Are you ready for the dawn of beachkino?

Are you ready for the dawn of beachkino?

Tbh guys the kino meme is uninspired and has been stretched far beyond whatever initial humor it drew

Why didn't they get hot women to be in it?

Is this really a thing?

>le R O A S T I E faec
>Cocaine roider fuck up

Only Dwayne is okay since he keeps taking good scripts compared to Brendan

dumb ghettoposter

what a fucking faggot

>the rock is wear water shoes
What did he mean by this??

At this point it has pretty much gone beyond a meme and has entered into the board lexicon as much as the term "meme" itself

Hell, "kino" and "meme" are in the same boat in that they are both Greek-rooted specialist terms that got dragged out to humorous effect on the internet.

They got hot dudes. Its 2016 people. Baywatch is for women.

what's the guy on the right going to do, hack into the beach mainframe



>It's a terrorist/disaster of the week episode
>"Give me a 5 pounder and some fries!"
>"Alright, BP oil, let's see what you are up to..."

>not calling it bikino

What's Fat Samir Nasri doing on the right there?


the rock's quads look super underdeveloped. does he even squat?

haha he's just like me

>First baywatch crew were guys who worked out and didn't eat like pigs
>New baywatch has literal roidmonkeys as main cast
>Only women have unrealistic beauty standards though :^)

could you imagine being the guy on the right.
>cast as the ugly guy next to Zac Efron and The Rock
>spend 12 hours on set at the beach with the hottest young actresses
>get paid the least because your not the star
>go back to your trailer alone while you hear the girls in Zac's trailer

I think I would literally blow my brains out.

Dark Souls PvP

You really don't understand women do you?

>it's a slow motion bikini running sequence
>it aint sheev starts playing

>implying that tard doesnt get 10/10 ass all the time

unlike you


>a boy is drowning under the pear

>paid to star in major movie
>dont have to spend every day maintaining a ridiculous body like every other cast member
>casting was based on acting and comedic skill rather than being a hot star
>can eat whatever you want
>still absolutely gets bitches for being in this movie

Its all a matter of perspective. Be happy with what you have friendo

that latina chick is fucking hot


Why is the rock wearing shoes?


the rock vs the hoff?

Are we getting a cameo?

You don't know /fit/. They're a bigger bunch of faggots than /lgbt/.


Look at the size of his dick tho

How do you even get to this chad status?

you think he rubs his muscular cock on a girls clit for 3 seconds and makes her spasm like a bat caught in a net?

>Tbh guys the kino meme is

Speak fucking english you faggot millenial.

grass in the background ruins it


I doubt it as his cock won't work ever again after all that roiding. His balls are probably smaller than a pea by now.

i don't get it. why does old baywatch have the nice almost-high-test women while new baywatch has these fucking spoilable goods storers.

that looks absolutely disgusting desu

the shitty times we live in

>How do you even get to this chad status?


dyel confirmed.

You oughta look at his shorts in the pick of Efron faceplanting, and you'll know exactly what he does.

I can't even hate him, because he seems like a total bro in interviews

Also eyes of peace full homo

Dbol,Tren. probably the good shit since he is a actor so HGH

my balls still work but im no where near that chad level yet

Zac looks like he has pretty bad posture compared to The Rock.

UUUU Sup Forums

you can't maintain that kind of body for too long mane

unless he's on gear

but the 90s were much more inclined towards skinny bitches, while today high test women have the edge. is baywatch just contrarian?

If they kept the film tongue-in-cheek, could it possibly be a 21 Jump Street-like reboot?

Doesn't necessarily have to be a comedy like 21JS, but this will surely bomb if it tries to hard to take itself seriously.

>my balls still work but im no where near that chad level yet

What's the point to get on that level of "chad" when all you can do is stare at your useless dick while the whore will just laugh at you.

Yup, he's literally cast for one joke. To lampoon the slow motion running shots from the Baywatch TV show

top lol

to not look DYEL & get sluts to blow my limp dick for hours

I'd rather be a rich fat fuck with a working dick instead.

What's the plot? Someone is drawning and they save him for 2 hours?

>What's the plot?
They spend 1 and 1/2 hours trying to get the fat one laid while periodically saving drowning cucks and training new lifeguards.

i feel like they could have worked a little harder on the casting

i mean, i dont even know who this is or what else she has acted in

and zac effron? really, is that the best they could do?

that fucking cameltoe holy shiiiit muh dick

>swn eat your soul
fucc me ded ;_;


Damn, Efron looking aesthetic as fuck

>swn nibble your earlobe

HAHAHA zack on the upper part of the slope and still tip toe running to look taller. my sides man...



Dat bulge.

cant knock the rock


>swn beat you up and call you a sissy faggot

stopped reading there