Benjen Stark edition
Benjen Stark edition
Gendry's not coming back is he
why does their mouth look so much like a frozen messed up anus?
2nd for Renly
>Brienne starts boasting about how she killed Stannis "The Usurper"
>Davos goes into a blind rage and kills Brienne
>Post yfw
He will, but only for one scene to remind us of how evil Ramsay is
Reminder that Cersei has a drinking problem and this is why she's so fat.
The Others look like Muppets edition
>Benjen Stark edition
Based. Benjen will be Azor Ahai. Just you watch.
Why hyped for ruling Kevan?
Benjen will meet with Bran beyond the wall and they will find out their missions are similar. Making Babby Benjin look just like Babby Bran was not a coincidence.
I don't think she ever called Stannis usurper.
Double kinslayer tho.
threadly reminder
>qyburn's little birds
Someone post the picture with Kevan with a crossbow bolt in his shoulder. I think it was a snapchat picture
Well she thinks Renly is the rightful king so it wouldn't be a stretch for show Brienne to do that
So, Euron=Daario is definitely ded isn't it? Seemed like a Sup Forums favourite.
would bang
I was a fucking shop from last year newfag
He only thinks he controls them. They're double-agents/still loyal to Varys. He's gonna get stabbed to death.
this can't be happening! i'm in charge here!
Why no leaks this week bros?
Did gurm fuck up by having literal thousands of years of history where nothing happens?
Walda looks pretty good in red.
>Well she thinks Renly is the rightful king
I thought she thought that Renly was the better king. I don't think she ever talked about any rights
>petty kings fighting each other
>land constantly changing hands
>nothing happening
What do you mean?
Theres nobody in the world I wanna hate fuck more than this awful sexy actress
Nope when she "kills" Stannis she says that he killed Renly the rightful king
Nah, just stupid Dabid shit fucking with the story.
She mentioned it before she became a kingslayer
Relatively little has happened in Westeros the past ten thousand years honestly
claiming left one.
>Kill the boy and let the man be born
who /hype/
>Daario = Euron
>not Daario = Benjen
>25 minutes of boring Jon shit in next episode, and some Dany stuff too
hope they don't have any dorne or there won't be any time left for interesting characters.
>Why doesn't Stannis the largest king simply eat the other?
who /leaf/ here?
They also had periods of pre-human stone age with the Children, Bronze Age with First Men, Iron age with Andals, wars, setting up kingdoms. Thats like saying nothing was happening in Europe between the appearence of homo sapiens and founding of the Roman highly organized society. There was fuck ton of cultures, chiefdoms, clans and so on.
Also daily reminder that the Children survived and went up far north, eventually evolving into Others.
>tfw so excited to see olly die next episode
>almost makes it worth it enduring his stupid little face every time
>caloressi returns to her advisors
>all is "good", for a while
>one day, out of the blue, Daarion dissapears
>caloressi is found in a room, throat slit open
>note on the wall
>"Robert Baratheon sends his regards"
Tyrion whispering to dragons makes no sense.
former Leaf is 10/10
Is there any northern house more despicable than these fucks
>Its a D&D read the Tyrion = Targ theory and actually put it into the show for no reason episode
Okay, we know practically nothing about Benjen Stark. The questions:
1. Why did he join the Night's Watch?
2. Where is he now?
3. Which side (NW, wildlings, others) did he choose?
We know that Ned and his father loved Brandon and Lyanna, and Lyanna was a wild girl. The wiki says Benjen Stark joined the NW after Rob's Reb - maybe he had no good relationship to the rest of his family and couldn't stand Ned grieving for them.
His mother is unknown. Maybe she's a wildling and he had loved her so he went to the Wall with her.
It is very unlikely that he commited a crime-Ned would not want him to come near to his family.
Maybe he's a warg. After Rob's Reb he knew the Ned is the lord so he went to the Wall. There are big woods and lots of animals to warg in. As Ned's brother he would have had to marry some lady. As a crow he escaped this fate.
-If he's a warg, maybe he ran off to be free.
-Maybe he's Coldhands' elk. His companions were killed by the Others but he escaped by warging. (Maybe he even controlls Coldhands.)
-It's possible but unlikely that Benjen Stark joined the Others if he's a warg. Wargs are well with the wildlings, and the wildlings hate the Others.
Maybe he does the same as Jon: He joined the wildlings/Others to find out their plans.
The Others:
-We know the story of the Night King-maybe the same happened to him.
-It's possible that the Others used him to get the NW out of their castles.
What do you say?
