Rip aol winamp

rip aol winamp

1999 ~ 2013

killed by aol

"whips the llama's ass"

1st post is gonna be a tl;dr wall of text about what everything is. if you know it then you don't have to read it. inb4 tl;dr.

for those of you who don't know what aol or winamp is.

aol was a thing that provide dial-up service in the 1990's and does so to this day -
and also it's like a "world wide web portal" and advertising thing like yahoo and jewgle etc..

winamp was a music player made in 1997 for windows 95 that literally only opened and played mp3 files with little to no settings in its original version.

stuff like that got everyone into the "mp3" file format - which is still the most supported to this day -
despite things like "aac" and "mp4" that is apparently superior to it in every way - other than not being as supported.

i remember when we had windows 95 and basically actually used it for school and stuff.
also computer videogames, programs, also aol and world wide web browsing on aol.

windows 98 was the time a lot really started using mp3 with the advent of things like napster.
napster allowed you to download a bunch of mp3 files and play them in winamp.

what i love about that stuff is that it was a very pure art-form. it wasn't done for any money what-so-ever. it was done purely out of love. i miss that a lot.

later things like napster - and its replacements kazaa, limewire, filezilla, gnutella, etc. were all bombarded with spam.
there were a lot of advertising spam-bots that were never ever properly combated. so you'd have a lot of bogus files. making it stupid to use.
in the past you could look up things on napster and laugh with your mom.
mom later anything you searched for was keyword whoring "funny teen lesbians", etc., which ruined it.

it was fun while it lasted.

i still to this day sometimes visit those "p2p" networks and look up things sometimes on things like filezilla or whatever - despite it being full of spam.

i know nothing there is really valuable or anything anymore. but. it's like a "close enough" relatively good feeling, i guess...

another issue is the p2p clients are all too large. something like the old utorrent was a lot smaller. then they changed that and messed that up too. etc., etc..

look at me. i've become a old. telling long stories that don't go anywhere. i guess i'm not "with it". i guess it happened to me... anyway...

also a lot of simpsons stuff was popular on there.
i remember playing a simpsons quote on my computer, my computer freezing, playing it on repeat, and it's like "okay it's not funny anymore!" "it's frozen!", etc..

so yeah it was fun playing audio files you found on the internet with winamp and even building playlists ands stuff and playing them to yourselves. i remember.

another thing that concerns and saddens me is that a lot of users don't actively find, share, and compile their own music or files and playlists.

it seems absolutely everything they have is on the whim of someone elses powerful machine that they give money to become stronger instead of helping themselves.

the so-called "music-streamers" have a pre-set amount of music they can use and limits on what they can and can't use.

"music streamers" tell you what to listen to. playing it yourself and making collections yourself meant you told you what you listened to. finding it is the fun.

so. yeah. that's sad. anyway.

i remember.

so anyway yeah i just heard about this so i'm posting about this now. better late than never.

before i downloaded a version of winamp in 2013. then i realized it hasn't been updated from 2013. so i decided to look into it.

aol announced that they were going to shutdown and kill winamp in 2013.

then days later they suddenly changed their minds and announced they sold it to a corporation called "radionomy".

since getting winamp in 2014 - radionomy has done nothing up until the time of this message in 2016.

winamp has never went this long without an update. so it can somewhat be considered dead and "vaporware".

however. off-topic. but. in truth. i am also working on something. it has taken a long time to do. mainly because of money.

pretty sure they have money. so not sure what the issue is for them.

but because aol didn't shutdown winamp like netscape then i do not consider them officially dead.

let's say winamp is in a coma. winamp is on life-support.

but winamp isn't technically dead. so i'm not going to consider it dead. as of right now.

but aol winamp is dead. shoutcast t.v. is also dead. believe it or not - that's sad. winamp was better under aol than radionomy so far.
radionomy only killed shoutcast and everything that made winamp interesting. that's sad. - also they never updated. and yeah.

so. i felt compelled to make this post. i feel a want to make this thread. i feel i had to say something about this. it's a pretty significant event.

i still use winamp to this day. it's like a close attachment. because it's been around for so long.
i use things like foobar2000 as a supplement. an additional player for certain things. but there's no history. no feels. and yeah.

ah. also. the whole "rip" "tombstone" thing has become a meme at this point. a meme with myself. unfortunately.

i never intended this to be a "meme" or a thing. i 1st made something like this in 2012 when yahoo chat died. i was shocked by that. thought it would never die.

so. i've been compelled to make this. things keep dieing. so i keep making them.

it's not a "forced meme" or even a "meme" in the sense that it's only a self-meme with only myself. so far. apparently.

it's not something said in vain alike "oh this is dead and over". but when significant events occur to make it apparently dead. or actually dead and shutdown.

winamp is still technically alive or on life support etc.. they haven't had a new update since 2013. but there's an apparent chance they will.

aol winamp is factually dead in the sense that is not around anymore. also. winamp shoutcast t.v. is factually dead. shutdown. dead.

so. this is like a really sad self-meme. all i do is watch relatively good things and chemo die. then i watch shit things and cancer be immortal. and more powerful.

- so. in the past i never had a need to do this since like 2006 when kazaa died and youtube was killed by being bought by jewgle and made jewgle jewtube.

- but. now it seems that i'm doing nothing but this. - the current trends and rates. - so many made within the period of only 5 short years. at the time of this.

