>against immigration
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there's a difference. white people shit all over the native's because they're all inbred and stupid as hell. we had weapons and military expertise. woops shouldn't be so stupid.
"Native americans" came from asia and exterminated the people that were already here.
>we had diseases
Fixed that for you
Not too many of us are against immigration.
Most of us are against illegal immigration. but not immigration.
Also there is a difference between immigration, conquering and trading your land for shiny beads.
>they're all inbred and stupid as hell.
>we had weapons and military expertise.
And some sandniggers fuck you in you own house
>implying Americans didnt buy this land for a few beads.
Go away prairie nigger. This land is ours now, go back to the res
Know the difference
Kill yourself
Dear diary, today OP was not a faggot.
Spot on, nothing more to see here.
Of course a bunch of people whose ancestors were too lazy to work for a living were triggered by your post, OP. I thought it was funny.
continents aren't a cookie it doesn't just become yours if you lick it first. aside from that, the natives didn't believe in land ownership so i don't see what they have to complain about
It does become yours when you KILL ALL THE SAVAGES ON IT.
Which if you think about it, is just like licking a cookie
Seem like it.
Red Skins are immigrants too
>human not native to the Americas
>N8V's not 1st nation either
Injun culture makes me laugh, they always have guns and a horse in their pictures or art...
Shut the fuck up jogging bear.
Who created the camera for you to take the picture with
>"first" Americans, ignoring the first few who they killed off
>Whites emigrate to an empty continent Spanish disease left clear
LOL I study liberal arts and anthropology but only the stuff that agrees with my world view kek xD
Most aren't against immigration.
They are against ILLEGAL immigration which is an affront to those that come here legally and bring something to the table instead of being a criminal invader importing disease and third world living conditions.
Fuck your memes with easily conquered savages back in better times.
We didn't need your money, we were functioning just fine as a TEAM. Money divides.
Dirt natives always getting fuckin drunk at casinos and braking my windows out
>Injun culture makes me laugh, they always have guns and a horse in their pictures or art...
lol this. Indians don't have a cultures other than what a few reservation purists far out west have.
This pretty much sums it up, nice try op
Just kidding but I live on a reservation and most of the Natives their are just ruff af
when do you walk your ass across the bering straight back to siberia?
>Immigrants come to America, slaughter the native, disease them, and take all their land, claiming it for their own
The Americans know from experience that immigration is bad.
You do know there´s a difference between invasion and immigration, right? I don´t see people in Istanbul trying to kick out the Muslims because they "immigrated" there.
So try and take it back.
straw man argument. Doesn't address the validity of the original post whatsoever.
Conquering soveriegn territory by killing native peoples is a lot different from coming in unwanted and expecting hand-outs and free shit.
American settlers paid the iron price for this land.
If you want to be a part of America, you should be a registered citizen equally capable of being drafted for future payments of said price.
Well Ahmed, where do you live? Since they are fucking everyone in their own house.
Hush your mouth that doesn't fit the narrative
Immigration - land ownership - wealth - power - control
nativefag here - full blooded from both parents
always loved european logic - lets make a deal, you take a small part of the land, we will take everything, oh also, we will want that small part you got too, also we dont want you to have a culture, also dont talk about this again, also i dont care if i only live in this life for 70 years, i want ownership of everything, everyone and everything after and before me while i am alive, oh yeah also make this nation great again, as long you dont take anything of mine, which is everything
solutreans is bullshit BYU propaganda.. there are much more substantiated claims made about how asians came here first.. or that there were beings that technically were not even human yet when they got here and evolved while on the continent.. btw.. many millions of us are still here the majority of indigenous do not live on reservation in the u.s. they are everywhere and the majority of Mexicans have indigenous roots.. your fucking eros couldnt get rid of us even after 75% of us were killed by small pox.. you filthy animals.
Licking a cookie is more akin to spreading your own savages no?
