The second underlined post is a response from a CURRENT Simpsons writer/director, from his AMA.
The second underlined post is a response from a CURRENT Simpsons writer/director, from his AMA
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Simpsons staff don't know or care about the Simpsons, can you really say you're surprised?
I don't get the reference but Simpsons is fucking shit so who cares. If that is a screenshot of your desktop you should consider ending it.
>implying people who write for modern Simpsons actually like The Simpsons
jesus fucking christ
>he didn't get a reference to a line written 20 years ago from a show with well over 600 episodes
The Simpsons is known for hiring Ivy League shitters who have never watched a cartoon in their lifetimes to write for the show. I doubt there is a single current writer who has watched more than 10% of the episodes.
It's one of the classic Simpsons lines. It's like forgetting "dental plan".
Someone care to explain? I havent watched Simpsons in ages and dont remember that particular scene.
I assume the joke is that a current producer doesnt get a joke that his predecessors made but Im afraid if thats the case I dont get it either...
>two words that became a meme are the exact same as a long fucking joke that was based on actual questions the writers received and still currently receive on a day-to-day basis
it's from the itchy scratchy and poochie show
they're at a q&a and a nerd as that stupid specific question
but they've always had ivy league shitters. conan was an ivy league shitter
Only among internet nerds. It's not that memorable of a line, dude.
Except he's been with the show since Season 2, so it's just that it's hard to remember something you made 20 years ago word-for-word when you've made 600 of them
It's a pretty well known line. But more than likely he's pulling a funny by subverting your expectations. By answering a fictitious question with a well-known response honestly he's in turn making a joke.
Otherwise it'd be a tired, played out reference only meant for karma whores, such as whoever posted the first part in the first place.
>Simpsons is fucking shit so who cares
clearly you do because you're responding
>sperging over some notes
Ah thank you very much. I remember watching that episode but not that particular joke.
Though I agree that this could probably happen to Groening himself...
Wait, Homer used to be witty?
but coco was good
Fucking kill youself, you colossal faggot.
If a huge amount of people can remember it just from watching it, you'd think someone who works on the show for a living would recall it too
It's literally his fucking job to know everything about the Simpsons. How can he write new material if he doesn't even know what's been done before?
I don't get it