How can i tell people about my fetish without being called a freak?
How can i tell people about my fetish without being called a freak?
What is it?
clearly its Steve Buscemi
I like tying paracord around my cock and balls
Both normal and weird
>Huge foot fetish
>Both male and female (Mostly female) with huge feet
>Love teen or middle school girls with big feets (better if their feet are in moccasins)
>Like crush (mostly food crush. animal crush i can still fap too. but it makes me depress after i finish since i own animals and i love them)
>Somewhat scat
>I like the sound of pooping/diarrhea
>Not too much into seeing it
None of those are normal faggot
I thought having a foot fetish was like. the most normal fetish?
is it the crush part?
Can i do it?
You can tell people about your general foot shit but leave the rest of them out.
When foot fetish is the most normal fetish, you are one screwed up son of a bitch
I thought it always was? there is a lot of people who have it. and i thought it would make it easier for me.
Just don't.
But it will make it more awkward if they found out.
Foot fetish is on the borderline of what's weird and what's normal.
Kill yourself before someone realizes how much of a fucked up faggot you are
I don't have suicidal thoughts. And have no plans on doing it.
Would anime porn be a fetish? i guess not?
Tell them as a joke, if they reaction is "OH SHIT, THAT'S FUCKED UP SON", just roll with it
How should i put it in a joke form?
"Dude, i was watching some porn, and ended up masturbating to some scat and feet shit haha"
No you're right foot fetish is a very usual one
Ok. A bit strange. But might work.
Keep it to yourself you disgusting fiend
get on /b
>disgusting fiend
I'm asking for help. Not shame.
At least i did what you asked.
But don't just say it out of nowhere.
Hey guys. i was watching some porn, and ended up masturbating to some scat and feet shit haha.