Why is blackwashing allowed but whitewashing looked down upon?

Why is blackwashing allowed but whitewashing looked down upon?

Because movies have always been white washed so now blacks get their turn

resentment of the white majority

Same reason why Sup Forums generally gets upset over blackwashing but never with whitewashing

Whitewashing is clearly allowed. No one fucking stops you from doing it.

Because studio executives think they can sell more tickets if they target the colored demographic

>George Clooney as Uncle Tom
>"When lawd? When's gon' be mah time?"

The shitstorm would be massive.

There is no such thing as blackwashing.

Yeah, two wrongs never make a right. Whitwashing and blackwashing are just shit marketing decisions and have nothing to do with the story or characters. I know this is a troll thread but this is serious bullshit.

One wrong can right another wrong

Because black people spend their money and whites don't.


There's no such thing as "blackwashing". It's called 'painting' you faggot.

because whites are the dominant race in government, business, and media, and have a history of abuse and mistreatment towards negros you dumb motherfucker

It's really not that fucking hard OP

Why are Sup Forums so incapable of understaning the most basic of concepts? Do you faggots know anything?

No, they don't. The ends don't justify the means. Fuck this bullshit and fuck identity politics.


I don't recall, but were there any asian people in CW The Flash?

Wally is black because he's Iris' brother and Iris is also black.

Barry and Iris are basically brother and sister, but Barry is adopted so they're not blood related. I think they made Iris black to drive in the point that Barry and her are not really related, because audiences are dumb and will scream "it's incest!!!1!" unless it's extremely obvious that they aren't blood related.
And well, once Iris is black, you have to make the whole family black too.

Yes, barry's reporter gf. Plus the police captain is some kind of asian.

Because white people are evil and must be punished for being the only race on the planet to oppress others. They also especially must be punished for developing successful cultures and civilizations, because it's not fair that they did it and blacks didn't.

>Why is stealing from the rich okay but stealing from poor looked down on?
you have to ask?

Because generations upon generations ago, white people oppressed blacks for many years. Now for the rest of eternity, generations to come will have to cater to blacks to make up for something they didn't personally do or agree with.

Niggerwashing is disgusting.

No, the police captain is some kind of gay Mexican.

>generations upon generations ago

Just how young are you?

The funny thing is, SJW's think they are making some sort of progress, while blackwashing exists simply because it became economical to do so. And it's always blackwashing for the most part because any other kind of diversity isn't profitable.

For Thor they cast Idris Elba as a doorman and nobody complained.


>it's never simply "a different actor is this character in this movie"
>it's always race, "whitewashing", "blackwashing"
It's funny too that it's always the worst movies that get called on their apparent racism either way

Whitewashing is looked down upon because it's the sort of thing Hollywood, and popular media in general, have been doing for decades - over a century, really - erasing that which isn't safely "white" and American. As a for instance, have you ever heard of the 1960 WW2 movie "Hell to Eternity"? It's the true story of a US Marine by the name of Guy Gabaldon, who famously single-handedly captured over 1000 Japanese soldiers during the battles of Saipan & Tinian with some gumption & a bit of backstreet Japanese he'd picked up as a kid in Los Angeles. Gabaldon was a 5'3" Mexican, they cast a 6' tall Anglo-American actor, Jeffrey Hunter, and never made a single mention of Gabaldon's being Latino. That's not an exceptional case, and while it might have happened decades ago, it's clear Hollywood is no different today - see Cameron Crowe casting Emma Stone as a mixed Native Hawaiian/Chinese (!) character in his epic star-studded bomb, Aloha.

Turning historically-white characters non-white, on the other hand, is seen as working towards greater diversity and indicative of seeking better representation.

black people are cheaper and get good press you stupid cucks

When was the last decade that blacks were TRULY oppressed? The 60s at the least.

Because fuck you, honkey.

What makes the blackwashing on Wally West even worse is that they turned him into some hoodlum, too. In their attempt to be "less racist," they actually became more racist.

But I see everyone defending the white protagonist in GitS.

On that note, here's what confuses me about that: Some people defend the change by saying "Oh, well it takes place in America now" but why is that even necessary? Does every American remake need to have its location changed? The 2011 version of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo kept the Swedish stuff, so why is this a big deal for asian stuff? More importantly, there's a Star Wars manga, but the characters didn't magically turn Japanese. The Attack on Titan movie everyone brings up as a counterpoint to people talking about whitewashing still takes place in an obviously German flavored world. More to the point, America is much more ethnically diverse (Yes, you guys have lost your racial identity, this is obvious just from watching American tv) so it wouldn't be as hard to remake the movie with asians as it would be for Japanese companies to find white actors living in Japan. It's the same reason I'm not upset by Dante being black in the Ghanan version of Devil May Cry, seeing as how it's really hard to find white actors there.

Black guys get poorly written capeshit roles for children? I'm ok with this.

They made the West's black because they really wanted the actor Jesse L Martin to play Barry's adoptive father. Possibly because of some CW diversity quota, but that's the reason they have said.

When they made Det. West black then Iris had to be black and so does Wally.

The actor is half white

>In their attempt to be "less racist," they actually became more racist.

Every time.

This. Same reason that rap took over the music industry - nignogs can't afford computers, and even those who can't don't know how to pirate. Hence, rap is the only genre that still makes money.

