We’ve announced the next nine movies, ten counting Civil War, through the end of 2019...

>We’ve announced the next nine movies, ten counting Civil War, through the end of 2019. Where we go beyond that are ongoing discussions that we’ll focus on in the next few years because we have a lot to do before then. Of the characters that you’ve just mentioned I would say certainly the one creatively and emotionally that we are most committing to doing is black widow.


so what plot and characters do you want to see in a black widow movie?

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first post...

Fucking first post best post

why does she look fat?

She just ate her partner

What the fuck lol


Low test

She doesn't.

David Hayter wrote a Black Widow screenplay years ago, and Kojima is a huge BW fan.

The writer/director combo is already set.

fuck off manlet

fuckin smart

>this gif became canon


>I know that’s what Ryan is setting out to do but even the introduction that the characters had in Civil War and the reactions to that character…my daughter, a little redhead, 7-year-old girl was running around all weekend wearing the Black Panther mask.
Cuck alert

>implying Hayter would ever work with Kojima after the betrayal that was MGSV and Kiefer

>tfw i don't know the sauce of the pounding part

>This landwhale is playing Major Kusanagi
Please kill me

Such a lust for revenge!

Stefani Sierra




FUCK OFF. t-that was just banter!!!!!!!!


>blocked in my country
Th-thanks Conan


say that to my face not online. Black Widow best pure waifu

>Nick Fury was white in the comics

fucking normies he was literally designed on SLJ in the ultimate comics

616 Fury is white but yeah the MCU takes more cues from Ultimate

>reddit filename
>all these newdditors not knowing this


she got fat, because she wants to be incredible math.

after seeing their intimate scenes in Age of Ultron, i can imagine this what happens

Why so many Jews ffs?


> incredible math.
what's that?

How is she when she doesn't surf?
(She doesn't surf)


Does anyone actually want a black widow movie??

I would sell out any 100 of you for any 3 of them.

Its the end credits song from the GitS series

Hes memeing on you

>of you
Who are these?

I'd watch it. They seem to give her some really good action scenes and some really tight pants.

some ghost in the shell thing, it seems

oh i see

Pls be Soviet Super-Soldiers


they're all so perfect


>No, guys, we t-totally promise that we'll think about doing a Black Widow movie. Not anytime this decade, but someday. Maybe.

Well, that'll shut up the feminists, I'm sure.

>Black cat and Black Widow explore their sexuality together and discover a new lust they only dreamed of.

when it comes to black widow im most interested in backstory

Plot can be secondary.

I don't think we have a word for lips, but those were spot on and I could use some more.

I'm interested in the entire body of work

Look up lithium flower

Oh, and thighs. And hair.

No. But I love how she has no powers and nothing to really offer the group yet shes the strongest and most resilient bc WOMEN STRONK.

I hope she'll be in the new spidy movie

Most people in hollywood are related to each other. Very few of them are selected because they have talent. Since the Jews own hollywood they cast all of their jewish friends into hollywood roles.

I hope she's older. Certainly mid 20's.

>ywn have qt jewish gf

pretty sure everyone knows this by now.

fuck off /aco/

its never going to happen, she will be an old woman by time they get around to her doing her solo movie, they're already throwing more light t o scarlet witch, theyre giving more time to younger women



Don't worry about it.

fucking kill yourself faggot weeb

they should have done these movies as animated desu

>she will NEVER castrate you with her teeth
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)


>tfw my waifu isnt on there


Alison Brie is so cute it hurts to live.

And then it turns out she's a huge sex fiend. I'll bet she'd peg Kat Dennings while Eva Green rims her.

Castration meme is reddit cuck shit.

there is no god because this doesn't exist in video form

how new are you kiddo?

It was the Hulk porn gif.

Sure just do a Hawkeye/Bucky spy movie with her

Unless he DOES exist and he's hoarding this footage. We need to Ocean's El-Heaven to steal that porno.

>Hawkeye/Bucky spy movie with her


thanks, my anxiety is already abating

I have to say, this is all I wanted during my teenage years.
Movies like this, that are all connected in some way and are all in the same universe.

It's exciting for teenage me.

Kill yourself


I've felt the same way since the early Disney Marvel movies. I would have LOVED this shit as a kid, I love it now, but goddamn, this is so much better than what I had.

lets do it, I'm in

>good internet
>good games
>good movies

Fucking spoiled kids these days. Mother fuckers don't know how good they've got it

Laura Prepon is a jew?!


>Sure just do a Hawkeye/Bucky spy movie with her
Did any of you lads read the Winter Soldier comic by Brubaker after BuckyCap was no longer BuckyCap? It was very very good and exactly what you're describing.

>inb4 comics
It's easy to understand and doesn't need much if any external context and it's only like 12 (iirc) issues. You may like it. It's also from pre-insanity SJW overdrive Marvel

hahahaha they tricked you AGAIN!

All I had was my Sega Genesis, Jurassic Park on VHS and my faggot-ass sister. It galls me to think that maybe this kind of entertainment might have inspired me to do something.

Why are all the jews I know irl not nearly that attractive? Are literally all attractive jews in Hollywood, and any jew not in Hollywood must have been too ugly?

Black Widow and Punisher movie

It's a very good song tbqh with you my friend.


She's so cool and human

thanks for the rec. I'll look into it, the fact that it doesn't need external context is why I'll probably read it.

>mfw I just want to smack every kid I see because I didn't have any of this shit growing up
>no internet
>16 bit gaming
>easily discovered porn stash
>no other autists to argue with
>fucking christopher reeves superman

At least we have character borne of hardship, right?
