I need your help b

I need your help b

How does a fag find a boy in scool? Currently in my senior year, and I need someone to fuck me. Any tips or suggestions?

Pic related, me

Holy shit moar

High school? If so, In my experience there was a metric fuck ton of ass to be had in theater. At least in the school I went to

Post moar pictures of you and we will tell you and also timestamp

Damn come to my school I know at least one person


Simple OP, move to Sarpsborg, Norway and attend my school.

Post Kik


Step one get the fuck off of Sup Forums step two pic related

is right. The fags are all in theatre. We're required to take a speech or acting class before we graduating so I might take acting to get some dick.

Put some signs up on local corck boards and maybe shout out your mission in the main lobby before class.


well if you aint underage, I'm quite horny

Take the underwear off pussy

To clarify since whoever made his is an idiot, the helium has to be 100% or it will not kill you. Most tanks do not contain 100% helium because it is cheaper to add air to it. Make sure it says 100% helium, no air.

Remove shorts and show pussy now

As I just said, senior year. I'm 18



just giving parameters, didn't mean any offense. sorry fam, so you got a kik?

Take off clothes


>can only fit sharpie
I'm not sure you actually want dick, user

That's hot!,

I just did that to be cute, it was slipping out of me every time. Happened to take photo at just the right time

Post dick pics

Seem cute. How's the face?

Anything bigger you can put in there?
Plus hard cock pic plz

Requesting larger item.. Or spread 'em.

You listen. You understand what he likes. You try to think of what he would love. You talk. He likes. He fuck you, then leaves you alone? Unless you carry on this way, : he won't leave you alone :)

>>what I prefer is challenges of understanding.

problem is I'm a closet fag still.

Where are you located?

I was about to ask: are you open about it.

Only real way you're gonna find a fag is to let people know you're a fag. And then that fag will seek you out.


I'd stick my dick in you

Post kik fag

If that's the only way, alright. Thanks for the support. Here's a freebie, for the help

Tinder is how I found my current qt bf.
Lot of garbage but you eventually find a decent human being.


I was thinking about twitter, but I'm very shy irl. I'll give it a try though!

*tinder, sorry

damn thats hot

I already fapped and I'm getting hard again.

Jesus Christ if only I was in that room with you right now

You shouldn't be shy. You have a nice body and a tight looking ass~

I'll bang you non stop from now until christmas kiddo

stop, I'm blushing :>

still didnt spread em for me.
top rip

Keep blushing then. I'd bend you over and pound you until I couldn't cum any more

mmm I wish there were more like you in my town~

Scuse me, but please take requests.
And then do this pose for me.

I'd share you with my fiancee too. He's bigger than me so I'd have to get first dibs. :>

fucking amazingly perfect feet

Firsthand, I want to know. Why are certain people obsessed with feet? It has always puzzled me.

This good enough for you. naughty boy?

You have a nice ass

idk, it's a fetish that's just always been there since i was 10ish but all it means is on days you don't want your ass pounded i can take care of myself on your feet : P

How old are you?

I never understood it either. To me feet are the ugliest part of the body.

18, turned the 20th

'tis a start. Remove the shirt. Do this.

/r/equesting banana in ass. or similar phallic object for scale.

or cum on belly.

Not flexible enough. I'm going to stop posing. OP out.

OP gone you guys mind if i hijack this thread??

you can try browsing Craigslist for people 18-21

other thing I did when I was 19-20 was to go to myyearbook/meetme and just spam hot guy accounts and write them a message saying they looked really cute and see if they ever wanted to "hang out". ended up fucking a couple 18yo seniors that were curious but tried to play it cool. they never agreed to anything sexual over the messages but when i would get "youre hot" replies i knew it was on. love fucking "straight" boys

Where do you live? You can see if anyone here goes to your hs

shameless self bump

I seriously doubt it, so much that I'm not mentioning my location. I live in a very small town.

Only if you show some bare ass

Do all the requests in the thread and you can have it

more pics with glasses in them pls. Also lets see those lips

shoot for the moon

even if you miss, you could land amongst the stars

THA 313

Toy in ass.
Or other dick-shaped object.
Or just bare ass.
You look great, user.

Not doing anymore pics, sorry user. I'm here all the time, and you might find me in another thread tomorrow. I dunno

bare ass inbound, dont think im as glorius as op but can do my best

b-but I need more ;_;

boys with glasses are my weakness. Either way good luck finding a nice guy user


taking these with my phone, hard to get flattering angles


bare feet?

/r/ing timestamp to know we arent dealing with a fraud.

also cum on stomach, show form.

use timer to set up for pictures.

time stamp on the way


would love to suck those toes and lick those arches


you have an ass to challenge the gods
show boipussy


What you should do is climb a tree and tie your neck to a branch with a rope then jump out of the tree. That's how.

how's the front looking?

WOW, need I say more?

well I had an accident with a cash register

you want it hard or soft xD



also requesting full body shot. front or back, pref. naked

dribbling with ur cum

needs a bit of a shave

here's one i just took but i have a few better shots from the past ill post just for you

needs my lips round it too, me likey

this again


can I sit on it?

and another old one :p