ITT we are reddit

ITT we are reddit

EDIT 1: typo
EDIT 2: Wow, front page? Shout out to my mom and dad, smile for the camera. SMILE DAMMIT!

Le Bernie for pres

It's le monke, not le monkey

I do not agree with this, let me explain to you in full detail why.

REMEMBER: Reddiquette, no gendered slurs!

i gonna gib gold for this


Shut the fuck up you faggot whore

Wow I sure love MLP, and religion is sheeple to be mind controlled, bernie2016

Damn I can't show my true intellectual nature when I can't type correctly

ooh have a downvote

That's when she has a face.. like a total monkey....

but the rest of her.. just isnt that hot

down vote, no he's been reported

Enjoy le ban jerk face!

I'm a C-list celebrity with humanist ideals AMA

i laughed more than i should have, you magnificent bastard. have an upvote.

EDIT: thanks for the gold

me too thanks lol

*awkward sexual joke*
*another awkward sexual joke*
*awkward sexual joke combining the first two*
* "we have come full circle" comment*
*back to more awkward sexual jokes*
* " this is amazing, thank you guys" comment*

Well I did nazi that coming.

DAE like cute puppies?

anytime! ;-)

>read a fucking book lol
>;-) xD lol wtf omg zozzle
>mothers basement reference
>fat loser reference
>feminist shitposting
>transgender rights
>faces of Sup Forums thread
>banana cancer
>politics on Sup Forums
>omg debate terms read a fucking book kek
>kek kek kek


they'll be in here soon enough.