They wrote themselves into a corner with this dude. Literally - how is it even a fight if he's involved? He can hold Thor's hammer. He has an infinity magic rock thing in his fucking head. They backpedaled on his power level so fucking hard.
They wrote themselves into a corner with this dude. Literally - how is it even a fight if he's involved...
A superhero is only as strong as the writer wants him to be.
indeed user but check out this video for that little problem of yours.
>He can hold Thor's hammer.
that only means he is worthy, the actual hammer weights 42lb
lmfao scarlet witch is levels beyond him, she can undo the universe or re-imagine it as she wishes, all he can do is operate inside of it as much as she would allow him
Same reason why Tony's suit went from surviving a tank shell to being battered by human punches
Googled "infinity magic cock ring."
Was not disappointed.
one could argue that it was the vibranium arm and shield that did the damage, nullifying molecular vibrations would make his suit alloy brittle
That and his suit getting progressively lighter with different alloys in order to be combat ready anywhere.
He also got injured by a few cars landing on top of him.
You gotta think that Vision isn't just a WMD, he's a smart WMD. He's not going to level an entire city block to kill Team Cap even though he could. How he accidentaly zaps Rhodes and his reaction in the hospital showcase why he doesn't want to go all out.
That was fucking ridiculous. A broken arm for cars landing on him? In a suit of armor?
Focus group testing determines actual strength, just like how Luke Skywalker is worth 30 stormtroopers even as a fresh faced desert rat who's military training consists of taking pot shots at womp rats.
Iron Man is arguably the most popular while Wanda and Vision are sideshows in terms of audience investment.
>meanwhile jlaw refuses to undergo an hour of putting on makeup to turn into a smurf
>Steve and Bucky punch with a force greater than that of an artillery shell
Oh shit you're right, I forgot about that time when he got torn up to shreds by by a giant propeller
well he was pinned and the suit has joints, i'm not sure the cars damaged the suit. Warmachine broke Rhodey's spine but the suit seemed fine(except for the chest)
Only if you cherrypick the one most powerful version of her.Average scarlet witch isn't nearly that powerful.
Did you not watch the movie and saw Scarlet Witch whoop his ass with one move?
Also Thanos is probably going to kill him or something considering he has an infinity gem.
>spends half the movie being a condescending prick to Wanda about her powers
>loses his composure in the next battle and fucks up, permanently crippling his teammate
vision a shit
You could try watching the movie and it'll answer your question. He has powers and he could probably wreck them all, but he was holding back because he didn't want to kill their asses.
he shouldn't accidentally be doing shit. him missing his shot was bullshit
>human punches
I wish I could punch with the force of a guy who can lift 5 tons too.
He got distracted by titties
But it wasn't getting battered by human punches, it was punches from two super humans one of whom had a vibranium arm and the other who was wailing on him with a vibranium shield which is where most of the damage came from.
He was thinking about how he'd ravage Wanda and fucked up.
Tony fell from the sky forn a single tank shell, In CW he got repeatedly hit by superpowered guys, constantly, through several minutes and the suit was still pretty fucking operative, we don't have enough info to compare both situations.
I can endure easily a punch, but if you stab me 100 times with needles in the chest I might die.
fucker's name is Vision, couldn't he just vision some titties later or where he was aiming
I would vision all my shots as cumming on titties if I were him
That or maybe no one noticed that Rhodes wasn't his target and that he didn't miss the target, the target just dodged. His shot was perfect if he wanted to kill the guy that was chasing his team, if the guy wasn't able to notice the beam coming up on him.
He can change his density so he can be literally hard as diamonds when he's pounding her
>Tony fell from the sky forn a single tank shell,
And had no injuries
Yet now heavy blunt objects make him bruise?
Easy, he was shown as a pacifist, he'll try to talk first, he doesn't get angry, he doesn't rage, etc He's similar to Martian Manhunter, pretty fucking powerful, but you'll never see him at full potential because he doesn't like to escalate things
Just look his combat against Barton, Vision did nothing but withstand Barton's attacks and then he just pinned him down.
well its clear you and I could've made a better script than this
>Had no injuries
He actually had, when Jarvis was removing the suit, which was pretty damaged, he said he was bruised.
>Iron Man cane defeat Hulk
>loses to Captain Reddit an CumBucket
Yeah sure
Stop making shit up, son.
But hey, how fucking well did they write that Black Panther fella and the Spider-kiddo? I thought those two were portrayed perfectly (fucking finally for Spidey), and holy shit is Black Panther a bad mofo
Rewatch the movie, dude.
Iron man didn't use the Hulkbuster against Cap and Bucky though.
