ITT:things you regret

ITT:things you regret
I'll start; so, I taught my dog to jack off one time for lols and now it's really fucking annoying cuz he does it all over the house and I'll find puddles of jizz all over my floor

I taught myself how to jack off and now there are puddles of jizz everywhere. I'm fucking disgusting.

>I taught my dog to jack off

Idk how exactly he learned so well but I just grabbed his sheathed donger and started moving my hand a little then he starts humping.
Ever since then he will just sit down and kinda kick his back leg against his dong and hump the air then voilĂ  there's cum all over my floor

Punish him for doing it and he'll stop

You are retarded

niqqa u crazee


ok guys we are getting off track does anyone else regret something

beating a good high school through college friend in super street fighter four for the first time in a streak of losses and yelling then for some reason punching him in the face and hospitalizing him ending our friendship and getting me charged with assault because he is a pussy backstabber.

Fucking that one hooker with aids.


calm down faggot, your post is practically unintelligible.

leaving the EU


Its not funny he even fucking stares me in the eyes as he does it sometimes

*snicker* You got yourself into it.

I regret going on Sup Forums today and reading how some faggot jacked his dog off. Am I doing it right?

no it wasn't gay I was just seeing what would happen


You shoud regret knowing about Sup Forums.

Thats just what I'd expect you to say mr skellington

Having like 40 of these pics from Sup Forums

This is the funniest thing I've read here in years.


It wasn't gay that time your jerked your dog off? Wot

no it wasn't cuz I'm not gay I just wanted to see what he would do

your're clearly in denial about all this

So if you used your mouth to jack off another straight guy just to see if you can make him finish it wouldn't be gay cause you were just checking but you are both straight?

Me and my gf arrived at my parents home super stoned at 4 A.M. or so and she though it would be hot if I fapped next to my mom, that was sleeping.

I found it hot too. I did it while she was looking.

I wish I could turn back time.

Just normal man-dog experimentation, right?


ok guys I'm not gay the important thing is that I regret constantly having a dog jizz all over my house

post em

Nah nigga you gay

>Wish could turn back time
So you could do it all over again?

neuter the dog

So you'd be cool with having jacked off your dog as long as he'd use a towel?

Why didn't you teach him proper etiquette, you uncouth faggot?



Wtf is the guy in that pic doing?




no I'm not if anything he's gay cuz he looks me in the eyes as he does it

exactly if you can train a dog to piss and shit on newspaper you can train it to cum/fap in a specific place




well I really didn't think he'd learn how to do it just from that one time



Backtracing, obviously.

Posting slows with time lol

Ah the old
>"Hey Sup Forums IMy XYZ does [something totally outrageous and le funnay but let's ignore that, post your own XYZs"
>gets intrigued reply
>"oh nevermind that post yours"

Okay, OP. Proof. Post your dog with timestamp. If you even have a dog. And surely you have some stains that aren't yours.

fuck why am I saving that shit

if there's no more accusations of me being gay can someone share regrets

Have more


Fucking newfag.


I fucked my good pal Reggie's bird

I'd like to share another accusation of your faggotry if the floor is open

Blakd america

This is the most accurate portrayals of the countries yet.
But the US hates Canada so.

You got a problem with newfags m8?

I regret OP is in such rejection of his beast homosexuality.


Still got 43 left


It's all from pol retard just saved the whole thread

Yes. They must lurk more.

Not knowing every meme and having the audacity to make that fact known


anybody gonna comment on the fact that dogs are among the most easily trainable species on the planet




He's right though. What's the point of censoring on here?

Shut up cunt.

so easy that I jack him once for lols and he suddenly is a seasoned veteran at creating pools of jizz everywhere


If your not an edgy teen maybe you go to other boards instead of here and reddit
just grabbed it like that ask them



Whoa alright dude I'll back off I wouldn't wanna get caught on all your edges

nah faggot just fuck off back to 9gag you aren't talking your way out of this



And what would you be doing posting these on sfw boards anyway you fucking dickhead?

Lol 1 has censors and he is all buttmad
How long has Sup Forums been sfw?

>le edgy muh epik buzzword

Newfag confirmed.

I was blacked out on xanax and alcohol a while ago and I ended up getting in a fight with a good friend over god knows what. I gave him a huge purple black eye but he still slammed my ass to the ground in the end and beat me. We're still friends though, he disregarded it given my state

Do you honestly think that mexicans are white and tall and thin?

... Yes. Its not. Why would it be censored for there and why would you need a slightly censored image for other places?

We left the EU, not Ireland, you nutcase.


No I got more Mexico ones

>Buzzword edgy
>Then uses buzzword needs
>Retard confirmed
