Your favorite Star Wars films in order

Your favorite Star Wars films in order

Force Awakens> Star Wars Rebels> Star Wars the clone wars> Phantom Menace >Revenge of the Sixth > Attack of the clones > ROTJ > Empire strikes back> New Hope

The prequals are better and you won't be able to change my judgement. The prequals are the real Star Wars. The OT is just a boring side story with a smuggler and the most boring Jedi to ever live

Mods. This kid is underage obviously.

>hurrrr durr I like the original trilogy and if someone else likes something different I'm gonna call them 12

>mfw I don't even know what those first three are
Disney Wars

>mfw i suck at clicking

empire>jedi>new hope>clone wars

>hurrrr durrrr what's this Disney thing

You know that Clone Wars was created and supervised by George Lucas and Cartoon Network.

Rebels is created by Disney but being developed by the same who made clone wars.

Force awakens is top tier

TV show>Prequals>Shitty OT that shouldn't exist

Rebels is a series not a film correct?


TV show and film are the same in my book but if you want take them out of my list.

>hurrr durrr people with different opinions must be bait

I fucking love the phantom menace and I hate clonewars and revenenge of the sith.

It would be empire strikes back>new hope>Phantom menace>return of the jedi>force awakens

And the rest is shit tier for me


>hurrr durrr people with different opinions must be bait

Yeah it's not bait at all you stupid autist

>climb in meesa mouth missa dooku!
>weesa blastin off!

darth jar jar confirmed

Oh hey look a cringe thread! Lemme try!

Avatar: The Last Airbender movie was better than the show!

Am I doing it right?

this is now a darth jar jar thread

>Revenge of the Sixth
>not bait


It goes

Empire > Return > Phantom Menace > A New Hope > Revenge of the Sith > Force Awakens > Attack of the Clones

Eat shit the lot of you tasteless child niggers

The OT is shit


This kid with down syndrome that I babysit sometimes likes the movies in that order too, what a coincidence. He says the plot is a lot simpler so he can follow along plus theres more shooty parts.

yousa know it to be true

Actually the plot in the OT is simple. Go here, then woah look a space craft, oops that's not good!, etc etc.

You can create stories upon stories in the prequals and all have interesting side plots

He meant the narrative

Force Awakens < Empire Strikes Back < Return of the Jedi < Revenge of the Sith < New Hope < Phantom Menace < Attack of the Clones

the only correct order is

empire>a new hope>ROTJ>force awakens>revenge of the sith>phantom menace>attack of the clones

OT was a genuine story, although im liking the new trilogy. The prequels are, hey you're bad im good lets shiny sword battle. He dumbed-down the prequels to attract a larger audience and children. I guess it worked

The original is still my favorite but this is correct.

any and all star wars content legends and beyond, literally any movie made including the CHEWBACCA CHRISTMAS SPECIAL >>> The Force Awakens

>mfw episode 4 reskinned 0 original plot

It was a gay marvel movie, ye


>star wars holiday special

Shut up fuckers, the best star wars movie was Thumb Wars