>against illegal immigration. but not immigration
What are you doing, bringing logic into a troll thread?
>They are against ILLEGAL immigration which is an affront to those that come here legally and bring something to the table instead of being a criminal invader importing disease and third world living conditions.
This. Most American liberals who aren't millenial or in academics believe this too.
i always thought that was a weak argument. americans basically went to war with the natives, won, then let them live here without eradicating them. (take note parts of africa and europe) it's not a hard concept. we didn't immigrate, we conquered
>I googled one word and therefore you're wrong
the inherent racism is awesome.. its so ingrained they that it would take a shift in their perception of reality to be able to see it.. dating a russian white woman right now.. sex is great and shes a key to me getting ahead in this racist cuntry .. but man the racism is hard to deal with....... and i cant fully convince myself to keep to this path dont think its worth the burden.. like you said 70 years? 100 tops.. already a third of the way through..
Honestly, it boils down to different understandings of the concept of ownership. A European foothold was built on mutually agreed terms, its just that those terms where not understood mutually. Any dickery that followed was catalyzed by this difference in understanding of ownership.
But by all means stay mad for the rest of history.
Its funny how Brits are afraid of immigrants.... kind of happens when you had the whole world colonized less than a century ago
hey douche.. the land bridge is not the only way people came here... look up the south american root btw FUCK BYU
>Conquering soveriegn territory by killing native peoples is a lot different from coming in unwanted and expecting hand-outs and free shit.
>American settlers paid the iron price for this land.
>implying disease didn't kill all but a few thousand
>implying it was Americans and not French, British, and Spanish that conquered them before losing the continents
West Injuns had Spanish-descended horses and guns before America was that far West. Soutb & Central America and Europe did far more with Injuns and slaves than the U.S. ever did.
I've never understood using this as an argument against immigration.
To me, what that seems to say is "Letting people who don't belong on your land is a bad thing and they will eventually take over" ... so we should stop immigration?
Also, most "Native Americans" are dead. You ever been to an Indian PowWow? Buncha people with blonde hair and green eyes there because they're 1/16th Inagasoopi or some shit.
>the inherent racism is awesome
You're always welcome to go back.
And you know what? The brits gave most of these places back because THEY RECOGNIZED THIS THEMSELVES and decided to make changes. And you know what? Most of those countries they gave back have gone to shit. (A perfect example being the hell hole South Africa has become). The French had colonies, too, I don't hear you claiming they have to bring in everyone they colonized.
If we're going to still have grudges about bullshit that happened centuries ago, then I say we should all immigrate to Persia because of their invasion of Greece.
>muh beads aren't so shiny now kemosabi
>my butthurts
>muh casinos
>muh firewater
>muh conquered failed culture
I've always loved nigger logic. You'll sell me something, then later claim I stole it from you instead.
Can't blame present people for past actions, that doesn't even make any sense.
It's unfortunate your people weren't prepared for war. Perfect world they wouldn't need to be, I know this, but it doesn't change the facts.
Learn the difference. Any nation that cannot defend itself deserves to be conquered.
Enjoy speaking my language, cuck.
It is now time for you to get drunk and feel like a loser, which you are.
That'll teach you to spend centuries without inventing shit beyond looney stories and feathery clothes.
Go fuck yourself.
If white people didn't care about you, you'd literally not be able to whine like a baby.
Just because you buy a farm doesnt mean the animals get to sleep in your bed.
Dubs of truth
Fucking this exactly.
Yes, it was not fair, and sure the enslaved people were in a shitty position. But you know, slavery wasn't something white people started in 1680. The Chinese had slaves (who do you think built The Great Wall, union workers?), Egyptians had slaves, Persians had slaves, EVERYBODY HAD SLAVES. Also, white slaves existed, you should check out the Russian Serfs. And again, slavery didn't end because blacks one day showed the white man how evil they were, it was because people started realizing that we didn't have to do bullshit like that, but we're still to blame.
