Evolution in sci-fi

>Alien race "seeds" planet with basic material for life to start
>One day a species on this planet will evolve to look just like us

Why is this allowed?

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You don't think there's a extremely high probability that one species will resemble the creators.

>believing in the theory of evolution
>not believing in probability

"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." - Genesis 1:27

The Engineer is basically our God, the movie is about finding our creators and asking them why.

The answer, because we could.

Because the retards that right movies can't be asked how basic science works.

>it's us
>it's everything
That line fucking triggered my autism hard.
What the fuck do you mean it's 'everything'? sounds like some pseudo-intellectual bullshit desu.
And how the fuck is it EXACTLY the same when the Engineers are huge fucking albino giants with black eyes? we don't have that shit.
Someone kill Lindolf please.

Why did creator/human DNA turn into bacteria then jellyfish then fish then dinosaurs then squirrels then monkeys then back into creator/humans?

Maybe bipedal life is the natural stage of evolution (or at least where life has two free hands with articulating digits and opposable thumbs to mold tools and type out shitposts).

The peak of intelligent life is human form. What do you think, that algae, reptiles, cats can evolve to become bipedal highly intelligent emotional beings to advance enough to build civilizations and explore universe? Of course not.
I'm almost sure that when we discover aliens, they will look like us or similar. With differences not bigger than humans/Klingons etc.

More like a humanoid body plan might be best suited for intelligent beings.
Maybe that's why a lot of ayylmaos are reported to be humanoid.
Doesn't mean there aren't some spoopy insect-looking creatures out there that are as clever as we are though.
Hell, if we hadn't have sprung up as quick as we did we'd probably be competing with birds and squids.

>The answer, because we could.
That's not the Engineers answer, but a drunk human to AI.

There was some deleted scene or early script or someshit where all that shit is explained. It is somewhere in here.

>warning women ahead


it's even estimated that in the future we will have less hair be more pale with bigger eyes.

probably taller too, that'd be a known evolution of humans already.

But that would be called the CIRCLE OF LIFE.

I like the symmetry.

I'm probably just retarded but I still don't understand the point of Prometheus.

she's my favorite girl, if she was a stripper i would give her all my money.

That isn't even close to the most egregious evolution gaff in sci fi.
That title would be held by Star Trek: Voyager's episode 'Threshold' where going faster than the speed of light causes a human to 'evolve' rapidly into a 'superior' being

How the fuck could natural selection occur when there isn't selection going on?

she's ok, can be grating sometimes but that might be my misogyny.

>The peak of intelligent life is human form.

I disagree. It's cocky of us to assume that our body plan is the best.


That's sort of it. It's a bit of mystery. It's kind of showing the true nature of the Xenomorphs and that they come from our makers too.

It's also a tribute to a great movie, lawrence of Arabia, and uses a lot of practical effects in it too, even though you might think it's pure CGI.

It's an exploration movie more then a horror. More thriller then horror. Like Alien was, so let's hope the next Alien movie coming out will be more Aliens/action genre. :D
if not whatever, it's from the guy who did blade runner, they're more romance drama epics.

It is cocky, but since we're the only animals that can prevent a global apocalypse from a meteor strike from space, that does make us PRETTY INTELLIGENT, if for no other reason.

Did the Engineers come back and throw asteroids at the Earth multiple times to cause multiple mass extinctions so that eventually mammals could emerge as the dominant land animal, or were they just a series of fortunate coincidences?

We didn't spring up quick at all. There have been hundreds of millions of years of life before us. If there weren't multiple mass extintion events some other species might have evolved intelligence.

>its cooky to assume this
>there is 0 proof for any else life form being intelligent
even monkeys know they can use spears to fish. the bipedal/climber primate design is simply something that gets brain accustomed to evolving further towards delicate work with hands which in turn evolves brain through the making and the proper usage of tools.

>mfw faggots realize that relative time was born out a mistake in the equations
>mfw FTL is easier than people think

>Alien race of tall white seeds mankind
>mankind evolves into an industrious race
>mankind conceives Hitler, feminism and anime.
>prometheus sees a cool planet, wants to chill for while
>he falls into hypersleep
>promeetheebro wakes up sees short ugly old white male, gay robot, muh stronk woman.
>realizes humans are degenerate and must die

I never understood why Engineer attacked his own creation? Human were harmless back there.

>"Johnny" spends days throwing apple seeds
>apple trees push out native tapioca trees
>why is this allowed?

>he trusts mainstream theories

We can't stop a meteor strike yet or stop a natural disaster

Jesus Christ did you even watch the fucking movie?

There are species of sea creature and reptile that remain unchanged after all that time, I'm pretty sure there were some dinos that were around for fucking ages too and they didn't become intelligent.
Relative to them, once homo sapiens appeared we advanced like crazy.
That is of course if you don't believe we were seeded from some other world or humans have been around for ages and it's being kept under wraps.

I hear you. It is lazy to think that earth and human form is so special in the universe.

Happened in Star Trek TNG when they discovered that a human having chemo was the source of most intelligent life

Happened in Stargate SG1 with the Ancients were out of all the planets from earth.

No doubt there are more but I need to take a dump

>retards that right movies
>right movies