circumcised > uncircumcised
Our cocks look better, we have better orgasms, women love sucking ours more, and ours are more iconic. Circumcised master race, and if you disagree you are an inferior scarf-wearing faggot who should commit suicide.
Circumcised > uncircumcised
i'll agree to this, although being uncut was okay too, it just was too tight.
This. I've still got the stitches, was circumcised 12 days ago.
used it yet / got pics? interested to see how much they took.
Sometimes I pull it back to make myself look cut
looks tight. that hurt?
after pic, btw
did this hurt
Circumcised or not, It's really not that important.
only when it was healing. the OP itself didn't hurt, but i could feel what they were doing, which was kind of weird.
you get a say in how they cut it?
Oh look! Another cock thread started by a "straight" ameritard with a dick obssesion.
Muslim confirmed
i was circumcised when i was a kid due to an infection, at least is that what my parents said
i year ago i had lost almost all the sensitiveness in my gland because of keratinization
i coundt cum using condoms, sinse i wanst dating anyone regularly that became a huge problem, you cant just fuck anyone without a condom
now i have to keep puting lotion on my dick to prevend and treat the keratinized skin
being circunsied just sucks, it maybe no bother you now bud it will bother you in 10 years or so
Also, uncircumsized keeps the skin more sensitive to touch. Enjoy your drycock syndrome.
Listen closely you silly cunt. You are just mad some one literally threw part of you in the bin this makes you less of a person and a failure you should throw the rest of you're pathetic shit fucking life away like your lil dick skin. You silly cunt
Im right trust me you fucking idiot
Not OP, but had it done when I was young too, and I've never had any issues with it not being sensitive...
that is me again
i was reading again my post, just to let it be clear
it is not that it will fuck your sex life, bud it just another thing to care for, because if you dont it will
at the end of the day is easier to keep cleaning you dick like you normaly would than having to put lotion on it everyday
enjoy only lasting 5 minutes in bed
Anyone else here get cut when they were in their teens?
Trust me it hurts. And if it's not lubed properly it will break and bleed everywhere
Insecure Amerijew detected
How can cut cocks even compete with male roasties?
Just leave this poor "fXcking" thing alone.
kek @ this desperate attempt to justify having part of your manhood amputated without consent or medical justification
circumcision guarantees your status as a cuck for life
enjoy only lasting 2 minutes in bed, now that i know you're so easily excited
Mine is uncircumcised but it looks circumcised. I think I won.
without doing anything?
your gland is craked, like not all smooth?
i mean is not like i dont feel anything bud i remenber i could feel a lot more when i was kid
i remenber even the shower stream hitting my dick would bother, and now i almost cant feel it
I am a literally a scarf wearing faggot and I'm happy my parents didn't take a knife to my 'nads as a kid.
so that means im uncut.... ive been unsure most my life cuz its not like a loose bag over my dick its just partially covering my cock it feels really good to masturbate with the excess skin
Fuck, I'm a woman, and I've tested both circumcised and uncircumcised, and I experienced a more intense pleasure with uncircumcised. Stop trying to push your jew agenda, it's fucking unnatural to chop off your dick like that, its the same as excision for girls.
That kind of thread makes me so angry, you're so insecure that you just HAVE to tell others to go and get circumcised? fuck off OP, you're a dirty faggot who's lying to himself, you degenerate.
post a pic? maybe just cut loose.
nope better orgasm when uncircumcised because it's more sensitive
You need to stretch that thing.
What in the name of fuck?
>Our cocks look better
kek, a dry keratinized head looks awful, not to mention skin bridges, two-toned skin and ugly scar tissue
>we have better orgasms
not even remotely true, circumcision increases you chances of erectile dysfunction and produces weak inferior orgasms
>women love sucking ours more
gross fat American women will put anything in their mouths
>ours are more iconic
you mean like all those iconic classical statues and works of art?
Fucking jew dicks deserve to burn in hell
these are the faggots
Do you have the frenulum?
enjoy your dickcheese faglord
t. Dr. Goldsteinbergsky
Motherfucker, don't pretend like that's a bad thing.
you dont get that shit if you at least shower like 2 times a week. Cant tell for you fat mericans though, maybe you produce it faster.
We have discovered the art of washing ourselves. Might be too complicated for you, so it's better they mutilated your dick. Enjoy your stanky body.
Guys, how do you masturbate without lube?
I hid a paperclip under my foreskin once cause I knew I was about to go to jail.
