You realize this is the greatest movie trilogy in history, right? Definitely the greatest capeshit trilogy by far

You realize this is the greatest movie trilogy in history, right? Definitely the greatest capeshit trilogy by far.


OP is right

inb4 someone comes with that gay ass LOTR bullshit

Thank you Based Nolan

the third one was fucking awful though

Are these the real posters? the photoshop is horrendous

its based on the Burton posters

It's above SM trilogy and below Batman's.

Well, it's the best cape trilogy. I'm not certain I'd rank it ahead of the original Star Wars trilogy, nor the original Indiana Jones trilogy, however.

are you retarded? they're mock ups inspired by old batman movies posters, left one is just like Batman and Robin's

>That Batman Forever TDK poster

Agreed only best cape shit movie trilogy. First one is the weakest of the 3 though.

The only good Nolan Batman is TDK. 1 was mediocre and 3 was actually bad.

Cap 1 was good, Cap 2 was great. 3 is... not quite as bad as TDKR.

But then CW is really just Avengers 3.

Trips = truth

It'd be better if the three posters all pieced together to make one picture.

Winter Soldier > Civil War > First Avenger

It's true and you know it.

>muh bucky
>muh bucky
>muh bucky

Winter Soldier's the only good one

>muh war, muh dance.
>muh freedom, muh bucky
>muh bucky, muh freedom

Doesn't even feel like a trilogy. They are all set pieces to something else. Such is the fate of a MCU chapter.

Winter Soldier and Civil War are Avengers movies that have Captain America in the title

Please die if you think this is better then the LOTR

The first movie is good until about halfway through, then it just falls to pieces as it tries to fit the story into the runtime. Winter Soldier is a decent action flick, but still pretty boring since everyone is indestructible. Haven't seen Civil War.

2/3 are shit. The dark knight was the only good nolan batman.

i don't remember anything from the first 2 movies

these marvel flicks don't leave a lasting impression on you at all. they're literally all the same.

First was ok
Second was great
Third was shit


This. All three are still good, though.

Was getting caught part of your plan?

The first movie wasn't very good

Nobody liked Spider-Man 3, don't even play.

First Avenger: 7.5/10
Winter Soldier: 9/10
Civil War: 9.5/10

It did its job, though, which was finish setting up for the Avengers while also getting Captain America relevant again and getting people to think he was cool again.

Remember that before The First Avenger came out Captain America had fallen into Aquaman-tier public consciousness and regard. Nowadays he's back to being a household name.

Batman Begins as far as origins go, its on par with The First Avenger. The Dark Knight is arguably on point with The Winter Soldier, The Dark Knight is better I'd say but not by a large margin. Civil War though, by what it was able to achieve and juggle it was miles better than The Dark Knight Rises.

People need to face facts, Nolan was tired of Batman by TDKR. It made him sloppy so it wasn't as good.

first post best post.

>1 = 5.5/10
>2 = 7/10
>3 = 6.5/10

Considering genuinely good movies exist out there, I don't think that's unreasonable.

more like:
First Avenger: 6/10
Winter Soldier 8/10
Civil War 7.5/10

the failure of your life has been fully assessed

Too low. You're anonymous, no need to try and impress anyone.

Official AND objectve Capetrilogyshit rankings by movie and averages over trilogy.

X-Men: 6
X2: X-Men United: 9
X-Men III: The Last Stand: 4
Average: ~6.3

Spider-Man: 8
Spider-Man 2: 10
Spider-Man 3: 6
Average: 8

>The Dark Knight:
Batman Begins: 8
The Dark Knight: 8
The Dark Knight Rises: 5
Average: 7

>Iron Man
Iron Man: 8
Iron Man 2: 7
Iron Man 3: 6
Average: ~6.3

>Captain America:
Captain America: The First Avenger: 6
Captain America: The Winter Soldier: 8
Captain America: Civil War: 7
Average: 7

In conclusion, we see that the Capetrilogies rank as follows:
Captain America
The Dark Knight
Iron Man

As for my personal preference by enjoyment, I'd say Spider-Man -> Captain America -> X-Men -> Dark Knight -> Iron Man

>Rating with decimals
You vermin disgust me.

I really enjoyed First Avenger

I don't know why it gets a bad rap. Normies always rank it slightly above Thor 2 and below Iron Man 2

it only accomplished doing the reverse of how normally trilogies play out
TFA - meh
CW - just okay

Hell no

There was absolutely nothing definitive to this "trilogy", the ending just set up another sequel. I would not even say Captain went through a character arc in this, he started off a selfish ass and ended up a criminal selfish ass

It gets a bad rap on Sup Forums, where contrarian trolls unironically think Batman v Superman is deep, Zack Snyder is a good director, and Gal Gadot is a good actress.

The movie was great, and well received by normal people. It has 80% on RT and an A- Cinemascore.

It was too comfy for plebs.

I like it a whole damn lot, even if there are some things I'd have changed.

Some of the thins that happen in the movie HAPPEN too fast without sufficient build-up.

Like Bucky's death.

But the second has been GOAT in several of the cape trilogies.

Doesn't matter as the first two films are exponentially better than any of the captain America films
It averages out that the combination of all three is superior to captain America even though dark knight rises was shit

Also civil war is an avengers movie anyway

>Also civil war is an avengers movie anyway
It was also a good sequel to TWS.

You're bang on about Spidey tbqh.

Also, 3 was fucking brilliant until immediately after he takes off the Venom suit.

Superman 78 9/10
Superman 2 8/10
Superman meets Richard Pryor 6/10

It's still better than captain America


And yet to fully follow it you need to watch it CA - Avenger - CA2 - Avengers 2 - CA3

It's not a trilogy, I don't even know why they bother numbering them instead of just giving them a subtitle. May as well just give it a MCU episode number lmao

Well isn't that neat

Would you complain about watching Empire Strikes back and being lost?

>I don't even know why they bother numbering them instead of just giving them a subtitle


fuck off satan

>You realize this is the greatest movie trilogy in history, right?

You are wrong.

>Definitely the greatest capeshit trilogy by far.

You are right.

this sounds pretty spot on to me.

You gotta be kidding, it all comes down to Steve and Bucky from day 1, tbqh, senpai.

The third one sucks, first one has a really bad third act, and all three are shot fucking terrible with god awful action.

>first movie is about Steve and Bucky
>second movie is about Steve and Bucky
>third movie is about Steve and Bucky reconnecting and Steve dealing with all his new friends

Rusto Brothers, are you even trying?

first movie was Cap vs Nazis, Bucky was a side character

second movie was Cap vs government, Bucky was teased as a villain but he was just a side character

Its literally named after him and the third act is their physical and emotional confrontation.

The title also refers to Cap condition during the whole movie.

>The First Avenger
>anything but average