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Tyrion edition

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Where's the backlink?

The correct answer was Arya btw lads

Highgarden edition


It's to bad, if he was normal sized he'd be hot.

Old thread because op is a faggot

Based Robb. I miss him so much ;_; much better than that faggot Gary Stu Jon Snow

Yeah Arya POVs in books 1-3 are so much worse than fucking Arianne or Quentyn

Have you even read the books

Cersei is supposed to have a pot belly and saggy tits.

Arianne > Cersei

Arya chapters were my favorite

If you actually liked Robb you'd know that he cared deeply for Jon and actually turned him into a Stark just before his death. He also named him his heir.

Got to nut deep inside this tho.

>Stannis dead for good
>House Baratheon extinct
>Jon reborn
>R+L=J confirmed next episode
>Jon crowned King by the end of the season
>Melisandre and Davos on team Jon

Where were you when Jonautist won?

Only one of them was good enough to make it to the show.

Her story leads nowhere and she has no influence on what's going on around her. Now five books later she's no closer to killing Cersei

They're dragons, Khaleesi. You cannot just eat them.

Jon will still be a bastard though.

>Ellaria kills Doran, Sneks rule Dorne
>Roose is a retard who isn't careful around supervillain Ramsay
>Arthur DAYNE dual-wields swords like an anime character

What will DABID fuck up next, user?

she's still supposed to look hot af

Reminder we all thought Talisa was in on it.

>no lesbian sex scene with Cersei and Lady Merryweather
Why live?

I was here shitposting. Who will be jon's queen though?

>trying to divide and conquer the Stark fanbase


>no hot foursome with dirty hedge knights

Her story is still ongoing and we learn an incredible amount through her, like Neds death, Brotherhood without banners, Harrenhal, faceless men etc.

What the fuck did Quentyn amount to? Hes dead and he did fuck all


In or not she had to die because Stark babby, it doesn't prove anything.

Trump = Littlefinger
Rubio = Loras
Hillary = Cersei
Bernie = High Sparrow
Rand = Tyrion
Ron = Daenerys
Cruz = Mace
Carson = Pycelle
Kasich = Jon
Jeb = Arya
Obama = Tommen

Meh. At least Jon knew who the true king was.


Jamie killed by Brienne


And Moonboy?

Jon should deal with the fantasy threat. Rickon should inherit Winterfell


>most showfags don't even know who Kevan is

This response is boring. How do you know who knows what on the show? He has a good scene with Cersei last season, and he's going to be the hand in the next episode. Not to mention he was at the end of her walk AND he popped up once or twice in earlier seasons.

The whole 'normies don't remember anything, so it's useless for the show to attempt it' meme has to go.

It's not that complicated to show Kevan as a competent ruler.

Liberated the dragons and set Dorne to join Aegon instead of Dany.

>Implying Trump has the same level of political savvy and competence as Littlefinger

I know this is a meme but it still hurts

Kasich is more like Balon. Did next to nothing, still managed to get down to the final rounds despite having almost no chance at victory. Was ignored to death.

She didn't fuck him

wish she did though

>Ron = Daenerys

Its going to be pycelle thats the big kill if that scene happens at all.

[Citation needed]

Arya chapters are great, especially in the first 3

Its just contrarian neckbeards that hate her for being too popular, meanwhile pretending the absolute filler shit in the last 2 books are somehow more substantial than Aryas arc

t. flustered burnout

But she's his aunt, they can't pic related

Who excited to see Kevan rule as hand next episode?

What is going to happen to Varys next episode? He's mentioned in the description, yet doesn't appear in pics or previews...

Is there an extra special cock joke zinger that they don't want to spoil?

i like Arya and cher chapters, but gurms retardness fucked her up, she's away in middle of nothing and nowhere near to fulfill her goals. Timeskip could have saved her

I've seen a map like this, but it was more detailed and only on the lands east of the bone mountains/ red waste area
do you have that?

Like zombies can do that anyway.



They are going to reveal that Varys has a cock and was lying about being an eunuch.

I just want to see him talk mad shit to Cersei about the incest

Who else here /Bran/




They are Targaryens it's ok

How much action has her royal ass seen?


Mila Kunis?

What are the five forts and who made them?

God damn it I hope so

t. showfag normie

>Mother of Mountains

Is that where Dany was born?

According to Preston she's been buggered enough times to make a Kettleblack blush - speaking of Kettleblacks, one of them may have got in there in the books.



talkin bout some sorta yellow king

The Five Forts are massive fortresses along the northeastern boundaries of the Golden Empire of Yi Ti, situated between the Bleeding Sea and the Mountains of the Morn. Northeast of the Five Forts are the Land of the Shrykes, K'Dath, Bonetown, the Grey Waste, and the Cannibal Sands

The Five Forts are massive fortresses along the northeastern boundaries of the Golden Empire of Yi Ti, situated between the Bleeding Sea and the Mountains of the Morn. Northeast of the Five Forts are the Land of the Shrykes, K'Dath, Bonetown, the Grey Waste, and the Cannibal Sands

LOL so much of the 7 Kingdoms very rarely mentioned.

I mean the five forts and the wall are practically the same. I wonder if there's some significents in that.

Bet GRRM was pissed about Season 2.

Too old to be lyanna?

I would still fill that fatty with gallons of semen.

They are 5 military complexes and gooks made them.

>mfw Kings Landing is larger than Rome ever was

The Five Forts predate the Golden Empire of Yi Ti. Some suggest they were built by the Pearl Emperor at the time of the Great Empire of the Dawn to defend against the demons of the Lion of Night. They currently guard the Golden Empire from raiders out of the Grey Waste

>According to Preston she's been buggered enough times to make a Kettleblack blush

W-which video series covers that? I'm asking for a friend.


Tyrion OP, you can't expect anything not to be retarded.

What did he say?

Looks comfy

It's basically the Wall in Essos. The Empire of Yi Ti probably built them. The Others are going to wreck Essos as well. Otherwise why would there be legends about Azor Ahai and the long night from Ashai and Yi Ti.







i can go on

Yes and I really never liked her anyway. She somehow always looks like she's just blown her nose.

>7 Kingdoms

>of the 7 Kingdoms
Go away,


is highgarden the best place in westeros?

welp westeros is bigger than europe i think

roughly size of south america


Hahah aaa.

Any option besides Casterly Rock is for autists

If he was normal sized no one would ever know him tho.

He's known as "the dwarf actor who isn't a clown like warwick davis".

Thank god we are on Sup Forums - television and series

If you want to cry about gurrms masterpiece was ruined
What? Are you afraid of cyberbullies critisizing gurrms work? On an anonymous chinese cartoon site?