It's a Jim and Pam scene

>it's a Jim and Pam scene

I just fast-forward through those now

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I watched the wedding episode and couldn't stop snickering

Jennaposting makes me sad desu

> Jenna Fischer hung on to Pam's wedding ring

No fucking way

Its just gets sadder and sadder

Does Sup Forums actually like this show? I found it to be shit and just normie humor akin to Big Bang theory. I can't stand how they look at the camera awkwardly so many times. The British one was fuckin hilarious though.

this but i dont watch the british, is really better?

It still amazes me how much of a bitch Pam was to Jim.
>says no to him twice when he asks her to be with him
>during the christmas swap episode, immediately goes for the ipod instead of the heartfelt gift Jim got her
>only likes Jim when he's in a relationship with someone else
>actively destroyed Jim and Karen's relationship just because she wanted him
>got pissy at him several times when SHE decided to go to art school, a move that he was 100% supportive of
>got pissy at him when he withheld the fact that Michael was sleeping with her mother, a grown-ass women
>got jealous of the ring that Michael bought for Holly in front of Jim
>got jealous of Roy's wedding
>gets mad when Jim wants to make a better life for his wife and kids by starting up a new company
>when he does decide to pursue the company, she starts flirting with the fucking boom operator
>after Jim admits defeat, she finally decides its okay for him to pursue his dream job

I love this show, but maybe I'm a pleb. I don't like anime if it's any consolation

I can't watch it. It's to cringe. I want to like it. but the cringes just make me hurt. I get why normies like it, they imagine that happening to them, even though it's nothing like that like. it's so much worse. you don't feel cringe when you are cringe... that's the sad part.

>>during the christmas swap episode, immediately goes for the ipod instead of the heartfelt gift Jim got her
That one is intentional from the writers to show how materialistic we can be and disregard friendship.

But the rest is correct, that whole last season made me want to hate her and she was starting to age like milk.
Kept feeling bad for Jim.

>writing cringe 4 times in one sentence

here you are

No it isn't, it's just the same thing without the developed characters or story plots in the American version.

I swear both Jenna Fischer and Ed Helms did something to piss the writers off. Their characters got fucking decimated near the end

Angela was 10x worse, but IRL she's a fucking fox

>Dat before and after reunion and Angela just keeps getting hotter

Found the Americlap who wants to seem cultured.
fuck off and stop pretending to enjoy our television programmes



wow...does she really have feelings for him?

>it definitely seems likely

She wants to get split in half by Krasinski

I don't blame her

>it's a Jenna Fischer got milfy episode

Where's that photo where Emily and John with Jenna in the background with knife?

infinitely, back when Gervais actually had some edge.

>you don't feel cringe when you are cringe..
It's basically the other way around

god she's such a cuckette

>she's not even verified

the term is cuckqueen you retardo

>Jenna Fischer hung on to Pam's wedding ring

I cringed so hard I almost fell out of my chair... oh god... I need to go for a walk

>BREAKING NEWS: Actress Emily Blunt found dead at malibu beach house while on vacation with husband John Krasinski
>Stabbed 103 times in the heart

It's probably one of my favorite shows as far as comedies go. I'm actually re-watching the entire series right now and remembering how great it was.

Just for some background information. I don't watch all the try hard foreign or obscure shit half you pretentious fucks claim to actually enjoy. Lethal Weapon is one of my favorite movies of all time. So yeah I like The Office.

It's actually written comedy. As in jokes with setups and payoffs.

TBBT is mainly just references used as nonsensical punchlines.

The writing of these two shows are on completely different level. And I don't even like either

It's extremely Kafkaesque


Who is Kafkaeque? I don't know him.


Well it is.
American Office is about a bunch of quirky people doing quirky things while UK is about a bunch of terrible things happening to ordinary people working terrible soul crushing jobs.
They even imply that Brent was an okay guy until a camera was shoved into his face, turning him into an unlikable creature, kind of like Franz Kafka's the Metamorphosis.

