So why should there be a second referendum?

So why should there be a second referendum?

Two thirds of you millenial hipster faggots did not give a shit the first time, because "someone else will vote for us".

But those who're serious went to vote, and now you are throwing a tantrum?

GTFO you faggots and learn your lesson.

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This nigga knows what's up. The butthurt is magnificent.

Because it's obvious people were misled and had no idea what they were voting for.

Historically there has been shit loads of re-taken referendums.

There shouldn't. It would be like having a president getting elected and then having another vote because you didn't like the outcome.

Just a bunch of sore losers

>Cameron just announced in the house of lords there WONT be a second referendum

rip remain cucks, the good guys won.



>House of Lords

Get clued up sometime you faggot, Cameron speaks in the house of commons.

Sore winners who act as if they're the paragons of democracy, also now a proven thing

because you old conservative xenophobic cunts are only voting to leave for national pride and you don't care how badly you're fucking the next generation over.

I don't want women dressed like ninjas blowing shit up, no.
Get the fuck off my board, kiddo.

>the next generation
the future will be fucked with butthurt faggots like you

you millenials screwed up by no voting. stop blaming those who got of their asses and voted

You mean anti-islamic.
Nobody really gives much of a shit about the Polish or whatever coming over and doing the shit jobs in slaughterhouses and factories.

You mean those who did Internet searches the next day to even know what they were voting for the day before? What well-informed voters

Why bother voting if you aren't interested in the facts enough to do your own research? Fucking take responsibility for yourself. Stop expecting someone else to spoon feed you.

>dressed like ninjas
Nonono, they're batmans

Article 50

There shouldn't be a second referendum and there should never have been a first referendum. Referendum are bogus democracy - most people don't have the time or inclination to be well-informed and are easily led, which is why nearly every democracy in the world is an almost purely representative democracy. Hitler *loved* referendums, and he wasn't what you'd call a democrat. If you asked people in Britain whether we should have the death penalty or not they'd say that we should, even though it's retarded to give the government the power to execute people and even though the death penalty actually correlates with higher homicide rates. Our system isn't based on trusting the people because the people aren't very smart. This should have been left up to Parliament, and Parliament would have gone with Remain.

And Parliament still gets to decide what happens next. They should reject the decision, which was advisory anyway, and keep Britain in the EU, because, you know, jobs are good, we need a strong pound, and immigration won't stop no matter what we do (unless there's an economic apocalypse, which seems like it's coming anyway if full-on Brexit goes ahead).

tl;dr: the only people who want to leave the EU are xenophobic chimpanzees who hate money and we should never have had a referendum.

i hope you literally kill yourself. Your economy is gonna go down the shitter.

This user speaks the TRUTH

that's an argument for kids

"mommy does not let me smoke, but everybody in my generation does!"
"daddy does not let me drank alcohol. all the cool kids from my generation do that!"

50 years later: "mom and dad sure were right"

For all you faggots who really love the EU and want to feel it inside you.

I personally think this is all funny as fuck. The world economy gets tanked, a bunch of political careers get destroyed, and to boot, people have shown how contemptible and stupid they really are by assuming that leaving the EU wouldn't mean LEAVING THE EU.

And all the butt hurt millienials crying and bitching cause they felt the wrong decision was made. A wrong decision, incidentally, that could have been avoided if they'd just gotten off their fucking arses and voted.

Fuck you all. I for one embrace the shitstorm and hope to Christ (but am doubtful you will) that you fucking learn something from this.

To be fair, mommy and daddy aren't always right. Face it, you've known plenty of older people who've has their heads up their asses their entire lives and aren't any wiser for it. I'm not saying millenials are brilliant, just that wisdom doesn't always come with age.

Fact is that the majority of young people chose not to vote. If young people wanted a different outcome they should have been less lazy and actually voted. I'm only 24 but I managed to get out and vote for what I wanted, why couldn't the rest do it?

I won't. I hope you find happiness, child.

Because they're lazy, regressive little fucktards that are more worried about what scale of privilege they are while obsessing where on a fucking spectrum of 80 something "sexualities" they are while watching shit anime and masturbating over tracer.

All of that shit is CLEARLY more important than democratic process.

That is a very fair observation user, I can find nothing to argue against there.

They still voted sore ass lol

That flag is upside down and I'm upset now

Thank you.

I'm on the side of believing the system needs breaking personally. This sure as shit broke things.

Liberals had their shot and fucked up super hard, lazy niggers who just like spending other people's money. The political pendulum is swinging so hard conservative that it may trigger world wide conservatism in government.

Yeah, I'm straight, but I use Grindr all the time to find guys to blow me.

Really convenient. I just tell them I'm straight, they want nothing in return. Suck n Go.

I agree mate.

That's your only issue with that flag? That flag is totally fucked, it should look like pic related.

I've voted since I was 18 every (amerilard) election and I feel you on that. A lot of my peers didn't bother and people always assumed I didn't give a fuck either. Shit sucks.




Reddit's thattaway, asshole

You should really watch this.

You need to watch the video in the following;

I fucking love this chaos. Everything could happen. Both the UK and the EU could crumble, the UK might even still remain. Such delicous chaos

America and Germany want the UK to leave so that they can consolidate the EU into a stronger entity. When the UK leaves, the pound runs into the ground and the brits reach 20% unemployment, everyone will see that leaving the EU is a fucking disaster.

And it should be. The brits are traitors and we will be stronger without them.

Based Sargon


Right, and those 'retaken' referendums were a fucking travesty. What are you arguing? That because dictatorships and the eu commission love to re-do referendums that we should do it as well?


I call bullshit

The British constitution states that British people have an oath of allegiance to Queen and country and that no British person should have an oath of allegiance to a foreign power, lest they be named traitors. So no, we Brits are not traitorous at all, we pledged no oath of allegiance to anything other than Queen and country.

Oh grow a pair shithead.