
Fucking duh.

An all male cast would've been meant with the exact same reaction.

Idk. I'll probably see it anyway.


ITT: Shit millenials pretend is important.

>tell you a story you've never seen before

>"these nerds who keep attacking me are assholes"
sounds pretty flapped to me

>"I live or die on what things are funny and whether or not people will be entertained by them."
Why hasn't he died then?

It's true.

>tell a story you've seen before, but in a way you haven't seen it.

>>"Geek culture is home to some of the biggest a------s I've ever met in my life
>some of the biggest asians I've ever met in my life

What did he mean by this?

How does this retard not realize that people were always going to hate a reboot that shamelessly whored the name of the original, while providing none of the original characters or charm? Even if they weren't all women people would hate this piece of trash, what a fucking tool

>I live or die on what things are funny

You think he genuinely believes that trailer was funny

Nerds are prone to obesity, even asian ones.


But this story has been before and better. He's in damage control

Even if people deny it, its true. Just the short clip of full trailer coming soon got thumbed down.


>Is he right, Sup Forums?

He's right.

Conflict *is* a commodity on the web.

>pander to feminists
>men say "i don't like this and i will not watch it"
>don't pander to feminists
>feminists say "we will do everything in our power to ensure that everyone who worked on this is unemployed and alone for life"

Nobody acknowledges the progressives doxing people but if we don't lather on the praise when someone does shit like this, we're a big bunch of fucking fascist psychopath nerd virgins

>Make a film that no one wanted
>"It's YOUR problem"

Uhhh no

It got down voted for being a preview of a trailer.(That showed nothing) Tell me how that isn't completely redundant.

Well i´m sorry to hear that....
Because now...

>if we don't lather on the praise we're a big bunch of fucking fascist psychopath nerd virgins

maybe if everything wasn't divided into 'like' and 'dislike' people wouldn't have this fucking impression
god i hate social media

No you're right, reboots of beloved 80's movies are always met with nothing but love and praise. Remakes of Total Recall, Robocop, Poltergeist, etc. totally all had relentless hype when announced and released. People definitely only hate this because of vaginas.

Tons of those types of videos exist and are not thumbed down, the force awakens one for example.

Even Melissa McCarthy didn't think the trailer was good

It depends. If the trailer was equally as shit, based on that it's a follow up of a beloved ip, then it would have been met with the same initial reaction. But there wouldn't have been a sjw defence force, which inflamed the response.

Either way the world isn't black and white.

But it is a mathematically shit trailer.

How does he not understand that from the very beginning NO ONE has been on board with this? God I can't wait for this shit to flop. Maybe it will be so bad that it will ruin his career

>"I live or die on what things are funny and whether or not people will be entertained by them."

Buddy do I got bad news for you...

JJ Abrams works off of secrecy and cock teases with shots of images to hype people, this preview was a blank screen and images had already leaked of it. Not saying its better buy physiologically it makes sense as to why one works and the other doesn't.

And by images leaked I mean of them is the suits.

This. I didn't even want that proposed Ghostbusters 3 they were trying to make for years with the original cast, why would I want this?

The only people I feel bad for in this whole mess are the original cast


They all have cameos in this train wreck so fuck em

Even harold ramis?

Top kek

It's all manufactured, even the dislikes. I bet the movie company paid interns to dislike the yootoob trailer to get sympathy and publicity. Heck, soon enough, the contrarian nature of Sup Forums will start to pretend to like the remake because normies hate it.

Who do you think the big baddie is?

Why do they look so similar?

>dat SJW damage control
flop of the century and no amount of shilling can change it

You're a big gook


That's the beauty of an all female cast.
There's inbuilt insurance for when it's panned.
>You hate it because you hate WOMEN

Why? I doubt they care. Moranis is retired, Weaver doesn't care, Aykroyd is too crazy to care, Ramis is dead, Murray will just continue showing up in lower budget movies without a care in the world and Hudson will wallow in obscurity.

Apparently Bill Murray was threatened with legal action is he didnt do a cameo. Think it was in the Sony leaked emails.

>it's YOUR fault you don't like this trailer! The majority of people are WRONG!
Yeah, get fucked. Try making a better movie next time, dipshit.

Sony genuinely thought about suing them if they didn't cameo.


maybe just make something original instead of taking an 80's movie, slapping modern tropes on it, and calling it good

If it was a good male cast it would have had a good reaction.

But it would probably be Seth Rogen and Jay Baruchel going "Dude, ghosts LMAO" so yes.

>"Geek culture is home to some of the biggest a------s I've ever met in my life,"

>"please go see my movie though"

Even more reason to hate everything about this
Literally holding actor's hostage if they don't preform

Would depend on the cast like you said but also the plot. If it was still remake I think people would still be annoyed but if it was an actual sequel with the originals passing on the torch I think people might have been at least optimistic about it.

