Is it me or do I witness more and more ballsacks that totally retracts from under the shaft during porn scenes ?

Is it me or do I witness more and more ballsacks that totally retracts from under the shaft during porn scenes ?

It kind of disgusts me... I've been watching both pro and amateur stuffs and I can't fathom how it is physiologically possible that your ball goes around your dick.

Have I lived in a lie For fifteen years?

(source is bit*ly/28WJM3j if you look for a tough scene with jodi taylor )

here's a more appealing capture

im with OP, don't quite understand how and why this happens unless it's freezing cold on set. weird.

any experts that can explain why this shit is happening?

why do you focus on the guys cock first of all?
but still that's weird, it looks like a dogs dick.

theres a surgery that gives u a touch more lenght, u snip some shit behind the ballsack so the blood chamber structure has more freedom from the body. i think the balls kinda get compressed in that free space created. not sure.

excessive use of viagra and similar stimulus create this ball retraction effect

Why do you focus on dog dicks user?

most cocks in porn arent even real, just some fake dildos that are put over the real cock and ballsack, sometimes you can even see a different skincolor

This. I got some scissors and snipped it myself. It's pretty easy to do with a headlamp and small mirror to squat over.

would make sense...

prove it

are you ten or something

that's definitely not the case here. Do not derail the stuff unless you post proofs.

Don't even joke like that, some retard on here will cut into his dick and we'll be hearing from him saying that he sliced half his dick off and almost died.

pretty sure it's an evolutionary thing, they don't retract they just move up to where your pubes are, i think it's to maximize the length you're getting in there to shoot farther and plant your seed. it's happened a couple times while i was jacking off.

I'm 27. How would I have watch porn for fifteen years if I was ten.

That's mostly those ones where the dick is like 3 feet long and jizzes for 2 minutes to make the woman look like she's been in a horrible glue accident.

real Sup Forums tards encourage this you fucking cunt.get the fuck back to's called natural selection. i'm so tired of this fucking board

because you watched porn when you were still inside your father's balls

M'kay so is it evolution or medecines ?
I'm lost.

This is definitely true but it's also caused by arousal.

holy shit you faggots

they retract. it's normal. sometimes they retract all the way to where they were before they dropped, in your abdomen

Ok then, go slice off your dick and take pics faggot, clearly you have nothing to live for since you turn into a massive bitch over the most trivial things.

The best evolutions comes from medecine

Sets are kept around 60°f because the chicks skin will contract and be tighter. The colder it is, the less cellulite shows up.

>Have I lived in a lie For fifteen years?

The true submarine method

settle down pervert, i'm just trying to offer some friendly advice. it's a fairly straightforward procedure, it's not like anyone could hurt themselves. frankly, your attitude is disgusting and you don't deserve a longer dick. i shouldn't be wasting my time trying to help you.

you are literally too dense to get what i just said.that's.....something else

mine looks like pic related
would you rather have to deal with that faggot?

That's a nice looking ballsack you have there

Was about to post this until I read it.

Depressing to see how the public school system failed so many people.

>real Sup Forums tards
>being this much of a faggot

you're fat and bald. keep laughing.

Well you're figuratively a flappy gaping vagina.

>posting thumbnails
>being this much of a faggot


It eery... he looks like a guy I couldn't stand during my college years...

Mine do that a lot

Where are you from ?

Jesus Christ it looks like somebody took a hammer to that sack

>being this much of a samefag

Combination of viagra, meth, and steroids. Pretty sad, actually

Did you snip yourself or get it done? I hear Costa Rica offers deals on the procedure if you stay for 2 weeks.

Are you actually retarded? You've never had your balls crawl back up into their hidey holes before? They did drop from somewhere you know

nice try you faggot're even newer than you might think

You some kinda nutsack detective?

You think only one retard is flailing around in this thread about testicles?

Neither. They just do that. Its wierd. Usually just one but sometimes both.

