Okay, serious question...

Okay, serious question. Does Sup Forums actually like the whole CIA-Bane plane scene or have you just beaten it to death as a meme? Not that I don't think the meme's funny, I just want to know what Sup Forums honestly thinks of this scene.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's so bad/cartoonish it's funny


Tell me about Bane.

It transcends the very defintion of good and bad, its mere existence lies beyond any human comprehension

It's a scene that is so at odds with the rest of the film that it just stands out. It's been retold again and again here for nearly over half a decade, Hardy and Gillen know how much it's been talked about. It's an eternal meme.

Honestly it's a big scene



I think it levels of irony were so high they transcended into actual appreciation.


You dont get to bring gooks


perhaps I'm wondering why you'd ask someone about Bane when you yourself know about him

She didn't fly so gook!

Get her in the idol band, I'll call it in!

why is that so important to a fucking CIA agent

When I first saw the movie, I couldn't make out what was happening because the dialogue is goofy, but I thought the set-pieces were well done.

Today, that scene sticks out so much from the rest of the movie that you might as well not continue watching the rest.

Best short-film I've ever seen.


it's basically the room. pretty much every line of dialogue, the whole premise, every creative decision is somehow off and absurd. but the sheer unlikely scope of the awfulness is also what makes it funny

never watched TDKR, but the memes made me curious. Looked up the scene on youtube and thought I was being rused by cheap memedubs until I realized it was the actual audiotrack of the movie.

It would have been appropriate in a 90's era Cartoon Network show.

>tfw that plane actually crashed

with no survivors



She already is...Crayon Pop breh...

it's the logical culmination of a forced meme

Sup Forums has to like it because it's never, ever going away, and the only other options are suicide or insanity

MAUGHAHHHHH the FRIENDSand BANE has always been celebrated forits BIGness. there is an Usbekistani fliiightplaaan by Bill Wilsón. Inspiiiiiiired. by that same masked mercenaRY. itscalledinfromtheplaneandlikethebestflighplans it includes me, my men, doctor pavel, but onl-

>uh, sir

>Flight Germanwings Flight 9525 happened
>Bane porn parody
Then it became eternal meme

Action Aiden, please.

>The meme transcends reality


He doesn't bring friends?


And how does a CIA agent not know why when a random butler knows?

This is now a dubs thread

i actually liked it
and bane in general till it turned out he wasnt the big bad
that sucked

We like quality filmmaking here. The CIA scene is the peak of TDKR. The acting, the dialogue, the soundtrack. Pure kino masterpiece.

>Fatalities: 2 / Occupants: 2

if the entire film was like the plane scene, it'd be my favourite movie of all time

Admirable....but mistaken

> TFW the plane scene was filmed less than an hours drive from where I live

I should really go on a pilgrimage


I wonder if any debris from the stunt is still there on the ground

You could literally have a piece of meme magic user

The whole place is on private property, surrounded by wire.

I could get to the wire, in sight of it, and place a belt in tribute.

they really should've just done a Spy vs. Spy thing with Bane and CIA capturing Dr. Pavel from each other back and forth

Do it. Post results

I honestly keep on forgetting there's a whole film after the plane scene


>surrounded by wire
>aidan gillen was also in the wire
>and threw a man out of a plane


There is? What is it about?

and batman periodically makes cameo appearances trying to figure out what's going on



it's a pratchett reference

It's a masterpiece of unintentional hilarity.

If I disband Cryon Pop will she die?!


I love Choa



what's CIA's favorite album?



This is fire rising.

Mothership by Led Zeppelin

this scene is actually better than all the recent capeshit

This and anything by Notorious B.I.G

Anything by Jefferson Airplane

>in this thread at work
>overhear some say for you

Why does this keep happening?

Batman: You were never an agent. You were never even a man!
CIA: You're letting them kill Pavel...
Batman: What does that mean? Why did you say that name?
CIA: Find him... Save Pavel...
Batman: Why did you say that name? Pavel? Why did you say that name? WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME?

This cant be happening! Im at work here!

bane transcends realities

Memes aside when I first saw it in theaters I thought it was a pretty awesome opening scene, but it doesn't hold up to rewatch, the dialog is very cheesy

Has anyone photoshopped CIA or bane in that picture?

In The Aeroplane Over The Sea

Meme magic is real nigger, and Sup Forums's is stronger than most

Oh God, please let this be a thing.

My God.

Lord Vader, I'm Jedi Council.

Holy mother of bane

meme magic is real

Someone with talent please shop bane into this one

And CIA into this one


Alright, just for you

It was meant to be


>bane threads are still doing iron man numbers in 2016

What is big will never die, but rises higher an hotter than fire

Dr. Joker, I'm BOSCH

what is this expression trying to convey?




I literally can't believe it's a real scene in a major motion picture after watching it so many times, it's fucking terrible in every way, the acting, the sound design, the script, the logic. It's all wrong.

Mods love Baneposting, dickless

You're a big dubs

>Excuse me, I'm known to be extremely painful. I just thought you should know.

What did he mean by this?


My favorite part is the stunt guy faceplanting into the side and the little purring sound Bane makes when he hangs from the seats. It's so fucking absurd.

Like I get they only had one shot to do the stunt the "real way" instead of a green screen fest but is the shot with the faceplant really the best footage they got? God damn.

Nolan only does 3 takes

Requesting Bane and CIA in this pose

I thought he only did one?

Let's make something worth out of this, and let's analyze the opening scene of The Dark Knight Rises.

It's incredible how misunderstood this scene and its dialogue is. Granted, Aiden Gillen speaks a little awkward, but after having repeatedly given this scene watch after watch, I can assure you, what CIA said is the following:

>First, Juan. Two, talk. Gats, too, stay on my aircraft!
Basically, he called out Juan (his accomplice, as evidenced by the fact that "Juan of you" [previous dialogue] is allowed to stay on the plane), then commanded him (as CIA is the one in charge) to speak to CIA and then he put emphasis on the importance of Gats doing the same and not thinking of leaving the plane. Gats, too, is of importance for the success of the mission, which is why he shouldn't leave the aircraft.

I will be honest though, no idea who Gats is. What do you guys think?