BP, Spidey and Ant man were fucking great.
Also I'm liking the old and busted daddyhawk.
>Rewatch the movie, dude.
How about something better? This is the dialogue from that scene. Where does it say he was injured?
>It is a tight fit, sir.
>Sir, the more you struggle, the more this is going to hurt.
>Be gentle. This is my first time.
>I designed this to come off, so... Hey. I really should be able to...
>Please, try not to move, sir.
>What's going on here?
>Let's face it. This is not the worst thing you've caught me doing.
>Are those bullet holes?
Well, through the 3 Iron man movies the armors became more and more weak imo.
>But a tank shell does nothing
Lets face it, there isn't much consistency in these movies
Well, the armor was already damaged from the airport fight, is not that much of a stretch, and Steve and Bucky both were punching with their shield and metal arm.
His new suits favor offense and agility over defense
As demonstrated when he kicked Cap's ass for 10 seconds.
>Sih, weh caunt beet 'im 'and too 'and
>Try harder
>Oi, raight then, jahb doon.
>Iron Man gets whooped by Cap in a movie with "CAPTAIN AMERICA" in the title
I can't believe it!
It wasn't the fall that broke his spine, the suit protected him from a massive amount of vision's beam, if he didn't have the suit on he would've been decimated, which goes to show how much of an asshole tony is, willing to let falcon get hit by a beam like that
Remind me how this scene went again?
>Tony, I cannot even begin to understand what you are feeling but Bucky has been mind controlled by evil genocidal Hydra organisation since the 60s, a slave to his controllers who tortured and broke him, leaving his mind in tatters.
>Steve, I know mind control is real, I have witnessed it myself in person on multiple occasions and seen the effects. I personally have been subjected to mental manipulation and know how powerful it is, not once have I ever judged, condemned or acted against a person who has been mind controlled, nor will I in this situation.
Or was it?
>Tony, I cannot imag...
Wouldn't say whooped, did you see the other two guys? man, it cost them one arm to beat him.
Tony's had daddy issues as far back as the first Iron Man movie. Hell, the first thing he says during his press statement is "I never got to say goodbye to my father." The entire crux of Iron Man 2 is Tony using his father's research to save his own life.
You don't have to like "MUH DADDY" being in the movie, but it makes sense.
Is not the same as watching your parents getting killed by the man in front of you and your *best friend* lying about it.
It's still the same material.
A material that can resist Hulk's punches but is broken by Cap and friend
>"best friend"
It's kind of strange when you think about it - hiding the truth from Tony is the first borderline selfish thing that Steve has ever done.
Neither of those faggots can lift 5 tons lol gtfo
There punches combined are nowhere near as powerful as an artillery shell
>its the same material
So it's the same material. So glass is glass. So I can punch through glass now and I'm a wussy. But if I fail to punch through bullet-proof glass, the universe's laws of physic's were written poorly and I should be able to punch through it since it's the same material?
I can punch through 1 mm of wood, but I can't punch through 1 km of wood, how's that? they're both the same material, this makes no sense.
*scientifically proven*
What if Vision shooting War Machine wasn't an "accident" and was his way to try to get them to stop fighting?
Yeah, yeah very funny.
Except you guys are applying the same force, in this scenario Cap doesn't punch as though as Hulk
wait, his arm was vibranium? then how was tony able to shoot it off? does that mean tony could have shot through caps shield at any time and just decided not to?
Right? Isn't it weird? It's almost like a material can be enhanced and re-used and used for different purposes and used in different ways to provide different effects. Like... metal can be flimsy or metal can be sturdy? What? Since when? Since mankind first started tempering metals in the thousands-BC era? No way.
I don't think humans have evolved much since then.
I honestly think he had good intentions and thought that Tony knowing would hurt him more.
Yeah, the hulkbuster is just big for aesthetics, it has absolutely nothing to do with being more thick and durable.
Your brain isn't working too well today, eh?
I'll put it simply and clearly:
Iron Man makes suit. Iron Man makes super custom suit to withstand the Hulk's blows, made differently from his other suits, stronger than his other suits, same materials. Things break down though. After the fight, that suit wasn't in perfect working condition, and it was made for that fight.
Iron Man has weaker, more flexible, faster suits that he uses for most enemies, including his buddy Cap. This suit is made to withstand Cap, but not be permanently resistant to everything in the universe. After so much, it breaks down. So when a vibranium shield, stronger than the material his suit is made out of, starts wailing on his suit, and when another crazy tough force is pushing a metallic arm into the metal of his suit repeatedly, enough hits will make a dent. Materials weaken with abuse, even if it's what they're made to handle.
