Walk into wife's room see this what do?

Walk into wife's room see this what do?

>wife's room

Laugh at that bitch for trying to call it her room in my house.

Oh and also shoot nigger and bitch and mover on

Film it and post it on Sup Forums

ask myself why wife has her own room and why I'm married to hambeast



Wonder where my 9/10 gf is and wonder why my wife is fat.

is it me or does that nigger not have balls ?

lick balls

Apologize for not being there to prep the bull.

Tell her to get off of that poor woman.

turn 360 degrees and walk away then fap to the thought of someone else pleasing my wife

Please explain this process

First post best post

This says it all.

Kick that white bitch out. And yell at your "wife" (assuming the black dude is your "wife").


Initially be mad then wonder why I never noticed her cock before.

call the police because my wife is getting raped!!

when would i ever be married lol



Hey fuck off randy


Wonder why his balls look so deflated

you mean a 180 fucking retard a 360 would land you facing the same way

Applaud her on owning her sexuality. Hope that she experiences hours of fast tight slams. Put a pot of tea on simmer the stove for her when he gets done

Newfag alert

my wife isn't white

hi newfag!!!!!!!!!

>having separate room from your wife
>ugly as fuck wife with disgusting blown out ass hole
>being fucked by shitskin with empty saggy balls, obvious low testosterone

Immediately divorce

wonder when my wife grew a big black dick and why she's fucking some white lady with it

I would congrat her for being fucked by the only nigger in my country. I live in a dindu-free country btw


turn 360,000 degrees, get dizzy and pass out

>castrate and shoot nigger
>claim self defense

gimme your address
so i can punch your larynx through your fat fucking neckbeard
this gorilla will fucking stomp your fucking fat virgin face in
come on harambe wants your address pussy
talk shit

weeb detected

>fuck in ass to establish dominance
>then kill
>rape wife afterwards to dominate more
>then hang myself
>then at the gate fuck satan in the ass to >establish ultimate dominance
>become new satan
>former satan is my sissy sex slave

219 E Main Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73104

come at me bro

Warriors blew y'all the fuck out


once he is done, I would offer her some cream to get rid of the zits on her ass, but wait until he is done, it would be rude to interrupt - especially if he paid up front.


Go check on my daughter

Assert my position as the Alpha male by violently mating with the black dude.


Ask him where did he get the girl from

sit in the corner and fap furiously

the dollar tree

Turning that many times exactly cancels out the dizzy effect retard. You would need to either turn one extra revolution or one less for it to work. Newfag suspected

You'll be married once you learn how to fuck off. By the the way your fish sticks suck

>remove pantaloons
>do a 720°
>bend over making sure to arch my back

massage my blackcockmasters prostate

Cradle his testes

Id wonder how she gained 300 pounds :(


the only real answer

90% of Sup Forums is not even in the age when they can legally marry someone, plus almost every one of us here is just a retard who couldnt get a wife anyway. Nice bait though

Wonder why she didn't have the door locked. She knows if she doesn't secure the door I will enter watch and fap. She hates that


and this
However I'll play along
>grab camera
>take pics
>divorce her
>present evidence
>win case
>shes out on her ass
>nig doesnt want her
>sell the house and all the assets
>fuck off abroad and live comfy life with qt trap
>ex wife now pregnant with brothas child
>ex wfie shacks up with some pathetic cuck who'll raise her kid
>laugh as I poke qt traps poopoohole in the shower every morning

>wife's room
Well, we are obviously in a struggling relationship if we have different rooms.

Wonder how I get married and why my wife is a landwhale and then decide to quit drinking and thank the gentleman for giving me a valid divorce clause

Ask /r

ram massive erect phallus into black man's boypussy

Wonder why my wife has a hemorrhoid island amidst a sea of ass acne

>Pretend I didn't see anything
>Leave room
>Fap on my own
>Am now a cuck

Put on fedora and light pipe. Sit in the rocking chair in the dark far corner of the room. Crack open my hardcover God Delusion by Dawkins. Enjoy a nice read and smoke. Later I will start a trap thread on Sup Forums

mmm lick the hemorrhoid hole

I didn't even know my wife has a room. I don't even have wife!

My wife doesn't have a room. WE have a bedroom together.

To all those saying "I don't even have a wife" shut up. Hahaha you all do have a wife... You just haven't met or married her yet. The funny thing is she's currently getting fucked hard by some random. Technically you all are already cocks. Good thing my wife was a virgin when I met her.


rofl you messed that one up didnt you

Can you really claim joint ownership in the room if she's getting porked balls deep in it by a mandingo in it? I don't think so

Call the zoo

You got a plan and really that's more than what I have thus far in life

>Slowly and quietly approach
>Stick my dick in that guys asshole
>Pound in rhythm with him so wife doesn't notice
>Finish in him before he does
>Quietly leave
>Come back in through front door 30 mind later and pretend nothing happened
>File for divorce next day
>Run away with black guy and live happily ever after



>tfw wife tried to cuck me with a black guy
>tfw left gf for that black guy

just went in for a glass of water

Cut his balls off

>you all have a wife
>just haven't married her yet
So we do have one but she's not our wife yet?

Wife's room.

Lel no

walk up
put a pillow on his back
shoot both of them through it


>Record Scratch

>Freeze Frame

“Yeah…that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got into this situation. Well it’s a funny story actually…”

>having a wife


Are you me?

maybe I am.


>drag him of my wife
>into basement
>go back to wife and ask how good he was from 1-100
>below 90, I go down, beat the shit out of him, demand money for fucking wife and offer him sex instructions
>make a glass box and put it on shelf in dining room
>people come over and ask why do i keep money in glass box
>say: thats what my wife made whoring around


What happens if above 90

I sit on his cock. My whore should only bring home the best men

Hop onto that train.

/woo /woo!!