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would be prood

a kielo

'faithers' ya English cunt


Kill Jester.

...but with your goku


Glaswegians are the worst Scots.

easily the best scots.

Glaswegians are scum.

you got glassed or just made fun of walking around?
glaswegians are based

Weegies are despised everywhere, and Glasgow is a hole.

Where are you from, out of interest?

I'm from Scotland, and Glaswegians are the worst in every respect.

How can you even try to deny that Glasgow isn't a shithole

I actually discovered Limmy thanks to this board, a couple years ago. Thanks Sup Forums

I live in shawlands, southside, beside Queen's Park. It's very nice.

>I'm from Scotland
Which part?

Compared to other post-industrial British cities I'd say it's one of the better ones overall.

Kill Jester.

he isn't funny at all as comedian or a public figure.

It's actually pretty nice to live these days. It's been gentrified to fuck but who cares about that

>became a let's player with a haram of losers who literally cyberstalk him.

top kek.

Why do you think it's so great?


dharc sawhls tre

Or alternatively, he's a successful comic who enjoys pissing about on Counter Strike now and then and inviting his fans to join in.

It's quite strange how many posters on this board need to project these contrived fantasies about how entertainers they dislike are actually pathetic failures. Like those people who post those autistic essays about the personal lives of the rlm guys.

Jamaican me crazy

kiss hermes feet

>he doesn't want to admit that he's from Edinburgh and voted Tory

what language you speak senpai?

Reminder that if you voted Tory this election then you are a cunt.

Remember when limmy did comedy?

>uses the words top kek
oh boy I bet your opinion is totally right


Who Aberdeen here?

>trys to even imply the subjective can be objective
do they have schools in scotland?

Exactly. Go fuck yourselves you weegie retards.

Me. I hate this hell hole and I'm leaving soon. Shires not bad tho.

Most Glaswegians themselves are pretty sound though, Scots on the whole are generally quite friendly.

>pommy cunt cannae handle the funposting

>he uses it again, this time in capitals
oh boy you sure showed me user, I can almost smell the English cringe on you

Check out Daft Punk's new single "Get Lucky" if you get the chance. Sound of the summer.

My mate Rennie shags his granda

Who hurt you

I know that feel, gray as fuck

I like my town a lot, but going into the city and uni is just miserable. I've just graduated and I think working at one of the companies in Aberdeen would make me want to shoot myself, they're all dull, shite and depressing.

Me, moving to Caithness soon for my job. I've heard it's the arse-end of nowhere but they have the best whisky in the world and some scenery to drink it in.
Still Game is still great btw


Damn, must be comfy as fuck up there.

come to glesga, it'll look after you

source pls

sry fampai but i prefer edinburgh.

Limmy's Show daftie

sry fampai but i prefer stirling

why? what do you like about it?

Well I'm looking forward to the big move, going to be staying in a hotel in Wick for some time (all expenses paid for four weeks, fuck aye) and I don't suppose there's anons from there who have even heard of broadband let alone Sup Forums, but if anyone could recommend some things to do that would be great.

Glad to be getting out of Aberdeen but it's still home. Given enough time up there among the locals and fucking viking wolves I'll be screaming to get back.

Fifer here. Only folk scummier than us are Glaswegians

Why did you choose to go further North? I'm actually moving to Switzerland for a while, just to see how it turns out.


>scotland will always forever and ever be England's bitch

Limmy got popular outside memeland?

She's turned the wains against us

thanks to plebbit

ty b

Cool man.
I was persuaded by my higher-ups. I'm a ROV operator and there's a bunch of new oil works going on up north and a shortage of ROV pilots so I decided to cash in and see some more of the country.
Would love to go to Swisserland. I'm jelly.

Nice, my dad always told me I should get into that ROV shit, or the diving engineers, I've got a m8 that did that. You must be getting paid really well.

Gas all weegie cunts. Just line the fuckers up against a wall and have them all shut.



at a glance it looked like the map from that plebeian tv show/novel series about the dying people and maybe dragons idk

It's actually really cool. I struggled a lot during early training, but once you get your head around it it's a gold mine I won't lie. It's not extremely difficult, there just aren't many people who have the qualifications for it, which I basically lucked into desu.
Plus I grew up in a fishing family, my dad took over my grandad's old fishing boat which used to haul North Sea cod and that's pretty much how we settled by the coast. The sea's in our blood I guess.
What you doing in Switzerland? I thought getting a train for 200 miles was a big move. Work or pleasure?


pleasure. I just graduated and I want to fuck around central Europe for a while. I've got a job lined up but the pay is abysmal obviously. Once I'm tired of having no money I suppose I'll come back to Scotland and start job hunting in Edinburgh.

>Lager, Boaby

I d'know
G'out the windae

Now is the time for exploring. That's fucking sound. You can use that job and the adjoining words "IN FUCKING SWITZERLAND" on your CV for if/when you come back to Edinburgh to look for work.
I better be away to bed right now, but I sincerely wish you well user. Good luck on your travels, slange var!


Tories >>>>> whoever you voted for.

>scots thinking they're human
yorkshireman btw
fuck london

>yorkshiremen thinking they're human
scot btw
fuck london

Damn those Scots. They ruined Scotland!

At least we can agree that london is shit and should burn
Leeds > Glasgow

The trouble with Scotland is

it's full of SCOTS.

Hey Scot fags, I've got to go to Arbroath to scatter my Nans ashes, what's the place like, Aussie btw if that means anything


Arbroath is better than Dundee, but still a total hole

Try a smokie, it's smoked fish in a paper bag. Tastes better than the bag suggests.

That's all I have to say about fucking Arbroath. I'm sorry for your loss though. All the best.

I didn't know swaglord was Scottish