That only goes to show that you were none of those posters, what are you trying to prove?

that's not him though. France.
that guy has to be a goatfucker

He is from France too, he is a semi-famous youtuber.

Could be him !

>Reposts my post
Wow sure got me

yeah. They dropped, they never got back there, I know there a techniques that transsexual use though, but that's not crawling in the abdomen, it's almost moving on the sides, that's 2spooky5me.

you'll just have to trust me because you're a faggot

never heard of him, any idea of what the channel is?

>Reposts my post
Wow sure got me


>Reposts my post
Wow sure got me

Why would I trust you when you just called me a faggot and you have no idea what you're doing?

Balls are the only organ that self regulate temperature to maintain purpose... After you fap or fuck they sag to get cool to help reproduce jizzums when they have a full load ready to spit they get to a point where the viable jizzums will stay alive for the longest duration at that temperature, when they are too cold to make viable jizzums they retract to a very high state to stay warm so what ever viable jizzums they have made has a chance to stay alive longer... Jesus do you not even play with your gonads and wonder why they do things and then look it up


Most people's balls rise up like that when they have a boner. Not all but a lot of people. Mine become a little more compact

This always makes me feel uncomfortable, can you imagine standing in line at a bank and this person lines up behind you?
Gives me the jibblies just imagining it.

Apparently, the most common cosmetic surgery for men is the ball tuck. I've heard that it's almost required for male preformers these days, especially in professional work. It's more than just looks, it's easier to get the closest shots when you don't have balls in the way. I would assume it's also possible to physically pull the skin tight when getting the close shots, since they're usually from below and behind anyway.

because you're a cancerous trust anyone on anything

yup, that's definitely not him, just the angle I think, but I would have laughed my ass off.

It's usually when a guy is about to cum that they do that.

Yup it would have been funny !

like wandering testicle, idiots.

Seems like you're projecting a bit there buddy, calm down and talk about testicles.

and then she sticks her tongue inside your ear and breathes heavily while she moans your names

Wait how would she know my name?

there is also an operation where they cut a sinue that pulls the penis into the body. cutting this gives and extra half to two inches, but the penis doesn't stand up when hard


nice drawing skills

she's been following you secretely for the last two and a half years and masturbated with your personal belongings numerous times

why did that make me laugh so hard?

do you like them?


i dont think that this is true!

I'm pretty attached to mine.

Dude, why the living fuck are you focusing on the fucking ballsack in STRAIGHT PORN? The fuck is wrong with you?

in OP's pic they are hanging half way up his dik

fuck right off newfag

but you're just a fag

Look you're late to the party, read the thread, there was a big back and forth and everything you anusface.

because straight porn is 80% excitation from the female model, 20% cuckhold excitation by comparing to the male model.

Deal with it.

I've got those, when I'm about to cum or it gets really cold my balls can just, go up an in I guess. They retract up into my body a lil bit above my dick.

I'm more on a 95%/5% ratio.

it wasn't that big. it would be bigger if he just snipped it though. who doesn't have a pair of scissors and a mirror to squat over in 2016?

i always panick when they go up like that im afraid they will fall back down on the wrong side or twist around so i have to go to the hospital

That sounds about right, probably explains why I switched over to girls fingering themselves

>I'm a proud Sup Forumstard
You're fucking cancer

Oh fuck you, you got me with that.

They can only retract and return to their proper position so many times before they get twisted and you need to go to the hospital. You're really taking a risk letting them retract like that. Have you been keeping count of how many time they've retracted?

It's not a goddamn fun slide, they just go up and down.

that's my worst nightmare, it sounds atrocious.

You say that, but one day they're going to come down wrong and get twisted and you're going to rush to the hospital.

>Ok then, go slice off your dick and take pics faggot, clearly you have nothing to live for since you turn into a massive bitch over the most trivial things.

amphetamines and cocaine bitches, or just drugs in general... Also you could try running a couple miles b4 fucking your gf/wife/trap you degenerate fucks