What do you think about WW2?
What do you think about WW2?
Hitler did nothing wrong
Should have been the muslims.
America did nothing useful
Britain saved the world again
jews are worse than muslims
No way! Not at all. Jewish Christian society is so much better then muslim Christian. Fucktard
germans should have won
we failed hitler
look at the world today
he could have stopped that
and there would be no Somali Muslim niggers
hiding in your back yard waiting to rape your
wife and daughter...
Why not both?
if hitler did nothing wrong why are there still jews
This jew is sexy
Why Hitler had to attack this hobossians :((
wrong side won this war
Hurr durr Hitler did nothing wrong hurr durr I'm an edgy pol/fag
why not earth war 2?
fueled by propaganda to this day
germany become cucks of planet
Sad thing
I genuinely think that most of it is bullshit and not true
Jews just want to run everything. Muslims want to blow up guys waiting at bus stops.
I'm assuming you mean the holocaust and not the actual war itself which actually happened.
prove ur not an edgelord summerfag and tell me what the jews did wrong
6 million more would've been better
it was a good sequel
i can't wait to see whats in store for world war 3
B-but they ran banks and stuff! And now they own news stations! They're totally the worst you guise.
If Germany hadn't lost the war by early 1945, US would have nuked the shit out of berlin later that year. So it would have been lost in any case.
>I dont like tumblr and brown people so I wish we lived under the rule of the Nazis and Japanese.
poor japs
>poor japs
until you look at what they did
to China
Doubt it, it was one thing to nuke sub human japsu (as they were viewed then). The backlash over nuking Europe wouldn't go as well.
my family fought for the nazis, at least some of them would survive
The world would have been a better place if the nazis won, but i wouldnt have wanted to live in that world
>implying people give a fuck about china
except end of the war in the pacific
bring the tech that ended global war as the world knew it
Honestly if it wasnt for the bombs and American guilt money they'd be just another shithole asian country.
no implication needed
japs sure did
The Holocaust was just a social experiment
The fate of the western world is more important than your family. Sorry.
vaulttech rep spotted
top kek
look, theres a camera, it's just a prank bro!
>implying there isn't a fucking metric shit-ton of them, even back then, so they're easily replaced
Pretty interesting war that changed the world forever. The Cold War that followed is my favorite time in history though.
again no implication needed
there are
& it makes no difference
you're still a 12-yr-old twink
I bet America misses those days. It was a chess game with a feared rival, but at least they knew where they were an what they were capable of. Nowadays the enemy is some guy with a backpack or a gun ready to slaughter some civilians just trying to live their lives.
Christ you autist just because there's a lot of them doesnt make what Japan did ok. The Japs were absolute monsters back then.
>Remember the six hundred TRILLION you fucking goyim.
Those chinks had it coming. Goddamn Chinese shut the fuck up for 10 seconds.
Try and explain, without using google, how the chinks 'had it coming'.
I don't like the Chinese. There's too many of them and they're annoying and rude.
Oh absolutely; everything was 'easier' to deal with for the Americans, because the enemy was clearly/easily identified: the Soviet Union (and to a lesser extent, China). "Anything red needed to be dead," we said. Even peacekeeping was simpler, because it was just about monitoring borders and maintaining ceasefires. Now, as you've said, everything's changed; the enemy's not as easily identified, friends could become enemies, and we've spent too much on defeating the Soviet Union to turn back now, not to mention all of the tin-can dictatorships and now-terrorist groups we once supported *just* so they wouldn't go communist.
We kinda shot ourselves in the foot here.
Why so many Jews ffs?
At least Jews are somewhat civilized
Where do you live? I live in London and most of the ones I've met are ok. A little ignorant maybe but they grew up with heavily controlled media etc so thats to be expected.
Because Jews dont want their children to be average. It's just a culture thing dont fall for the spooky jew meme.
You're projecting again faggot
The whole region is full of crazy fuckers that have done bad shit. They've all been killing each other for centuries.
Crappy war,i wait for ww3 and i hope this time i am on the winning side.
So has Europe. So has the entire world. I'm British but I think some of the things we've done are awful and I've no problem admitting that.
Never happened. Jews made it up to get themselves a country while making white folks feel guilty for just being white and superior. Fucking cucks.
Vancouver Canada.
Are there a lot of Chinese there? Is it like London where you guys have a 'China Town'?
The world would be a better plate to live since we would not have raceism, art and science would be in a high focus and less people. All this if Germany had won
They didnt 'make up' WW2. Plenty of things happened in that war that didnt involve Jews.
Wasn't it clear that I was shitposting and taking the piss on Stormfags?
I know I know, Poe's Law and all, but we're already infested by retarded far right imbeciles.
It's hard to tell what's a parody any more.
Those damn Chinese invaded and ruined the entire housing market.
I found the main antagonist to be 2 dimensional and unbelievable, but overall very entertaining 4/5 stars, recommended.