It makes about as much sense as any of their other fanfiction
>Why no leaks this week bros?
Because HBO has no need to produce anymore "leaks", they know you'll watch and keep paying that cable bill.
*gendry arrives at dorne from sailing for like 3-4 seasons*
gets killed off for being a weak man by bad possi
>Talking to grill about GOT
>asks me who my favourite actors were on the show
>I say Dillane, McElhatton and Headey
>She says Clarke and Harington
why do normies have such shit tier taste?
>qyburn makes the eight
the freys
Benjen is Daario
I watch each episode twice and I haven't paid shit yet
1) third son, didn't expect to hold anything important
2) dead, frozen somewhere north of the wall
3) nw
*tips fedora*
I think we have to agree the claimed time scale of thousands of years is way off the mark, as the Maesters suggest.
Steve? it's me Leslie
'm pretty sure it's been confirmed that Benjen is the dusky woman.
Benjen is Drogon
they don't know the names of anyone but the main characters. most can name dinklage, harrington, and clarke and nothing else
it means nothing, who really cares
>talk to my sister about GoT
>both showfags
>she has watched the past five seasons with me
>she still cant remember character names
I dont understand normal people
That's awful user
Who are these "others" you keep mentioning?
They're just trying to side with the winner. This is a brutal world where your allegiance gets you and your family slaughtered. Plus he even pointed out how the Starks killed his father. He hasn't forgiven and seeing Sansa on the throne in Winterfell would spit on his father's grave in his eyes.
Very few "bad" guys in this world are truly bad. Their motivations almost always make sense from their stance.
But fuck trusting them. Those Karstarks switch loyalty like a pony expressman switches horses.
Benjen is the three eyed crow
i have a cousin who watched s1-5 in like a week and couldn't tell you fucking anything besides "starks are the ones from the snow place, right?"
top kek
>His mother is unknown
why? He is Benjen Stark not snow.
Benjen is Ghost
they fug?
>normal people remembering any of the ooga booga names
Why would they? Every tv show and video game trying to come up with unique names got stale 15 years ago.
>All the other Nights Watch "Men" are shithouses who stand there and do nothing as the Wildlings take over the fucking wall
>Olly charges their leader
Olly is a the true MVP, hope he kills Jon a second time.
Benjen is a ghost
>kingslayer kills three karstarks
>expect justice
>your king's retarded mother sets him free with no assurance that he will uphold his promise
>your king execute the head of your family for killing lannisters
no wonder they deserted
People "watch" television while playing with their phones 90% of the time, and then blame any show they missed important shit on being too complicated.
Benjen is Nimble Dick
but there's only 6 of them
Daenerys leads her khalasar through the desert. She is sick with fever, but can't stop eating. Her followers notice her glutonous habits and her body changing while they starve, but are afraid to speak up, fearing of becoming food themselves. If gods are just, Ser Jorah will say one of the following, changing her life forever. Which one it will be?
>A true leader knows when to eat again and when to save something for later, khaleesi.
>They are dragons, khaleesi. You can't just eat them.
>Perhaps you should reconsider your diet, khaleesi. Pork rots fast in this climate.
Benjen's purpose in the story is to drive Jon's story forward and nothing more. His disappearance may be permanent and maybe it's time for us to accept it as a possibility.
I wonder why do showfags actually keep trudging through the episodes if they can't even remember character names,literally what is the point, literally 90% of the content just flies over their heads
>How dare all these houses not be completely and utterly subservient to the Starks! Fucking shitlords, ugh, better complain on r/got
Na, Starks a shit. Lady "Citadel go to Hell" Dustin + Roose Bolton + Karstarks + Umbers Freys = Dead Stark fucking shits
Olly isn't a bad guy, he did what he thought was right. Everyone acting like he's some little savage who did for the luls seems to have forgotten what happened to him. Kid's got big brass balls and Ned would proud of him.
I can understand forgetting some retarded names, it happens to me too. But forgetting fucking Davos? Stannis? Tywin? Loras? She forgot half the cast. She just remembers them by their role and it pisses me off.
>It's a "Hey Jon, your sister is at the Gate. No... really!" episode
>How about you eat MY dick for once, khalessi.
I don't understand how so many people claim to legitimately enjoy the show if they have no idea what's happening.
Jon will be so disappoint when its not Arya
7 actually.
He still have to get one from Riverlands
Valar Morchickun
So when will Jon be confirmed as Targaryen, choosen for the gods to stop the dead? When will he emerge from the flames and make Mellisandre kneel?
It looks cool.