Do you guys Sup Forumselieve that keemstar is a pedophile? People say that he got a 15 year old to strip on a live stream, and then he goes around saying other people are pedo. Well what do you think?
Do you guys Sup Forumselieve that keemstar is a pedophile...
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By chance is there a screenshot of this person for "proof" because I can't decide without it
Will someone explain this shit to me? I don't know the first thing about this cunt.
It's a rumour, besides who doesn't like 15 year old pussy are you fucking gay?
Well if I'm gay, then you're a faggot for liking keemstar
its not a rumour, go to grade a under a and watch part 1 and 2 of this
No one cares. sage
>go to grade a under a and watch part 1 and 2 of this
first gradeAunderA video addressing him
Considering that being into 15 year olds has never had anything to do with paedophelia then no, he's not a paedophile.
yeah, it's a lie from that fucking fag who more holes
in his argument than a sponge
You actually watch this shit? How old are you? Get the fuck off this website you were in diapers when it was founded
legally he's a pedophile
technically though he's a hebephile
I watched it because I was bored and heard about this keemstar shit so I looked up a bunch of shit to entertain myself
don't usually watch trash
>it's a rumor
It's out there but I've only seen the part before she shows her ass hole. She covers the boobs and pussy with paper
he got those facts from joey salad.
do you know who joey salad is?
Didn't know that and yes I do, prank video trash
Fuck kumstar with a rusty pitchfork.
Is there a video of this 15 yr old
How long ago did this happen? She obviously wouldn't have said her age nobody is stupid enough to watch jailbait when there's 2000 fans watching as well
Out of sheer curiosity how do you know he got those facts from joey salad?
Everyone is so yes.
there is no legal definition of pedophile, legally he would just be guilty of some sort of sexual misconduct involving a minor.
Is this what faggots actually believe, or is it just because keemstar is popular and gets away with calling niggers niggers?
didn't he say that in his first video, as well as
I remember someone saying something like that
also I think if you watch joeys video he says something like that.
A holes a hole....I'd fuck anything if it has one....
>there is no legal definition of pedophile.
doesn't mater if there is no legal definition since you will still be convicted for it if you get caught
fuck off Calvin Vail quit making keemstar
threads you fucking faggot LeafyIsHere
gradeA's videos are actually enjoyable
he looks like an asian mexican mated with a donkey
if you're 12-15
Well if it fits around the dick
Your underage and retarded
why do you have such a gay meme on your computer?
to fight the LeafyIsHere cancer that's leaking into Sup Forums
You are cancer, you never saw these youtuber threads 3 years ago then all you little kids came around and think you're edgy
My word you are so edgy and cool.
How new are you? Fuck off maybe go outside instead of sitting on your computer all summer kililng this website
>youtube cancer*
the only youtubers I see are the Jewish backstabbers
so I don't see why your defending those threads
Leafy should drink some drain-o, too.
have you guys noticed that leafy realised oh
big he's gotten that he can fuck over popular
channels with "exposed video's"?
Nobody notices leafly, how fucking old are you?
Keem-Chan needs to get hanged desu :)
Keemstar just released a new video trying to clear his name, but he made it private already.
not going to believe this but 18
its because I watched one of his videos on Sup Forums and ever since
I've been getting his shitty videos recommended to e by youtube
hates niggers
likes teenage girls
seems to be a Sup Forumstard
all you sjw's need to go back to youtube
Lol he said the reason he said "Alex is a stupid nigger" is because he was on a website made for roasting people and he hated another admin, Alex, and he said Alex was trying to frame him for something so he made a roast, saying "Alex is a stupid nigger"
Apparently, Leafy is here...on b.
Faggots gonna fag.
The fuck outta here, emo cuntstache.
this tbh
Keemstar is bro material
I was fan of his back when he was doing the podcast and when he was starting the drama channel. Quite impressive how big he grew that channel and how fast he's making so much money. I don't watch it but apparently you idiots do so good job for lining his pockets children
but not really?
You realize he starts drama on purpose for the sole reason of making money and a lot of money he's making over 200k. Your stupid enough to watch it?
This. Fuck that guy, and his fans. They represent everything wrong with YouTube.