A bullet proof vest shot in the same spot 50 times isn't going to block all 50 bullets. Eventually, the bullets will tear through.
Vibranium is sturdy as fuck, and also has other laws of physics raping features, but is not indestructible. The arm was also made of tons of mobile parts, so is easy to destroy than one thick piece of it.
TChalla made a very nice claw marks in Cap's shield in the airport fight.
>cap isn't as tough as hulk
Are you sure about that?
you're all unbelievable faggots
Nononono, I'm a civil enginier and if a material withstands one force once, it will withstand it forever
>inb4 resiliency property
That shit doesn't exist
Hawkeye was great in CW and usually he's pretty dull and uninteresting. Ant-man was one of the best things about it.
Whedon needs to pay attention to this movie, it was funny without constant shitty quipping
T'Challa's entire suit, including his claws, is made from Vibranium. Notice the bullets bouncing off his face? His outfit is made of stronger material than Iron Man's. He can rip through Cap's shield with enough force (same metal vs same metal). He can tear Iron Man in half. That's why T'challa made nice claw marks in the shield.
At least we can believe you're a faggot, so it's not a total loss.
The fall is definitely what broke Rhodes spine. The suit doesn't give as much protection when it's inactive and a falling entrapped husk.
Although if that beam hit falcon instead he'd dead, and it still probably would've hit Rhodes. It went straight through his chest plate, so I doubt it'd have any trouble piercing a thruster and the back of Wilson's skull.
No, didn't you notice, he stopped using hand to hand and started blasting the shit out of him. It was punch, punch, blast. Like four times.
He had been avoiding blasts because they might kill him.
It tore off Bucky's arm, which is similar to caps shield.
vibranium absorbs vibrational energy, i.e hulk punches aren't going to be strong, in Avengers he also tanked Thor's hammer like it was nothing
It's a superhero movie not some high drama. Why the fuck do guys nit pick minor things?
Sit back and have fun you miserable cunts it's literally what capeshit was invented for.
>Make it so when I'm in the Iron man suit that I'm 7 ' 7" tall
So you the suit makes you an extra two feet tall?
How on Earth would that work?
Fine fine...
>When I'm in the Hulk Buster suit, make it 13 feet tall
So it almost triples your height?
She hit his gem first.
That's why she could take him down. He had told her he didn't really know how it worked, and her powers are linked to the stone.
This is like listen to my youngerst brother
>Hurr durr Iron man has to win, he always has to win, he's smart and has money and has a super duper armor, he's the strongest, his power is maximum
Fucking shut up and enjoy the movie
The short answer? Rampant autism.
>Why the fuck do guys nit pick minor things?
because its fun
>Complaining about this not complaining about Ant man
Ok, lets take a look on this
If he's small he retains his strength and weigh (sometimes)
When he's big he's stronger and heavier
When he turns objects small they're light
Why is so inconsistent his power?
>just switch you brains off
He's too pure and naive, hence why he didn't contribute too much.
>Having your brain on at all times
Seems people like to compensate for being dumb. But me, a successful STEM master of the highest degree do like switching my brain off.
Must be nice being dumb and not having to worry about stuff lol
It looked like he shot up the side of it, below the vibranium plates and at the joint. I doubt the vibranium was actually damaged - it was the weak mechanical and flesh parts that failed.
Pym particle
the average age on Sup Forums is probably 14 though. Its the first thing any of these guys can relate to when they start lurking 4chin
He's not amazingly strong when he's Giant Man though. If he was he wouldn't move so damn slow.
The formula to shrink random objects had been cracked at some point, Pym only changed so he could retain his mass/strength while Ant-Manning for SHIELD. Why would he shrink tanks and trucks down and keep their weight or mass intact if he was carrying them in his pocket?
This tbqh. During the Civil War movie earlier. It was the beginning scene, where Capn throws his shield and it bounces off the wall and stuff. Dude behind me says "wow that defies all physics". Like really nigga. You're watching a superhero movie. And you say that?
>feeling the need to compensate by bragging about his degree
Shh, it's okay user.
No need to compensate your lack of self esteem here, we don't even know who you are
>antman was great
You know, I originally was pissed that they went with Scott Lang, and made Pym and old man. I didn't see the movie for a long time after release because of this change. Then I thought about it, and having tech genius Stark, super scientist Banner, and molecular genius Pym all running around together would be pretty fucking lame. Loser Lang is a nice choice.
How strong is Cap in the movies? Peak human or superhuman? That restraining the helicopter scene seemed pretty impressive.
How did he break the wing off of a plane and throw it?
It was all part of the plan.