Post what's in front of you

Post what's in front of you

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Eeewww dude data auto...





Never leave home without a sharpie

I'm at work so yeah nah


I can smell your house from this picture.


Looks like a Malibu or Impala. Manuals are nice and all but you really think EVERY car should be manual? Even full sized family cars?

It's that weird sweet potato smell isn't it

Sure why not


This is the exact view from my phone right now

Also I don't know why it's flipped

At work still

the fuck is that shit

>Puffs on second shelf above the bed
>wadded up Puffs on first shelf next to bed

Nerve gas maker


My hovel

weird image


You realize no one really jerks off with tissues, right? That's a meme. In reality they aren't absorbent enough.



Are squatting in a London flat?


Pic related

Cant get a pic thats less than 4mb. Phone is too op. Im sitting on a forklift



Just sat in my study



very dry, very shrivelled

You live in some eastern european country?


Captcha: pics of trees

I wish my camera wasn't complete shite

My exact wiev




Nobody wants to see yall's nasty ass dude feet.

Fuck it

Should we all skip school 2moro?


Fuck it

need to suck

hiding in the office.

Fucking browsing and driving


Who the fuck lives in a bathroom?! Or do you have tiles in your room? Why

Dude is that a dell?

what interstate is that and city

Who the fuck pees like that?

We have some pretty ancient tech. Notice the fossil of a walkie-talkie


Kek. I thought I was the only person who stores handguns on their keyboard tray.

Right now.

ron swanson ?

Sup Forums is open on second, vertical monitor which didn't make it in the picture since it's to my right

send me a glock , ill pay you.



Forgot pic

turn on a light you fuck

how are you upside down?

Naked 2yo is in front of me

>inb4 MODS

The server thinks my post is spam because I put MODS multiple times.

tru storeh!

Easy. He's an aussie fag.

We're potty training

oh........ that makes sense now.

It’s veey comfortable.

Would you?

why blur it out? show it.....

frontal pics pls




Because I can't hide behind 7 proxies on mobile.

Please die. People that use the phone while driving are the shittiest drivers there are.

Here. Read a thread about all the horrible things that await you.

for science

do NOT do what these guys are saying.These sick fucks want it for terrible reasons. You guys are vile.

Why do you have so many 2,5" drives?

Fuck off, closet pedos.

Hotel room. I am on a Business Trip

im doing research. do not get in the way of science. You backwards hillbilly. Do you deny science?

are you the fuker from the suicide bread ?

I know

hey /k/

Where? In a shanty town near Mumbai? Jesus fuck, what business? Garbage disposal? Fuck man, that's just cheap...

Fuck it!

I used to have the same drum machine. Lower right. Nice setup man.

20mo son is napping on my chest.

some I've replaced this year, I want to do something like that with them

217 in portland (suburbs), oregon

Are you married or are you a fag


I have indiscriminate unprotected sex, smoke, enjoy confrontation and speed constantly. What are you going to do about it mom? I hope you get hit by someone texting right after your girlfriend gives you one of my std's