/lbg/ Letterbox General

Not dead this time edition.

Subject being: What Sup Forums shows are essential for fans of cinema

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Riget and Twin Peaks obviously.

t. embryo

>fans of cinema

top laugh

>mfw I made someone watch 9 1/2 ninjas

I`m so sorry

Hi it's me your friend , wanna hang out and watch game of thrones with some diet beers?


Honestly Letterboxd has helped me so much. I love this site. Aroo?

Everyone's watching Breathless lately

Ed Wood was so based

So yeah bit of an update for my Kurosawa rankings. Just need to see Dersu Uzala to complete "essential" Kurosawa.

High And Low>Ikiru>The Bad Sleep Well>Rashomon>Stray Dogs>Seven Samurai>Yojimbo>Red Beard>Throne of Blood>The Scandal>Ran>The Hidden Fortress>Sanjuro>The Idiot>Drunken Angel>Kagemusha>Dreams>Dodeska-Den>I live in Fear>The Quiet Duel

High and Low is fucking amazing.


The Witch was pretty good. What do you guys think it's about, ya know, thematically speaking.

I know it's almost a "meme" at this point, but season 1 of True Detective is still the only American television show that I've found comparable to film.

Alex Ross Perry is the youngest American director that I'm excited about.


It sure is was actually at my favorites one point but wanted to change them just for fun

Also I´m going to watch Batman: Mask of the Phantasm and maybe later finally Snake of June


Weeaboo spotted

The Witch is about how silly and stupid puritans were during that time and area. Eggers wanted to capture the paranoia and create a literal tale based off of the ridiculous things that scared them while portraying it as scary rather than satire it.


You are one of my favorites.

Thanks man may I ask why?

Basically what I arrived at, though I think it's as much about their conservatism as much as their superstitions.

entry level



/lbg/ has an IRC?

Not only are our interactions merely a social construct but our entire perception - of everything - is just a construct too. What happens when you live in a world wherein the only known construct is deconstructed

Yeah, that too.

I've also seen stuff about incest between the father and daughter, and that the baby is really the daughters. I need to rewatch but I could have sworn that she referred to the baby as her son at the beginning of the movie, and we never here the mother ever call the baby anything but 'Sam'. I'm also not sure if we ever here directly why they left the settlement other than he 'stood by his religious principles' that went against theirs.

Yes it has and
I acted like and assburger because it was my first time using IRC

I went there once. Its just a group of the most autistic bunch of /lbg/ users being meming around with each other. Its painful to watch.

and also I apparently lost my ability to spell English


vittu raid tappaa sisällä ja ulkona saatana

You're honest, consistent, and un-jaded. Great traits.
This is be btw:


En voi hyvin
You`re pretty good

The Sam thing feels far fetched, but I did suspect incest. The half ass write up I did talked a little about the mother hating the daughter for becoming sexually mature and tempting the father and son. The mother says it outright at the end during the physical altercation. Lots of sexual symbolism as well.

The most damning evidence against the incest actually haven taken place is that the daughter doesn't mention it when she starts berating her father. That would be the moment you reveal that information if it exists.

>LozJEWdai follows Aroo and not me
everybody betrayed me im fed up with this place!

To add onto this Another thing about the film could be the the guilt the family feels for their sin. That's what sends them out of the church. The son lusts after the daughter. The father is prideful. The mother is envious of the daughter. The kids make a pact with the devil. The daughter is the pure character and being a maturing female is not a sin. I think that's why witches exist in the end. Because her sexual maturity that is thematically consistent actually exists.

Just bullshitting.


handsome, confident, intelligent, get lots of women but don't brag about it, willing to diverge from popular opinion with reasoned and logical arguments


grotesque, brutish, the type of guys to approach a woman from behind in the nightclub and start grinding on them, fly into autistic fits of rage whenever someone disagrees with them,
appeal desperately to other users in a pathetic attempt to be liked

too true, too true

It's all about women in that time sinning just by existing.
They bring about the worst in everyone , jealousy , lust , pride , etc
Not a hard film to follow you fucking retard

I just watched it last night. You're repeating my points, so I don't know why you have to be so inflammatory.