If they aren't major characters who the fuck cares?

>What makes the blackwashing on Wally West even worse is that they turned him into some hoodlum

You obviously don't watch the show.

He's a college student developing a never before invented engine.

You're bitching about it right now

Whitewashing in the past made sense in that it was financially beneficial to pander to the movie-going audience, white people. The ideological aspects of it were only a consequence of this marketing.

Blackwashing feels wrong because it was first conceived as an ideological tool and is only now becoming financially feasible. Minorities are not the biggest consumers of media nor the majority of the producers and in the case of black people overrepresented in media. Forcing themselves in mainstream media and in previously white roles is what removes their identity. If they want more presence in media they need to create it themselves for their own market.

because diversity is codeword for white genocide

Agree with first two sentences.

It's called color blind casting for some reason
Even Wikipedia's fallen for this bullshit

Meant for

>every character from the 1900's have to be fucking white forever

OP please fuck off.

This literally only triggers white millenials.

Because whites were the first ones to be racist, so now they have to attone. It must be balanced. We're almost there, don't worry. But now the women think they're people too...

>Vancouver is 67% East Asian
>all their shows are filled with whites and blacks

Wally West in the New 52 series was black

in what way do you disagree with the rest?

So he's only half-shit

Isn't that obvious? White guilt


Because deep down everyone acknowledges blacks as the inferior race

It's essentially charity

You started out strong but went Sup Forums halfway through.

Iron Woman?

that's pretty much Samus Aran

>Being surprised Jewish cartoon artists make a multiracial casts to promote a "diverse" society while making maximum profit by pandering to everyone at the same time.

meh, his powers are shit and they killed him off in the comics by giving him a negative speedforce effect that lead to him aging a couple of decades every few seconds
bart however

cultural marxism

why did Hulk-Girl become Arya Stark?

I've probably spend to much time there, but i don't think theres anything racist with the post. If anything i don't want them to lose their particular identities by being eaten by the machine. Its in everyones interest to keep the cultures separate.

Haha I bet the poor little whiteboy that spent the time on this gritted his teeth the entire time.

this entire list is fucking shit and only shows temporary stuff that got retconned later on

I wasn't accusing you of racism, it's just a skewed viewpoint in my opinion.

well, this picture is all kinds of retarded

>Picture compares TV Wally to the comics
>Right side is a picture of Bart
Come on

are you going to argue or just insult and use boogeyman excues?

this list is retarded since most of these are spinoff versions that don't replace the original

>But I see everyone defending the white protagonist in GitS.
Cause her body wasn't asian, pic related her standing next to an actual jap. Even unbiased japs on the street agree a western actress fits her better (whether or not scarjo is a good choice is another thing).

The only ones pretending it should be asian are dishonest weebs and the pc police who don't know about the source material at all.


You're a fucking idiot.

everyone just hates Scarjo cause she's ugly and is a womanlet

damn I got told.

I've gotten tired of it. I won't watch any of the div fuckups because it's just shit anyways.


good thing I don't read that shit propaganda

All you do is read propaganda.

Blackwashing is allowed because society has been whipped into believing that Whites enslaving and then subsequently hating Blacks in America for quite some time over the last 400 years is something we still owe them for. They were held back by being brought to America and not educated. Since white people didn't educate them, they stayed stupid and useless for years, so White people hated them, but now the education system is different and they have their proper freedom, so now nothing is good enough, and now they're educated so they have the capability of making demands instead of being treated like dirt, so all the successful stories and shit White people wrote have to now be changed to make the Black people 'fit in' since they don't have a successful or powerful history of their own.

Or you could just stop being a racist dickhat and deal with the fact that when media is adapted to other media, the original creator's vision isn't the vision that's always going to be followed, it's the vision of the new 'creator', the person in charge of the new project/media, so they can do whatever the fuck they want, including making people who haven't had as many 'heroes' in society have heroes in the media to look up to.


I don't care about white/black, but there should really be more Asians in Hollywood.

Lots of people complained.
I complained.
Heimdal is based on a classically WHITE character from a WHITE nation's history and mythology, re-written to be very reminiscent of his classic self in a comic book universe.
And then Hollywood gets a hold of it and goes 'Nah, Blacks need a strong presence on screen and they can't design good strong characters on their own so let's turn this white character black to make the apes settle down'

As fro the rest of the characters being white?


Stealing from the rich isn't ok thou you Commie bastard

stop posting this retard

the kid wouldn't look like him you fucking idiot

but the internet is always up in arms about it, whereas it's the opposite for blackwashing


And then whites will get fed up and whitewash everything...

and then blacks will get fed up and everything will be blackwashed...

and then whites will get fed up and everything will be whitewashed...

and then blacks will get fed up and everything will be blackwashed...

Do you see the problem here?

The 60's wasn't that long ago, kiddo. And you think by ending segration and such everything became magically fantastic for black people?

I'm talking about Wally in the comics, famalam.

>Do you see the problem here?

you've obviously never read the comics


Off topic but

That gif is the perfect reaction to the casting of Tilda Swinton in Dr.Strange

Everyone has their time, it just so happens that the era of the dominant straight white male is over.
It's 2016 user, just get with it, or be left behind.