Abandons all the people who are risking everything for him at the airport to complete the mission

> Abandons all the people who are risking everything for him at the airport to complete the mission
> Hits on his dead girlfriend's niece HOURS after her funeral, eyeballs her during the service
> His 'taking responsibility' for his failures amounts to admitting he fucked up before destroying the next city block
> Motivation boils down to selfishly trying to save the last surviving piece of his past life (Bucky) to feel better with himself

How is he the hero? Cap was genuinely unlikable for me in Civil War up until the 'I can do this all day'.

he's not

if you're team tony when you're young you have no heart

if you're team cap when you're old you have no brain

He's called Captain America for a reason


>anything more than a roided out of his mind simple jack
He was a murican muh freedoms muh friend vigilanty with no brakes. Tony did nothing wrong, and to make cap not look like a complete moron they had to make tony have an out of character hyperviolent fit over brain washed bucky and his wetworks.

Ultimate Cap when?

>Abandons all the people who are risking everything for him
They told him to go, and he goes back for them in the end

>Hits on his dead girlfriend's niece HOURS after her funeral
There was already a budding relationship in the previous film

>Admitting he fucked up before destroying the next city block
His responsibility was to take Bucky in because if someone else tried they'd be killed. He succeeded in doing that, only after Zemo changed everything did "taking responsibility" become escaping with Bucky

>Motivation boils down to selfishly trying to save the last surviving piece of his past life
While I don't think you can reduce it to just that, what's wrong with that? He's a lonely person who has absolutely nothing in the world besides Bucky, what's so wrong for someone who gave up EVERYTHING for the world to save something for himself?

tbf if they never made Tony sympathetic in this movie we would agree with Cap.

From the first preview, I've been on Tonys side. Cap is selfish and arrogant in here. The fact that Tony is showing positive change but the whole team still treats like an arrogant egotist ticks me off. I'm with you, however, that the 'I can do this all day' was an extremely powerful part in the movie. I think the movie is definetly trying to tell us that caps right, what with the heroic music every time he speaks, the slow, 'meaningful' moments with Bucky every 10 minutes, and the fact that he wins the fight against tony at the end.

>whole team still treats like an arrogant egotist

But he IS an arrogant egotist. That's his whole character. He thinks he's better and smarter than everyone else in the room (and who knows, he may be) so he decides to save everyone from themselves, regardless of how they feel about it.

That makes him arrogant and egotistical.

Besides, the "I can do this all day" is very clearly meant to portray Tony as a bully. You're not rooting for the bully, are you?

Fuck off, Tony did nothing wrong.
His last rageout was a pathetic desperate forced asspull to make him look like a big bad bully hurting muh inocents and being selfish knowitall.
Oh yeah, lets just forget that cap was shitting on the rules, on tonys head, on the will of the people and went rogue as fuck for the whole movie, also busted out alleged criminals in the end.

Oh come on. You don't see how much Tony has changed from previous movies? He has stopped thinking about himself and is putting the lives of others before his own. That's the difference between a boy and a man. Cap is endangering and injuring people because he wants his childhood friend to be accepted as an innocent victim (despite the hundreds of deaths he caused in Cap 2 by dropping the helicarriers)

>tony is the bully
Bucky killed his parents in cold blood. Not just shot them, either. He snapped their necks. While I don't think tony was right to try and kill him, he definetly deserved to have his ass kicked. For Tonys parents, and also Rhodes never being able to walk again.

I think overall, Natasha said it best when she told cap 'just because it's the path of least resistance doesn't mean it's the worst path.' Cap should have listened to literally every other avenger. The whole 'tell the world "you move"' quote is some BS.

>also Rhodes never being able to walk again

Uh, Tony called that shot, and was hoping it hit Falcon. Falcon could easily be paralyzed (or disintegrated) right about now

Absolutely this. Bucky is the only other person in the world that understands what Cap has gone through and is going through and they were friends since kids.

Nobody else could understand Cap except Bucky.

Not to mention that Tony would probably do the same or worse. Tony's rage at the end at wanting to kill Bucky despite Bucky being innocent is a perfect example of that. Same thing with T'challa.

They're both hypocrits in they say that Cap is risking everything to save Bucky, but T'Challa went rogue and wanted to kill Bucky (and Tony hired him despite knowing that Bucky wouldn't be arrested at T'Challa's hands he'd be killed).

All because Steve was, in effect, resisting arrest.

I respect Cap a lot, but it felt like he just kept wearing the smug "I'm right Tony" grin the whole movie, like he knew his name was in the title and so he was always right.

For god's sake, Steve dumped all of SHIELD/HYDRA's files onto the Internet because he believed no organization should have unilateral power to spy on and take action against others with no check on their power.

It seems he feels differently when *he* is the one in power. And he felt this way before the attack on the UN involved Bucky in the mix; the attack just gives his side of the movie "legitimacy".

>Steve dumped all of SHIELD/HYDRA's files onto the Internet because he believed no organization should have unilateral power to spy on and take action against others with no check on their power.
Widow did it.

>Rhodes never being able to walk again.
Vision shot Rhodes while trying to shoot down Sam. Easily could have been Sam paralyzed.

Tony had Wanda arrested just because she hadn't signed the accord.

Tony only started agreeing to everything because one woman accused him of murdering her son, which she was absolutely right. It was Tony who made Ultron, it was Tony that used the AI in the infinity stone to build Ultron as a massive weapon system defense force. It was Tony that designed and built the new helicarriers that Hydra ended up almost using on billions of people.

Tony is a huge dick and has caused every conflict in the movies, but he wants to put the blame on everyone else when they don't see eye to eye with him.

She performed the action, but it was Steve's argument first, and he convinced Fury to allow it to happen.

