Send my cheating slut ex some hate.
Btw, duck pics gross her tf out.
Kek (615) 945-9962
Send my cheating slut ex some hate
Duck.........i think u mean dick kiddo
Post her snap chat
Here is a filthy duck to send her.
Not your army, summerfag. Gtfo
oooooooh tn number
Age ?
Actually fuck it guys let's send her pictures of ducks??
More of her?
Here you go friendo, another filthy duck.
inb4 wk
Filthy white knight.
Go back to tumblr!
ur gay lmfao
How does your big nigger boyfriends dick taste
Post her snap chat now !!
Not sure but I love triggering you autistic fucks.
Have a good night bitches
Hope I ruined your shit
I will respong with "Ur gay"
tha will teach him!
You still ain't getting laid you white knight cuck.
>Totally a tumblr fuck.
>Kill yourself your whats wrong with 4 chan.
You're talking to yourself mate,homos gone
We're not your personal army, faggot
Next time give back info so we dont have to report
She looks underage, these summerfags are starting to piss me off
How did the whole NYPA thing start?
You would think Sup Forums would like to do something a little fun from to time
I'm always willing to contact ... If it's snapchat
Newfag detected.
where can i watch this with sound?
also that knife is sharp as fuck, feels like shes cutting through those fingers too easily
Also from the 615...may know this slut. M'boro?
Prove it with dick pics
Got any nudes of her ?
Nope. But they get sent out. I seent it
>Send my cheating slut ex some hate
>duck pics gross her out
>tfw op pretends to give out xs number
>tfw duck pics will be sent to op
>tfw op truly is a faggot
Fuck you I ran this shit!
She just needs to walk it off
Alright I gotta get hard firstb
Hanna Winter or Winther, yeah?
Anyone else ??
Still waiting for delivery
She has to add me