Literally chad: the actor

>literally chad: the actor
>comes out as a homo

Is this the greatest news of all time?

no idea who that even is, thought it was Zac Effron desu

Everybody knew he was gay. How is this news?

aids when?

more like literally who: the actor

literally W H O ?

Because he only just confirmed it.

And you'd be surprised at the number of people who thought Emily Bett Ricards was actually his girlfriend. People have serious blinders towards the gay.


guy was obviously gay on Arrow.

this isn't really news at all to absolutely anyone

he's been very clearly gay for years

I'd fuck his ass
But I'm also a degenerate faggot

desu he's less threatening as a homosexual

probably wont be enough to save his acting career

It's incredible that people are surprised an actor is gay

They're not coal miners

Nobody outside some comic nerds has ever heard of this guy

He probably still fucked Willa though.

literally who?

But did he fuck Barrowman?


I know a girl he fucked.

never heard of him before. sounds like a desperate publicity stunt.

>Emily Bett Ricards
when Arrow began, she was still a literally who with no acting credits, she posted on Sup Forums with her neckbeard boyfriend

She must have ditched him by now

>she posted on Sup Forums with her neckbeard boyfriend

>Wila used to be my waifu
>got upset when I heard she would have a Chad love interest on Arrow
>felt relieved when I found out he was gay
>she then got an obnoxious hipster photographer bf who kept posting lewd shoots with her
That's when I dropped her
Why couldn't she just go lesbian?

meh, i'd giv 'em a go

I wish i was half as handsome as he is

Do you lift?

The sad thing is Barry CAN'T come out like this. It'd actually kill his career.


wait wasnt he banging felicity irl?

He was the sidekick on arrow for 3 years.

They hooked up at least once, yeah.

all good looking men are gay.

The girl who plays Felicity on Arrow was here back when Arrow began, some user said he was dating her in a thread and was asked to prove it. They posted a pic proving it (thumbnail from the old archive, has been deleted since then), on which she ms painted "suck a dick Sup Forums" because anons were asking her bf before she got on how it felt to know that Stephen Amnell was probably fucking her. She also called Sup Forums the asshole of the internet. She was still kinda fat so she probably ditched him since the show became a hit and she got the CW makeover/lost weight. The guy looked like a tyical neckbeard.

Fuckkkkk yes I'm going to go break my nofap to his sexy ass body

Is it possible he just got bored swimming in all that poon?


Dude literally posed for a gay porno mag and has photos of him being intimate with boyfriends all over the internet. How is this news? How could he ever be in the closet? This isn't like Qiunto or Bomer where people assumed but never knew. He was testifiably gay.

Gay people are creepy.

>you will never pal around half naked with your best guy friend just havin' a few laughs

no why

>on which she ms painted
Yeah totally was them

but thanks for replying either way.

Why haven't you killed yourself yet Michael?

I don't know who he is and I don't know why we need to laud the fact he likes men around like it's something special.

>gays aren't any different from straight people
>how brave! this person likes tha same sex

Pick one and stick to it.

Do people believe this? It's pretty clear by her instagram that she is a huge dyke.

Never knew EBR was overweight.

>His name is Colton
Anyone who didn't see this coming is an idiot

"Literally who?" The actor

He's a malet

That's just two bros broing out bro I seriously can't believe he's a homo.

I don't Instagram, what's the scoop on that? It'd really serve the crazy-ex-girlfriend Olicity fangirls well if the girl they want to break Stephen Amell away from his wife was actually more likely to sleep with his wife than their crush.

Wait a minute...are you people telling me that Colton wasn't out?
He acted more queer than Cap Jack in Arrow...


Who the fuck is that? Nobody knows this retarded talentless Z-list faggot. Delete this worthless piece of shit thread and kill yourself
>tfw my one joy in life is that one day both this faggot hack and OP will be dead
It's a good feel bros

Some people are in the closet, but it's made of glass and the only person they're fooling is themselves. Guy who was a friend of mine in college came out a few months into Freshman year, I'd honestly thought he was out from the first time I met him during student orientation and was mildly confused when other friends started talking about him coming out.

Willa thread?

>has the looks to get any hot girl any time he want

>decides to suck on weiners instead

i just dont understand

where are the nudes?

Gay men are more attractive than girls

I wish I was attracted to men, women are terrible.

this is my hairstyle


he looks just like me

>fucks all the hottest women around
>realizes they are still only women
>realizes men are so much more interesting
>still needs physical satisfaction
>learns to like dick through belief and conditioning

That's one path to gaydom that very few men will take. And don't be mistaken, all gay men took a path to gaydom that was available to them by choice.

He looks like a Ken doll desu

He realized women are not worth putting up with a lifetime of alimony and child support


Yep, same here. No idea who he is. I am sure he is just Hollywood gay. He can use this as a publicity stunt, and whine about homophobes if his shit bombs.

I just assumed it was attentionwhoring to the LGBTBBQ types of people

why is coming out still a thing?

Really? Gay guys I know are just as catty as women. I figured it was just a normal thing.

Kek, imagine being his dad tho now that both his sons are gay. He was prolly crushed when his first son came out, but took comfort knowing his other son was straight then boom, he says he's gay. This is what happens when you let your kids act at a young age, they get fucked in the ass and become gay.

Because it's 2016

One less dude in the genepool.

Thumbs up.

literally just bombed his whole career. no one is going to hire him to be chad: the character anymore, as that was all he could ever land

i don't much care anyway. he was like the only stupid nigger who couldn't do his own stunts on arrow.

She is such a fucking trashy whore...i love her...


There were actually people out there that thought that dude was straight?

I don't believe it.

>implying he didn't molest them both

I hate whores.

>Sup Forums is becoming /lgbt/

I feel like the straight guy who just realized the bar he has been going to the past few years is a gay mens bar

Damn, Willa Holland *LOOKS LIKE THAT*?

It's not just the cattiness. It's the complete insanity, lack of any reason, and the utter inability to produce anything of value beyond their vaginas.

thank god, I can now move on with my life knowing he won't still all my honeys

>I feel like the straight guy

Imma stop you right there

This looks like some male fun. I actually let my cousin penetrate my ass just as a joke.

Who the fuck is Colton Haynes?

This guy has a serious case of gay face, albeit not the type of gay face that is hideous. Take note straight people. If your friend is smiley for no obvious reason, then he prolly gay.

>>literally chad: the actor

he's like 5 feet tall.

/lgbt/ is just self hating gays that don't think the t should be included and tranny attentionwhores.

But user choosing to be gay, as every single gay person does, is immoral and fundamentally wrong.


More like literally who lmao.

Even when I first saw him Teen Wolf he gave off a blatant gay vibe

it pisses me off when rich and beautiful people come out of the closet. whats the fucking point, it's 2016 and you live in liberal america, you're not brave and your life will not be any harder.

that's why you don't see ugly or mediocre actors come out as gay, because they don't have it so easy and their careers could fail because of it. just look at ellen page.

I would smash his boypussy in so fast.

idk who that is but did you not happen to notice that he looks extremely gay

Yep way too many fags on /tv / these days.

>and your life will not be any harder.
Unless you go the no fun allowed man hating route like ellen page

I thought being gay was a prerequisite for becoming an actor.
Also, literally who?

Everyone knows the best alphas are gays. Disregarding females is alpha thus gays will always be the most alpha males can possibly be.

Same. I lift though. Still doesn't help when the face doesn't match up.


women fucking or messing around with their gay friends is not uncommon.