Hey Sup Forumsros, dubs decide
Hey Sup Forumsros, dubs decide
"Ich bin einsam du bist einsam, darf ich dich einsamen?"
It ain't gonna suck itself you know. So when are you coming over?
Show boobs
In 1970 a soviet director decided to ask The premier to give him permission to film a movie about the napoleonic wars. He got the ok and around 16,000 Russian troops to use as French soldiers in the film, he even taught them formations and trained them to use a musket. The movie was such a hit even the US which was strongly anti-Russian aired it daily
I'm a multimillionaire with an average cock. Let's fly to new Zealand my little slampiggy.
One of my oldest friends sat by my side
his hands resting on his knees
still like a chair
“he didn't want to go like this”
he said and I thought about telling
the uber driver about you
his car smelling like fabric softener
and the night stretching heavy without you
two heartbroken mothers talking
your lips white and everybody
pale like ghosts vanishing in the air
emptying the streets where
you fell on your head on the pavement
and a blood vessel popped in your brain
then your spirit ditched your body
and all we were left with was silence
I hugged Aunt Lupe and I hugged
strangers that cupped my tears in their hands
and we sat in a room with a hole in the wall
and a bed of wooden boxes and blankets
waiting for you to come over and
tell us it was all a big joke
that you would walk in at your own funeral
dancing like an idiot with a big smile on your face
you would hold your mother and say you're sorry
and tomorrow we'd walk the lonely streets again
where puddles of dirty rainwater and black tar
cover the places where bodies fell heavy
and our feet drag one more time
Trade nudes? ;)
I would love to listen about your problems
Because your face is a good target for my cum
Because you aren't a nigger
Roll again
I'll show you mine if you show me yours ;)
Because I'll show my dick
I want this. Roll
Because I told you to bitch
Fuck it. Last roll
I want to sloob all over your boobs
I am a fucking faggot.
bc u r hot xD
You, sir, are and idiot :P
I'm asking politely
please m'am show me your udders
Rolling for this
Just kidding
Lets fuck
Damn OP, I didn't think you would actually follow through that, keep being you user
Rolling for this
Winrar! Exept OP just fucked himself
oh shit. trips have spoken
You look very much like the perfect rape victim
Look at this Asian bitch skipping out on work
Hey cutie, check this cool thread on Sup Forums
I completed the fitness gram nigger test
do you like My Little Pony ? I think it's a great show ! Rainbow Dash make my dick so hard :3
Yes seriously now show em
Lets bang. Don't worry about getting pregnant, my friend is an abortionist. (include this gif)
get ready to take 4'5 of pleasure up your poo box donkey
Say "I am a faggot"
Sup Forumsros need a good dickpick
Fake as fuck
Dubs get
I hope that this whole conversation ends up getting OP laid
i haven't FUCKED ANYBODY since YEARS my semen must be SOLID
excuse me, I have tremendous autism
This will get her panties soaked
OP she's clearly asking for a dick pic
Send a giant black dick pic.
jet melt cant fuel steal beams
just google a random dick pick and send it to her op and caption it with "you like? ;)"
There you go
Add some more lmaos and some cringy emojis
Find a good sized dick big but not huge like believable big make sure it's the same race as you fgt then send it
*tips fedora*
wanna see some child porn ?
hook was a sandy job inside
"You're on Sup Forums"
that's not a gif, but roll anyway.
So . before we do anything, I am legally bound to inform you I am a child molester. When I come over PLEASE let me know if you have ANY 4-9 year old BOYS. Girls are okay.
God I want to grab your head and fuck your mouth.
You first. Then I'll send full nude.
I got a one incher though
may I dispense my seminal fluid on your shins?
I've been building a sperm dam since fucking jimmy carter just let me have this one
Because your brother is here and he wants me to jerk him off to your tits
I can assure you I've got a King Kong gonzo dong that you'll gag on till you pass out
Is that fucking brother bear on the TV?
I love you, sweet princess.