What was her problem?
What was her problem?
Child neglection
She just wanted her pudding.
Angelica is a good girl she did nothing wrong.
Her mother literally does not care about her at all.
Her parents neglected her cause they were always too busy.
Nope. She was actually sexually abused
Sup Forums is gonna get triggered hard by this but basically she was your average spoiled white girl
By Chaz?
But what if she was black?
Hard to be spoiled with a single parent
True, and being spoiled is hard to achieve if you're on welfare
QED, Angelica was your typical spoiled white brat
did you know that more white people are on welfare than black?
By me.
>ran from 1991-2004
This is a nostalgic, generation-binding show.
Anyone who grew up watching this show is a Millennial, but Sup Forums doesn't know the meaning of that word
She was 3? Lol.
Anyone born on or after '82 is a millennial but I bet you didn't know that ;^)
That's a long show.
>muh millenials
bravo you're either underage or over 40 and still posting on 4chins
>Hello I am perfect little child
proportionately more blacks are
When did I imply that? Lil was obviously the perfect child, you anti-white cuck ;^)
Did you know niggers are more likely to not support their children or families and are subhuman scum
angelica blacked when?
>getting this triggedy triggered
>stating facts
I think you got me confused with someone else lad
She was obviously neglected. Her mom was a bitch (proving why working mom's are bad parents) and her dad was a lame piece of shit.