Didn't even read your post desu, just assumed you were wrong instantly
Glad to know you weren't this one time


kill yourself.


t. embryo

epic samefag

what are some good romance films? I've already seen all of kieslowski and meme kar-wai

the baby being the daughter's makes a ton of sense, and there seems to be very few things holding back the whole incest theory. I do think its weird that its never revealed or hinted at in that scene or the scene where he's chopping wood and he's asking got for his forgiveness. He mentions pride, but nothing to do with raping his daughter.

I'm not convinced they left the settlement because of their own private sins, but because they did or one of them did something which caused some sort of problem with the rest of the settlement. They were pretty clearly excommunicated.


Days of Heaven, but I wouldn't say its good because of the romance.

Very few movies seem to romance well, so I'd like to know too.

>he doesn't know that modern day progressives are cladistically descended from Puritan and Calvinist protestants

who /sex machine/ here?

>I'm not convinced they left the settlement because of their own private sins, but because they did or one of them did something which caused some sort of problem with the rest of the settlement. They were pretty clearly excommunicated.

They left because of the father's prideful disagreements with the church's dogma. I just took it that they he was heavily guilt conscience and the church didn't feel the same way. He seemed a lot more conservative.

Hmmm, that's probably what it was then.

If the entire chuch knows, then the mother would know, and she'd be way more pissed from the beginning. Hell, she'd be happy the baby disappeared. It just doesn't add up.

What the fuck is the relevance of that to the discussion.

>meme kar-wai


is that the same as a love machine

If you don't understand that then you don't understand English dissenters / Puritans / protestants in general and thus didn't understand LE VVITCH

Eric Rohmer

I don't think they were excommunicated because of incest, but that the daughter had a baby out of wedlock. And the mother did seem to know in the movie, because she seems jealous of her around the father.

Can letterbox import my scrobbles from trakt for low effort additions?

I think wong kar wai is great. he's like the archetypical too cool for school art house director.

We're having an actual discussion here, if you want to join in instead of being a salty memer who just likes bringing up SJWs and cuck mems into everything, go ahead.

really? you're going to call WKW "archetypical" (it's archetypal) when godard was making films nearly 30 years before him?

too bad ever since in the mood for love he has not made any good movies minus 2046 which is almost great but the product placement kills it

this was meant for

I saw Wait Until Dark last night. Audrey Hepburn was adorable and I felt more for her than the protag of Hush. I thought it was a much more clever movie with reasonable motivations behind the invaders.

NRx pls go



totally not an embryo i swear

>"we're having an actual discussion"
>plebs talking about surface level plot shit

You belong in a capeshit thread discussing whether America Cape Man can beat Robert Downey Jr.

>not an embryo
watches anime

>America Cape Man
Umm, his name is Captain America and he doesn't even have a cape.

>I hate Captain America

>not an embryo
doesn't watch anime

dumb animeposter

i'm confused

Horace and Pete is pretty great, but usually i dont watch tv shows.


i'm not a weeb i just watch anime and i'm not an embryo

how the fuck is son of saul in your favs and how is hail casear rated higher than computer chess

everyone that responds to this post, post your profile along with it
you wont do it you fuggin embryos

}>i just watch anime
>i'm not an embryo

lmao embryooooooo

t. embryo

aww look at the cute lil embryo

Because Son of Saul is one of the most interesting movies ever if you ever read Jacques Aumont n shit.
Also because i'm entitled to my shitty opinion.

you anti-semite

i may be an embryo but atleast i can

I dont care about the holocaust thing i just think its aesthetically fantastic

t. scared lil anonymous embryos

sup embryos

>implying it's not 1 guy

hush now embryo, everything will be alright

>3 and a half to fucking bridge of spies
>calls someone a embryo

too low?

but you can't post

too high

No, the movie is shit like all the things Coen wrote but didnt direct and the only good thing bout it is the british guy.