Anyone else miss those good old days when we only had two genders?
Anyone else miss those good old days when we only had two genders?
The days haven't changed son
so, like, the present?
There's only two genders.
things havent changed
>samefagging this hard
we still do till this day. just no people are more open and not as scared to unveil themselves.
>5 / 2 / 5 / 6
>Not knowing how to read thread stats
>5 replies
>5 posters
kill yourself
We still do only have 2 genders. those gender confused morons dont change a damn thing. if a retarded started saying walls are actually hats (being that he rams his fucking heads into them) dosnt make the fucking wall a a fucking hat.
The biggest part of confusion that i see as reasonable is the "Gender Roll" and how most people cant seem to tell the difference between ROLL no NOT ROLL.
your wrong dumbass look at the number of posters Vs the number of post.
It's getting kinda ridiculous nowadays.
when I was a baby I was a dude.
nowadays babies get a fucking brochure of genders to choose from.
Or the good old days when we only had four elements. Earth, wind, fire, and water.
Now there is this whole crazy periodic chart of the elements
>it's still trying
Fucking virgin cucks
thats fucking retarded and irrelevant to any one who isnt retarded.
babies dont have a fuckng choise! that stupid they are not able to choose they are god damn babies.
thats something completely different you dumb cunt.
nigger i dont know why your shit posting this hard with your fucking fur fag meme calling us virgins.
did I strike a nerve faggot?
fuck you, you gay-person. you are such a homosexual.
I will ram your ass with my pole so hard. the north pole one.
We still got 2 genders, we only got a lot of mental disorders
nigger this is Sup Forums. so get your fag ass out of here. i understand your 12 and you wana win fights on the internet but go to Reddit or tumbler or youtube.
there are only 2 genders. people who say other wise are just retards yelling and being loud.
There are still only two genders, the others are special snowflakes.
did you expect me to respect your fag sight? i dont need to put in the effort to correct my spelling for something that is retarded. when you niggers can learn gender i might care to learn your name
>bait image
I bet you use salt memes too
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