I needed this chuckle today user. I thank you.

>slamming the chick flick

So he admits it's a chick flick.

Chick flicks have been made fun of since the 90's.


Yes. There are more shit movies out there. And everyone is gonna watch this movie, get a chuckle or two out of it and then forget about it.

All this is hatred is from the cancer that is Sup Forums. Just look at the catalog, 60% of threads open up complaining about something. Most people on this board are cancer and are people you'd stay far far away from in real life.

Problem with the internet is: These drooling imbecils now have an opinion but can hide their face, so people don''t realize complaints come from anyone barely worth living.

>Being a numale cuck at 53 years of age

Can you imagine a more pathetic existence?

Literally all the Female Ghostbusters movie had to do was make them the daughters or proteges of the originals and people wouldn't be half as irritated by this movie

You don't seriously think that ALL the hate from this movie is solely from Sup Forums do you?

Anonymous faggots criticizing someone who's more succesful than they'll ever be, while using obscure internet slang like cuck.

Do you think a winner knows what the word cuck means? No all they know is slaying pussy that succes gives them.

i love this culture of fucking tearing into the people who won't buy your shit, thinking that will somehow make them buy your shit

delusional spoiled fucks

No, the movie has it's flaw, but this rediculous hatred is coming from acne riddled adults who refuse to grow up get a decent job and get some pussy. If you could see the faces of most guys complaining you probably wouldn't give a shit.

Go to bed Paul.

His success comes from the millions of unsecessful nobodies
without them, he's nothing

making sure you don't contradict the existing movies is too much work though, like ugh user, why should such art be held back by stuffy old men from 30 years ago

You mean trannies.

Why don't you? Between sleeping, burger flipping and masturbation. Is there anything you have ever accomplished or will accomplish?

>people who dislike things are VIRGINS!

never ceases to amuse, especially as a happily married father

user I really think you should get a girlfriend

>anyone less than a hollywood director is a burger flipper

also amusing

>"I live or die on what things are funny and whether or not people will be entertained by them."

Great, I can't wait for him to be on suicide watch when the movie comes out and everyone hates it because it's the unfunny bore that we all know it is.

>insulting the target audience
>not realizing that, other than people with double digit IQs and naive college kids, people don't care for 'progressive' culture
>not letting it die with what little dignity you have left


Oldfag browsing Sup Forums.

Dad get off the internet

If what you say is true, why do YOU give a shit?

If Sup Forums is as pathetic as you say, are you not more pathetic for being so bothered?

Look everyone, a dumb woman!

Pray do tell of said accomplishments in your personal life.

Because I'm not one of the faggots literally whining about EVERYTHING.

No, I'm gay.

Women disgust me.


He's probably not self-aware enough to realize that his movie is a giant pile of shit and the execs are banking on people being too afraid of being labelled misogynists to say so. But no, he's not right. The hatred for his film extends far beyond internet trolls and geek culture. Just about everyone thinks it looks like shit. He's in full denial/damage control mode or he's just an idiot. No one will ever hear from him again once this movie bombs.

Have you ever touched a woman user?

user, I really really think you should get a girlfriend.

No, you're whining about the guys whining about everything.

You're the guy at the end of the human centipede chain.

... Are you insulting him or hitting on him?

I don't really care about the ghostbusters remake either way but it is funny to think that while they were filming there were probably a bunch of times they would snicker over something 'haha nerds are going to HATE THIS!' and pat themselves on the back and now they're sweating bullets and throwing public conniption fits over those 'nerds'

You're a woman aren't you?

Post your tits.

But user that makes me whine about one thing.

Wheras you are skilled whining at everything.

It's all you can do, your brain is defective that way.

Tits or gtfo

I'm sure the big suits and executives in the studio will accept this excuse when the movie bombs

I'm a woman and I fucking can't stand that cast.
Surely everyone is tired of McCarthy and Wiig already, and whoever that gorilla is.
Fuckin no current comedian, wether male or female, could make a good Ghostbusters movie

Post tits.

user, I think you really really need a girlfriend.

Stop masturbating to porn.

I'm afraid you'll die without ever having touched a vagina.

Do you want to die a virgin user?

I'm worried. I really really think you should get a girlfriend.

Post tits

Do you want to end up a 70 year old man who doesn't know what a wet vagina feels like?

user, I really really think you should get a girlfriend.

Look everyone, she can't make a coherent point, so she is trying character assassination!

What a dumb woman!

And yes I have touched a woman. I'm 6 foot tall blue eyed European in NYC. I have to fight of Latina and Black chicks almost on a daily basis.


Mammaries or gtfo

user, you really should stop masturbating to porn.

You'll never get the courage to talk to a girl like that.

Pixels aren't the same as real life.

No user, you're a little virign bastard.

This thread would make a fascinating stage play.