>You'll sell me something, then later claim I stole it from you instead.
"Caveat Emptor" :^)
yeah great logic - lets agree on you get to have billion acres of land - just leave me an acre or two for me and my family - european short answer - no i dont want you to have anything - i want it all
i can always ask present generation to deal with their ancestors mistakes
yeah its a great language - always loved how i am able to tell people to fuck off in so many ways -
also we were fine here for about 20,000 years - when you guys arrived, it all turned into wanting to own and control everything for eternity, as if you were going to live forever - great logic
What are you going to do about it faggot? Nothing? Just like your ancestors? That's what I thought.
Genuine question; What exactly do you want Americans to DO about it now? You cant seriously want hundreds of millions of people to leave the country for something their ancestors did. What deal could the US government come up with that would make you happy?
get out bred.. like you are currently because you sick fucks care more about property than life.
>next in a line of numerous deals
>case in point, sovereign reservations and injuns don't pay state or federal taxes
They can just keep drinking themselves into diabetic death, fuck em.
We're against immigration precisely because of what happened to native americans. Why the fuck would we want that happening to us by letting them come over to destroy us from within? It's hypocritical sure, but it's not dumb.
>also we were fine here for about 20,000 years
You were constantly killing each other and the average life expectancy was probably 35 because you used spooky magic as medicine.
unfortunately, about 20 percent of the population sound like you - fortunately, you are not the majority
>You cant seriously want hundreds of millions of people to leave the country for something their ancestors did.
wow - i never asked anyone to leave - who would want that? let alone agree to it - we just want a place to live in peace - historically that is all we ever wanted but were never properly granted because europeans wanted every square foot of land for themselves
great logic
better logic would have been and still should be - give natives some land - let them do what they want and we all live in peace - otherwise you get a whole population of underprivileged poverty stricken people with their hands tied and nothing to lose - what could go wrong with that?
>better logic would have been and still should be - give natives some land - let them do what they want
Hit the firewater hard already I see. Of course this too is the white man's fault.
>when you guys arrived, it all turned into wanting to own and control everything for eternity, as if you were going to live forever
And yet, the people who came here and built their civilization live on in our history, thanks to written language and paintings, and people like Columbus, Ponce de Leon, and other have gained a sort of immortality by being permanent figures of world history.
So yeah, I think they did a fairly neat job of accomplishing that. Meanwhile, Native American civilization is a couple of arrowheads in the dirt and a very confusing Navajo language.
I'm with this user. I wish the "Independent Tribes" weren't treated like Garbage and I would love for them to get on their feet more, but anything more than that is ridiculous. You can't change what people who were still ignorant basically everything in the first place did hundreds of years ago, you can only do what you can to fix the now. But don't ever tell a minority this.
Because the white people there are the natives of that continent and they would probably like to not end up like you guys, without a nation of their own and completely bred-out to the point of hardly being a native European.
Just be glad it was us that took over the Americas and not, say, the Aztecs through some kind of hypothetical expansion. Imagine an Aztecan North America. You think the white man was bloodthirsty, be glad those bastards didn't get a chance to rise up.
Short answer: he wants free shit.
never said it was perfect - if we were complete morons than the land would have been empty when your ancestors arrived
at the time of european arrival - your life expectancy was about 40 - unless you were wealthy
>spooky magic
kek spooky magic
what kind of magic we talking about here
If you want to live in peace, just drop your shit and stop giving a fuck about it. Seriously, who even cares or sees Native Americans as some of kind of complete outsider in the 21st century besides Native Americans? Most native americans are white enough to be considered white anyway, but even at that, who in the fuck cares unless you're wearing feathers like you ate out a turkey?
You guys have casinos and are treated as a minority. Your reservations are shitty, but it's not like you couldn't live anywhere else? You were always welcome to learn Spanish and move to Mexico where the evil devil white people wouldn't get you.