyone else does and call it a day.

She actually looks pretty fucking good when not "in character". Plus that is one he'll of a high test bod.

>everyone likes Ilana
Good, more Abby for me. I want to bite down on dat ass


Thought I was the only one

>it's an Ilana gets what she deserves episode

Je, tu, il, Elle
Il deserto rosso
A Woman Under the Influence
Vivre sa Vie
Ascenseur pour l'échafaud
Scener ur ett äktenskap
Jeanne Dielman, 23 Commerce Quay, 1080 Brussels
La Religieuse
Matrimonio all'italiana
Tagebuch einer Verlorenen
Лeтят жypaвли
Io La Conoscevo Bene

Boys only "understand" 2nd rate shit like Fight Club and Donnie Darko.

>generally mistrust and dislike jews because of their leanings toward cultural marxism and globalization
>I want to empty myself into this goofy looking girl
What is wrong with me?

Well, have you considered becoming a Jew?

I mean, it's silly not to play for the winning side!

I actually considered converting so I could go meet Jewish chicks at the synagogue social events, then it turned out they have to cut off my foreskin. Fuck that barbaric shit.

>watching something shit just for a girl

Why not just watch porn you fucking mongoloid?

my normie black roommate watches this
its just not funny ever, why does it exist

what fucking logic is that m8y, if he lives in such a shithole then his waifus should be examplary, not subpar

I didn't know boobs could get that bouncy.

dem thighs, good lawd
