Ask a guy who steals every day from work anything
Ask a guy who steals every day from work anything
are u nigger ?
Checked & rekt
white as a ghost
Where do you work?
Do you work at walmart? I did and stole sandwiches and 5 hour energies daily. Found a higher paying job and just left them out of the blue. Fuck em.
i work as a waiter part time at parties , weddings and all sorts of events
I would steal condoms, little snacks, electronics, etc.. and since I worked in the back it was easier.
So what do you steal?
Found out condoms are the most commonly stolen thing from Wal-Mart's.
What do you steal? Phones wallets etc?
bottles of alcohol at parties and weddings every time , dont actually drink it , just store it under my bed
food , all the time , i even bring a plastic container
found a wallet with 600 $ once , didnt return it
found a phone , Samsung S6 , brand new that just came ot , didnt return it
i have a lot of stories from stuff i stole , could post em
Do it, guy
post em
i bring a backpack to work
i put it at a place where i can go i nobody could see me put shit in like a closet or backoffice where we bring empty glasses and plates at events
the key is patience
>go to work in a hotel
>manager tells me 4 ours 50 $ for 30 people waiter
>turns out 6 ours 50 $ 100 people only waiter
>lying faggot needs to pay
>i left backpack behind bar
>manager tells me they count bottles after party
>dont care
>put a Jack in my backpack when nobody look
> put a lot of food which was allowed
>put bottle opener
>put 6 shot glasses
>put all kinds of shit i found in the storage next to the bar
>my backpack weight 10+ kg at the end
>left as soon as i got the money and never returned
i dont work at one place
>moving chairs and tables for a wedding
>some firms meeting was there 3-4 hour before i came to work
>2-3 people were in the wedding hall
>nobody noticed a wallet
>look for colleague whos with me
>not looking
>lean down to tie my shoe
>stuff wallet in sock
>go to bathroom
>count 600 $ , dont really need it but fuck it , its money
> some oldfags wallet
> put wallet in pocket and play it cool for 8 hours
>realise there are cameras in the hotel
>i always look for them , even when not working
>no cameras in wedding hall
>go home take money , destroy every shred of document and ID
>destroy wallet ( was shit wallet )
>feel bad for a day
>still remember the guys name
fuck him , 600 is big money.
60 minutes is an "hour". The possessive pronoun for "we" is our.
>Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)00:42:36 No.691846685▶
post more
i stole a bubblegum from the supermarket once
>been drinking all night
>tequila shot
>drunk as fuck so i leave before i puke all over grils
> walking home like a fucking penguin
>as i waddle i come across a big store
>sit on long bench next to some fat cunt for a minute
>she is with other whale
>they leave and bitch leaves phone
>just take it and put it in pocket but still drunk so i stay
>runs back after a minute to look for it
>jiggles like jello
>"have you seen a phone here "
>look her with a weird glance and tell "yes but i guy said its his"
>"what the fuck ?!? where is he"
>point down and say he had blond hair
>"why did you let him take it ?!?!"
>bitch is red as a prolapsed asshole
>runs down
>i walk in opposite dirrection and go home
>as we were talking it was ringing in my pocket the entire time
>turned down volume first
>drunk but not stupid
>went home and took out SIM
>now its my moms
>gave it to her for Xmas
thats awesome
cont with other stories ?
so you must be a latino asshole since you plaed the "$" after the number
i live in Europe
you sure solved that mystery
I wholeheartedly hope you get caught and get your ass rekt in jail