Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?

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Teemo, sion, karma, thresh


Pussy ass hero.


Not just MAIN, but actually ONLY.


>current year
>still playing this cancer moba filled with 3rd world country faggots that cant afford a proper rig hence being forced to play this optmized shit

miss fortune

I only play Club Penguin.


shyvana all the fkn way

Ur mom

ADC: Jinx, draven

Sup: Sona, Morgana, soraka

Mid: Lissandra, veigar, Morgana

Jg: Yi, Kindred

Top: Olaf, Kayle

darius, aka, daddy

Based timeboy

Top Gnar irelia
Mid Ahri Morgana
Jungle Kindred Teemo
ADC Miss Fortune Ashe
Sup Janna Morgana

>After nerfs and heal removal
Feels bad man?

Used to be Annie now it's Nami

Vel Koz

in cabbage i bloom like a meme on this thread

Top: Naut, TK, Shen
JG: Nidalee, Naut
Mid: Nidalee, Gragas

Galio, Heim, Ahri

Before I quit? Azir, Talon, zed, and Yasuo.

i dont play league of faggots because its for stupid nerds

Oh ya and Azir mid

Nice laning phase you have there

I want Jhin to cabbage

ITT: beta thread


Exact reason why I quit. My fag friend fucking boosts people's ranks but doesn't ask for money

>Complaining about Leaguefags
>Using nerd as an insult
My sides

man fuck this game

nami, lulu, varus

Machinegun Kog'maw

U only use girls?

wow you freaking owned that guy with your epicness arrows and sides!!!!

peanut butter

sometimes jelly and ham

but i really prefer buttholes

The best, most QUALITY Goat Pussy

Who is good against him? He gives me a lot of problems.

Olaf, Draven, Veigar, Yi

You're retarded user

this is why god no longer speaks to us

Top Darius , illaoi, vladamir
Jg shyvana volibear nocturne
Mid yasou, zed, ekko
Supp blitz thresh Leona
ADC ezreal Lucian jinx

In early lane phase?
There is essentially nobody I can't bully.
Play a champ that outscales him hard, survive early and you won the lane.

I used to have trouble with Riven so I learned to play her and now I ruin even good Rivens.

I main Bronzefresco


Olaf is really strong at the moment. So is Yasou & Jhin.

Blitzcrank would be like definition of middle of the pack.

I know what I said.
You only use girls. Except for Kayle maybe.


hmm I usually pick Naut/TK/Shen sometimes Trundle or Olaf.

OCE anyway.

He thicks Yorick can take Mantheon

Naut is a good pick I'd say, nice and tanky and irritating to try and kill.

Shen is easy to kill unless the shen is just a better player than you are, and Tahm is fine if you just get a gank once and you can just keep snowballing off that, he's got no escapes and isn't very tough super early.

I play jinx lucian vayne/every other adc depending on meta

Because i am a god.

Anybody who thinks elo hell exists is delusional and cant fathom their badness

That's my boy!

I dunno, certain supports don't do well if they have a bad ADC, they get gold deprived and can't carry due to that. Also if one lane feeds really hard it can screw up everyone else as the person is just too fed to contest, but ofc there are ways around that.


aatrox outdamages, outpokes and outsustains him HARD

Panth can literaly take 2 or 3 kills before lvl 6 easy and stomp the game


They didn't take away her heal fam


Swain amumu alistar and heimer usually.

Mordekaiser and Kalista.
Hail from the Shadow Isles.

It hasn't affected me at all, I don't rely on her w passive
They did in pbe

Pic related

Elo hell is real though. Doesn't mean I cant get out of it.

Honestly support can just carry by roaming hard

there is no fucking reason to not be dia4+ if youre taking this game semi seriously.

"muh teammates"

normals don't mean shit but nice pic there m8

Eve Jung, Leo Support, Graves/Jinx AD, Olaf Top. Never play mid... Too hard.

Get on my level Lolfags.

That is just bullshit. supports can carry.

Just stop bullshitting yourself instead of believing every lie your mind tells you to keep you thinking you are somewhat good at this game. Honestly this is all there is to it. Most players frustrated at their rank are just not realizing how fucking bad they are

Yeah most supports can roam pretty effectively but not all of them. I wouldn't consider Janna, Nami and Soraka to be very good roam supports tbh. They can do it, but it's not as effective as someone like Morg or Alistar for instance.

Does it matter if they're normals or not? I enjoy full AD Darius but i don't like ranked. Can't see a problem there

This skin is sexy

been liking singed a lot recently


too bad the champ is utter garbage

The best champion ever created.

So long as you aren't retarded.
Basically anyone with range, natural high attack speed, aoe or ranged slows/CC .

He is now. He got nerfed to the ground after i stopped playing

Yeah if you don't count that players that play normals are fucking trash at this game and only top 2% of ranked ladder are good at this game well then yeah it doesnt matter.


Singed is love. Singed is life.

If you don't end up winning but still getting reported by both teams. You are doing it wrong.

rainbow dash isn't a champ

Hookin' bitches.

having trouble with riven ever as panth

somebody wanna duo que? EUW

Master tier bro
The Rivens who get up here can play Riven.

Funniest champ to play: NIDA

I take it we're both trash then, since the 2% at the top of the ranked ladder dont have time to bitch on an online board

It's just really easy to carry with him

He's hella low tier though


"top 2% dont have time to bitch on an online board"

you do know that top 2 percent is around low diamond?

"don't have time to bitch on an online board"


You mean to tell me Pantheon - the late game stun bot, can beat a master tier Riven?
Do you even play this game?

I only play shen
I Usually top or jung but I can also do support