Patrician. I'm rewatching it too and the further it gets from how it started (from "grounded british humor" into goofy as fuck), the better it gets. Up until Michael leaves, of course.

Kafka was a negative exemplar of self absorbed bourgeois defeatism, burdening posterity with his own neuroses, unproductive and infeebling.

The term Kafkaeque has come to be used, often by those who have not read a word of Kafka to describe what are perceived as typically or even uniquely modern traumas: existential alienation, isolation and insecurity, the labyrinthian of state bureaucracy, the corrupt or whimsical abuse of totalitarian power, the impenetrable tangle of legal systems, the knock on the door in the middle of the night etc....

I don't even know him. Are you like some 58 year old woman? I just wanna go to Italy or go skydiving or bungee jumping...


>Jenna's husband: honey, what's the ring you're wearing? That's not the one I gave you, the silver one with the emerald, is it?

See I stopped watching as soon as Michael left. I'm re-watching it to actually finish it this time. My buddy and I were talking about it and he said it's still pretty good till the end and I need to finish it.

I'm on season 6 now. It's kinda sad but hilarious how even more absurd Michael becomes.

Everything goes to shit once he leaves

I'm still gonna finish it this time.

Someone post the Stan thing pls

>emily blunt will NEVER step on your balls
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)

Look we all have that girl that never moved past us in high school, do we really need to make this a thing? My prom date sent some very racially charged messages to my wife recently, I wouldn't want tabloids covering them because some assholes on Sup Forums were talking about it.

should probably get off Sup Forums then sonny


The most impressive part of this to me was actually that it hit almost all the same rhymes as the source.

>she showed up to his obscure play uninvited

I've seen seasons 1-6 at least 5 times, can't bring myself to watch any season after 6.

people who think she's hot, what do you see in her?

Jenna's face: Oh my gosh we're having so much fun together!"

John's face: "What the hell, is she following me?"

women actresses fall off because they get casted and fall off

jim on the other hand has been getting film roles even landed a big big big amazon gamble on clancy's jack ryan

pams just trying to ride his coat tail back into the lime light (perhaps?)

I always lose my shit reading these Pam stalker threads

>ameridiot detected

>I feel bad for her

Yeah, I was so totally surprised at the change in Ed Helms character. They took what was a quirky, but average and generally good-hearted guy and made him into a complete narcissistic sociopath. His payoff at the end? He goes back to Cornell as some bum motivational speaker. What the actual fuck?

You think they fucked, though? They were filming for a long time it must have happened.

>Jenna will never be obsessed with you

The US version is so bad

i wouldnt be surprised

I hated with what happened with a lot of characters

Pam: was a fun nerdy chick that was mistreated at times and wanted better for her. Then she became kind of a bitch and super annoying whenever she was on screen

Ryan: was a temp and wanted nothing more than to do good at his job. Became addicted to drugs, thinks he's smarter than everyone and thinks he has the world figured out even though he's clearly delusional

Kevin: an average accountant. Became a brain dead man child

I honestly couldn't get into it, a lot of the show hinged upon "inside jokes" that weren't that funny and the laughs were few and far between


Early Ryan was so good

i know that feel bro.
when i rewatch brba i always skip the scenes with walts family. i watch just drugs, hank and jesse scenes


>>gets mad when Jim wants to make a better life for his wife and kids by starting up a new company
Lol what? That's not how starting a new company works. Jim had a cushy job with easily attainable promotions for a good life for them. A startup company is risky as fuck and could've left them horribly fucked considering he was investing into it. Pam had every right to be wary about this, but she should've communicated her feelings about it better instead of being a passive aggressive bitch.

>A startup company is risky as fuck and could've left them horribly fucked considering he was investing into it

people like this make me sad. they would want to work at a shitty company their whole life because its 'safe'

They wanted an analog for Brent's arc of trying to use the documentary as a way to start a career.

he's right
Never work at a startup when you have kids. You forgo a salary and have to funnel every cent you have into it and you just can't do that when you have children to take care of. If you wanted to get into startups, you should do it when you're young and single.