Casino royale and skyfall are the best rated james bond movies

>casino royale and skyfall are the best rated james bond movies

When did critics turn to shit that praised anything?

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is that what you wanted to hear, you retarded cuntbag?

Casino Royale is top tier Bond, fuck off you pleb

When studios started putting "internet movie critics" on their marketing budget.
MadMax was shit deal with it underage anons.

There's a recent trend of critics giving universal praise to the safest, dumbest, laziest movies out there.

Casino Royale was actually really good and not just for Eva Green's cleavage, HNNNNGGGGG.

Holy shit did they drop the ball on everything after that though.

I can somehow justify most of those but Star Trek 2 was turbo dogshit, what the fuck are critics thinking giving it that high of a score?

a passing grade is not praise. reviews are either positive or negative. A film can have many flaws but still be considered ok for what it is, or for its target audience, which perfectly describes capeshit in general.

I thought Sup Forums found Casino Royal and Skyfall to be better than Quantum of Solace and Spectre.

To me Quantum is "shaky cam Bond film" while Spectre is "fan service the movie"

>what the fuck are critics thinking
Dem sweet sweet money.

This really drives home how utterly meaningless the 27% for BvS actually is.

When you were retarded enough to look at the freshness and not the average rating.

Movie criticism is still much better than games criticism. We know this because even heavily marketed, high budget movies still get bad reviews if they are genuinely terrible.


A 96% on RT does not mean "9/10" it means that 96% of reviews were positive. Thor has an average rating of 7/10 with a 90 something RT percentage, which means it's an ok movie. Not a 9/10 best movie ever

It's not better than Dr. No or Goldfinger.

consensus is consensus. it's a bad film, just admit it so you can move on.

except Thor 2 is pretty awful even for an MCU flick

>the RT system is fatally flawed

Yeah we know. Normalfags still treat it as the word of god.

Because they are the best bond movies. suck it


I have watched and seen every bond movie in order and still feel that way, and have been watching movies VENOMOUSLY my whole life. They are wonderfully crafted works of cinematic arts unlike any other. and make part of the best trilogy out there since the godfather bullshits.

go to bed grandpa, nobody wants campy Bond anymore

>When did critics turn to shit that praised anything?
When the media companies consolidated and they all became paid shills.

>consensus is consensus.

Kill yourself.

And Stark Trek: Into Darkness got 87% It must be good!

I cried at how good it was in theater. I may sound dumb for saying that, but it was a pretty good day. and after seeing MoS i realized I wasn't hollow inside. the movies were.

it should be higher, but not everyone is into that sort of genre, but everyone likes a good action...

>it's a bad film


Because it has plot holes?
>Jurassic World 71%

Because it had too many storylines setting up other movies in the franchise?
>Age Of Ultron 75%

Because it had too much mindless action?
>Star Trek Into Darkness 87%

it was a great Tony Scott knock-off. you're just a tasteless dickfaggot.

>the current bond movies are just 90 minute commercials
>mfw people actually defend them for being "dark and gritty"

no because it's badly made, overlong, a total bore, disjointed as fuck, and overestimates its importance as social commentary.

it fails in pretty much every aspect and doesn't even succeed as mindless entertainment.

t. boomer

hahaha, you just have no idea of the franchise or it's impact on humanity.

enjoy your cell phones and 3d printers m8.

I thought Kingsman was pretty good desu



Casino Royale > Skyfall > Spectre > Quantum Of Solace > Pre-Craig campshit

argumentum ad populum isn't an argument



is this a batman v superman thing? cuz it's 28% now....

either way, if you never saw star trek 2, then into darkness seems weird..... but i get it, my jimmies are rustled. you trolled me. i mad, jelly, and angry.

>he's still defending BvS

RT scoring system is broken

spectre is not better then QoS, but that's for more reasons then the film itself but where it fits. QoS at least fits into CR nicely.

no retards just treat it like a score when it literally isn't one

>y-yyou d-don't undestand s-superheroes are s-s-serious




OH WOOPS, i ment to comment about the Into Darkness drivel of a review...

> Giving a shit about the critics
> 2016

because plebs kept complaining that the critics werent the voice of the people so they hired a bunch of plebs to shit on a keyboard

This is the only good Bond theme prove me wrong

protip: you can't

>movie universally gets a 6/10
>100% fresh
>greatest movie of all time apparantly

Thanks RT

tfa played it safe because it had to reassure fans it wasnt the prequels. they honestly couldn't have done anything else and not crashed and burned. hoping episode VIII starts to push the boat. I like Johnson so

Fix your English, yurocuck

>100% FRESH

Burned my money and wasted my time.
Don't believe the hype guys.

if you say so, DCuck

then that's a problem with your understanding of the RT meter, not the site. It's a percentage of positive to negative reviews. If you actually want nuance, read each review.

k burger

The original bonds were much better and not filled with ten million product placements

They really need to raise the cut off to 7/10 and see what stays """"""fresh"""""

Casino Royale is fucking amazing, fuck yourself. It's easily top 3 bond movie.

it was a phenomenally made movie.

I understand RT scoring you misread my post

>it had to reassure fans it wasnt the prequels.
This is such a bad excuse for TFA being a lazy remake.

wew lad

yes it is you filthy Baby Boomer

t. Baby Boomer filth

Casino Royale was fantastic, Skyfall was lame. No idea why it sees so much praise, seriously, explain it to me. The action was weak, the plot was weak, the villian was weak, the story just kind of toddles along then everything happens at once. has one of my favorite title sequences though.

the cinematography was incredible

best in the entire franchise.

plot was interesting, action was good, all-around a fantastic movie.

>badly made


>overlong, a total bore disjointed as fuck
Age Of Ultron 75%

>and overestimates its importance as social commentary.

Is there a rule that blockbuster movies shouldn't even try?

>being badly made is meaningless
lmao this is the mentality DCucks are defending.

and there's no point trying if you fail as hard as Snyder.

100% on the RT meter doesn't mean it's the best movie of all time. It means it has 100% positive reviews from a select sample of critics. It's not really that hard to understand.

ayy lmao memchild xD

>1st scene in skyfall tried to shill like 10 things not including the Adele song

very well articulated post.

"Badly made" could mean anything to anyone. It's not specific at all.