What the fuck is the point of using Spotify if it doesn't have the music you want?
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stop listening to weebshit
I tried it's not working
lol kys weeb
This isn't even weeb shit wtf is the point of this shitty app
You've got to be shitting me
I just started my premium free trial and it's alright. I'm still learning how to sort it all out because I'm autistic with organization. Not having the features clearly labeled on most tracks triggers me.
Because it does have some music that you want. The rest you can download
I don't see why you'd give up having instant access to millions of albums just because some others aren't on there. You don't actually have to commit to only one of streaming, downloading and buying music
>listening to anything from a certain country makes you "x"
>complaining about mongolian cup stacking
>on a board devoted to mongolian cup stacking
embarrassing desu
music has nothing to do with anime. go to Sup Forums
How do people use Spotify? Do you add stuff to 'Your Music' or just use playlists? Who are some users you follow? Who creates good playlists?
I use it when I feel like listening to something I don't have stored on my iPod at the time. They compliment each other.
I have no idea desu, they app is very lackluster to me, but maybe I jsut don't know how to use it. I just search for whatever artist I want to listen to.
You can make folders, which you can create more folders inside and then make playlists.
So I have (Music Genre) > (Sub genre) > Then I make a playlist with the artist name and save all their stuff to that playlist.
Never use 'Your Music' if you want some organisation.
I got all the music I need right here
Using folders like that for genre > subgenre is a lot smarter. I'm just loosely grouping related genres into playlists.
What's the point of a tracks and albums playlist? Just fav tracks in one and albums in another?
Creating a separate playlist per artist seems like full autism.
I never save all of an artists' stuff, only pick their best albums since I want to be able to scroll through it easily.
I see you people shit on spotify all of the time, I'm sorry but if you can't find enjoyment in the absolutely massive amount of music if offers there is no hope.
Guess what, shit-heads: Being unable to enjoy most music that isn't in your incredibly niche genres doesn't mean you have good taste. IT MEANS THE OPPOSITE
I have only one playlist where I shove all the songs that I really like to listen on shuffle. when I'm not listening on shuffle I just listen to a full album