No shit. He is doing what he believes to be the right thing and doesn't want to be restricted in his actions.

Replace superheroes with guns. See how many people support Cap then.

Peggy was never his girlfriend

>mfw Cap represents American exceptionalism while Tony represents globalism

>if it werent for you tony we would have dropped a nuke on manhattan
>if it werent for you tony a meteor would've exterminated the human race

They seriously cannot be serious

>all these cucks siding with the Sokovia Accords instead of Cap

Big Brother Loves You.


Difference is that Cap is a good-natured guy who wants to protect people. Guns are only made to kill.

It's almost like every modern capeshit character either has no morals or has completely fucked up ones because these movies only exist to squeeze money out of retards or something

He's the pro freedom side
>submitting to big government bureaucracy

At least in the comic, there is a case for registration. Untrained amateur's getting a lot of civilians killed. In this it's either Wanda lets the bomb/grenade explode killing at least 50 including Cap, or direct it upwards accidentally killing like 20. Not to mention they're black so who cares.

>good-natured guy who wants to protect people.
Funny how everything he's been involved in has had to do with Hydra/Bucky
Why hasn't he gone after drug lords or Islamists?

The Sokovia Accords are the PATRIOT Act for superheroes.


>what's so wrong for someone who gave up EVERYTHING for the world to save something for himself?
Yeah what's so wrong in him wanting to free a mass murderer.

>Lol who won guise

no one because nothing is going to change and they are going to work together with the power of friendship in Inshittity War Parts 1 and 2

>Tony is responsible because he created Ultron
So if my wifes son killed a load of people she would be responsible?

Tony and Bruce created Ultron. Thor's buddy was mind controlled to help Loki, Bucky was mind controlled.

kek Bucky isn't a mass murderer, the Winter Soldier is.

Bucky is just a victim of Hydra's schemes.

for not raising her son right? yes.

>So if my wifes son
I think the real issue here is you haven't adopted your "wife's son" , you should be saying "if my son".

>Abandons people who volunteered to fight on his cause with the full knowledge that that outcome could occur. And with knowledge that their freedom rather than their life is at risk.
>Hits on a girl he has known since being thawed from the ice, given that she was posted as his hot neighbor by Fury since Winter soldier.
>Taking responsibility now means submitting to the judgement of those who you disagree with out of guilt.
>Motivation boils down to saving an innocent man and arriving at the base before a potentially global threat emerges.

You seem pretty retarded m8. Did you see the movie? Or did you just not may attention?

Did your wife train her son to go kill a bunch of people and arm him with a bunch of weapons? Because then yes she would.

People who don't understand the UN. Go ahead and read up on it. Everytime the avengers intervened they saved more people than they killed.

>UN general working as a peacekeeper during the Rwandan genocide:
"Rwanda will never ever leave me. It's in the pores of my body. My soul is in those hills, my spirit is with the spirits of all those people who were slaughtered and killed that I know of, and many that I didn't know. … Fifty to sixty thousand people walking in the rain and the mud to escape being killed, and seeing a person there beside the road dying. We saw lots of them dying. And lots of those eyes still haunt me, angry eyes or innocent eyes, no laughing eyes. But the worst eyes that haunt me are the eyes of those people who were totally bewildered. They're looking at me with my blue beret and they're saying, "What in the hell happened? We were moving towards peace. You were there as the guarantor" -- their interpretation -- "of the mandate. How come I'm dying here?" Those eyes dominated and they're absolutely right. How come I failed? How come my mission failed? How come as the commander who has the total responsibility-- We learn that, it's ingrained in us, because when we take responsibility it means the responsibility of life and death, of humans that we love"

It literally doesn't matter how clear cut it is at the UN, bureaucracy makes almost all intervention too slow.

>Why hasn't he gone after drug lords or Islamists?

Given what HYDRA is, it could very well be argued that rather than going after the street thugs, he's going after the source. Why take out the drug lords when you can take out their suppliers? Why take out Islamic Terrorists when you can cut off their funding?

Captain America can't be everywhere, he has to pick his battles. HYDRA is, within the context of the MCU, the real threat. Destroy it and everything its tentacles reach into starts to wither and becomes that much easier for conventional militaries and law enforcement agencies to deal with.

>Hydra is the Jews of the MCU

>Tony did nothing wrong.

He did literally everything wrong.

>creates Ultron twice
>Ultron kills innocent people
>Tony gets no repercussions
>incredibly brainwashed Bucky killed his parents
>baaaawwww Bucky needs to die m-muh parents

Hypocritical piece of shit.

Also, his movies are terrible.

No, they're the Nazis. They were even founded by Nazis, or former Nazis, anyway.

>Nazis fund drugs and Islamists

>Bucky killed his parents in cold blood

He was fucking brainwashed, retard.

Cap was unlikeable and they gave away his best moment to the chick he wanted to bang. I have to say that made me pretty angry.

Tony gave him valid reason after valid reason for agreeing and his only reasoning against it summed up as "I don't want to".

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, they do.

Pick which would you rather hear, user:

>"Why didn't you stay out of it?"
>"Where were you when you were needed?"

Personally, I'd rather hear the first then the second.

You have that backward, goober, Cap is the conservative.

He liberated the shit out of that airport.

Leave Tumblr.

The point is that the Avengers *are* Big Brother. They're the ones with surveillance everywhere (enough to track Crossbones to Nigeria and know of his raid ahead of time) and the power to act with deadly force everywhere in the world.

The accords would make them answer for their actions, like everyone else in a responsible society.

It would also retard their actions (in the sense of slowing them to a snail's pace) and lead to events like real-world Rwanda.

For the Avengers to function as intended, they need to be able to act both unilaterally and immediately.