Enjoy cutting yourself just to give someone else pleasure.
>because it's trendy right?
Like normal? Don't need lube all the time. Can also just rub the frenulum.
uh im not sure, kinda at work let me sneak into the bathroom and get hard, not sure what a frenulum is
buh i like uncut to suck for the smooth feel.
You have to spit on the dick and get lotion and shit or else it'll get irritated, the penis is exposed to the elements and scrapes up against your underwear causing the head to be inflamed
You might not know, because you're a virgin. But as you have sex more in your life, you learn to last. Everyone jizzes everywhere instantly the first time you have sex.
more you fuck, more you last, hope you understand lil cutty boy
Tits or gtfo.
>Inb4 b8
ok its hard to get hard in a tiny hot room that smells faintly of shit ill do it the next time i see a thread
Hey OP, I just figured out how to circumcise yourself at home.
Follow the pictures for the best result.
Good luck, OP. :)
power bottom ftw.
lasted like ten minutes or better my first time.
sounds sad as fuck poor boy :x
As a guy that got circumcised ten times as a baby because my parents were fucktards, I can say it can easily ruin your life. My head is too sensitive to enjoy oral or sex. Underwear even hurts. Fuck circumcision.
Hey OP, I just figured out how to circumcise yourself at home.
Follow the pictures for the best result.
Good luck, OP. :)
you were circumcised TEN fucking times.
your dick is fucked. its not the usual case for most
sounds fake, it's supposed to be less sensitive cause of no skin covering it
It's sensitive as shit to the point where it's just uncomfortable. Any little touch against my head harbors zero pleasure.
Cutfags can't get their foreskin fucked by other dudes. Checkmate.
Yeah it sucks. I can't have any healthy sexual relationships because of how uncomfortably sensitive it is. Everything just hurts.
that looks too fun, anyone actually do this?
eh, soft pic probably works too. shows how loose it is.
try feather play.
tickle it with string.
find some kinky bitch to do shit with.
learn pussy eating etiquette.
Dude anything that touches it is uncomfortable. I can't get any simple proper tongue action because it's so uncomfortable. I can eat pussy all day and they never complain about how I do, but I rarely even jerk off because of how fucked it is.
...have you ever been able to cum?
ever find a way that it works and doesnt feel horrible?
do you have any penis left?
how bad did you even get it user?
sounds pretty brutal if you ask me
Stfu jew
I've cum probably a dozen times and I'm 22. I've experimented tons of ways, even prostate, but I can't get into it. Ive got dick left, yeah. It looks normal until the lighting gets it just right and you start seeing all these shiny scars all over it. They're blotchy and ugly. The head has all these dark spots from the fuck ups.
fuck off jews
So I'm going to go on holidays with the girlfriend (now 2 months together) in 1.5 month. I'm circumcised and cannot stretch foreskin all the way. How fucked am I?
My dumbass doctor tried using a cigar cutter when I was a baby, got it redone 16 years later.
..why were they cutting the head of your dick?
was the circumcision done at home?
>pent up sexual aggression
>rape victims with knife to death
>wear dick skin of victims as mask
>more profit
>Desperately defending genital mutilation online
ok buddy
how's it look now?
>Our cocks look better, we have better orgasms, women love sucking ours more
Ok you win. Now what? I mean, really. If I agree with you, will you shut up about it finally? What do you aim to accomplish with this line of reasoning?
Fucking moron. Like a dog chasing a car, once he catches the car, what's he gonna DO with it?
fuck it with his superior dick while barking that your mother's a slut
You do realize assholes and vaginas feel different right?
Alls normal except a scar across the head. Apparently that doctor did it to many children.
They will not talk about it. They legit refuse to give me answers. I'm thinking they had some meth head med school dropout do the work. It was something fucky, because they won't tell me shit.
>Wear mask while performing serial rapes
>Get movie made
>Spread awareness about dangers of circumcision
Why are only americans obsessed witht his bullshit? Here in europe only those get cut who follow certain religions all others just let it be.
I mean after all, what you guys basically are doing is mutilate your cocks and stick the remaining scar into women. Utter bullshit.
you do know what a power bottom is right?
Silly thing you are.
thats pretty fucked yeah. maybe eventually they'll tell you if you keep asking? idk. good luck with life though, shit.
From experience, also those who have issues with the foreskin being too tight and not responding to other treatment...
>Circumcised master race, and if you disagree you are an inferior scarf-wearing faggot who should commit suicide.
Your insecurity is showing, OP.