- so. - going by current trends and rates. - apparently. - it's likely that more things will die. and i'll keep making this.

maybe everything will die. and i'll keep making this. i don't know...

i can't bring myself to use "new" things because they're shit. they're just jew shit shoved down everyone's throats for money. there's no soul. like before.

the most difficult part is definitely the "stagnation". basically - even if you don't give in to cancer - cancer is all that remains.

cancer remains and grows. everyone is cancer and adds to cancer.

anything chemo you're using is stagnated and dead. no 1 uses it anymore. nothing new is being added. you are very stuck.
forced to be stuck in the past. because there's no future.

ideally it would work if everyone stopped being cancer and supporting cancer and became chemo and supported chemo. but. apparently. "it's not happening".

i suppose i could become cancer. but there's too much of an emptiness.
i would feel too much like a sheep and a cog in the machine. feeding whatever my corporate jew masters feed me.
i would rather be relatively free. even if it's by myself.
i'm the last survivor.

i'm the only 1 left...

so that's the end of aol winamp

i've been using this for over 14 years

now let's see what comes next

jump out of a window?

i don't know

who cares!!


i just want to vent this shit

thank you

rip winamp shoutcast tv

2002 ~ 2013

killed by aol and jews

"live internet video tv"

winamp shoutcast t.v. (n.s.v.) was a thing that came out in 2002 that allowed you to watch live internet video t.v..

i thought this was really cool. it always seemed to be relatively unpopular. but i didn't really mind. i enjoyed it. i was enjoying the internet.

nowadays what seems to have apparently killed it off is the world wide web, flash, and html5.

but i still enjoyed it. i remember the last time i watched it before it died. a "mystery science theater 3000" broadcast was popular there. so i watched some of that.

i actually went there to see if it was still alive. of course now in retrospect i regret not recording it. oh well...

i never really thought it'd die. i never really thought any of the stuff i've been doing a self-meme of "rip" and tombstones for would die.

i always thought the internet had space for everyone and everything would continue forever as long as it could side by side and together forever.

but apparently it seems that a few giant corporations take over and kill everything. nothing else is visited or considered or recognized. that's sad.

tho. to be honest. thinking about it. somewhat off-topic here. but.
the worst of all is probably the stupid sheeple cancer that falls for and defends this bullshit.
literally slave sheep cancer eating shit and gloating about it that makes fun of the free wolf chemo for not eating shit and having dignity.
these faggots are definitely the worst.
i remember when the internet used to be relatively good. heroic even. they would always fight against and resist against bullshit.
and you know what happened? they succeeded.
why did aol die? everyone used it so everyone should use it now. everyone said it was shit and stopped using it. could do the same shit now with failbook etc..
why did failbook succeed? i'm not too sure. i guess they promised "privacy" and tricked some idiots into thinking that it was different from the rest of the internet.
why did yahoo die? everyone used it so everyone should use it now. everyone said it was shit and stopped using it. could do the same shit no with jewgle etc..
why did jewgle succeed? everyone said it was great and used gnu linux (tho it's not free software or open source so makes no fucking sense) and everyone used it.
you can support something relatively good and have it be successful now. you can fight against something shit and have it be unsuccessful now.
the internet has no confidence in itself. and no resistance. and they themselves pay the price. that's sad.

fucking shit-faces. fucking shit-eaters. fucking slaves. fucking sheep. fucking cancer. fucking faggots.


to be honest. i was heavily considering broadcasting live internet video tv on shoutcast tv.

the main reason i didn't do this was because my computer wasn't really powerful enough to do that constantly and run the other programs normally run at the same time.

somewhat off-topic. but. i'm somewhat looking into a new computer now. so even now. my computer is not powerful enough. so there probably wasn't a real chance anyway.

however. if you gave me the option to broadcast to shoutcast tv, or jewtube, or twatch, or liveshit , or jewstream, - i would choose shoutcast tv. every time.

tho granted i wasn't technically ever banned from jewtube for broadcasting - but that's probably because i was very cautious - and didn't do a lot at all.
also didn't really try twatch, or liveshit. tho it's most likely shit as well.
however jewstream (ustream) did actually server-side perma-ban me for broadcasting and experimenting by my fucking self with 1 fucking person a lot.
so. yeah. ustream is shit. definitely.


my message to everyone is to not give in to shit and cancer entirely and try to have some resistance and fight against it. or suffer everything becoming worse.

this probably won't work because "i'll do the opposite of what i think you want me to do"
because you're niggers who fight amongst yourselves while your masters retain complete control.

so. most likely going to be the last survivor and the only 1 left by myself. but. still. just putting it out there. resist. fight it. have hope.

even if everything chemo is killed and everything cancer is made immortal.

they will never win.

i am hope.

found the meth head

found the meth head

speaking of llamas,
"and I thought they smelled bad... on the outside!"

so. i'd hopefully want to have some kind of replacement. something else like this. it doesn't seem to exist now. it may never exist again. i guess...

so. apparently. i guess i'll just have to face facts. they're gone. and they're never coming back.

it was fun while it lasted.


rest in peace, i guess... thank you... for everything... and goodbye...

winamp shoutcast tv

thank you

>speaking of llamas,
>"and I thought they smelled bad... on the outside!"

i don't know what you mean but thank you