American appreciation thread for the UK

American appreciation thread for the UK.

It's great that the stupidest move of the 21st century so far has been committed by the UK and not the USA. Thanks for giving us all someone to point and laugh at. Really, from the bottom of our hearts you lobsterback limey britbongs. It must be liberating to reveal yourselves as the stupidest population on the face of the planet.

>stupidest move of the 21st century
>population of 320 million
>has Hill Clinton and Donald Trump running for supreme leader

>Is European
>Thinks that United States has "supreme leader"
>Comes from years of being cuck'd by own government in ways Americans can't even fathom

>Is Amerifat
>dont know joke
>eat food
>shoot school

The joke is on you dear chap. Once your guns are all taken from you, we're rolling in and liberating you on Her Majesty's Pleasure.


Well we couldn't let you crumble alone could we? Ride together, die together.


>Eat food
>Fucking wat
I cringed so hard I shat my pants picturing modern British people fighting in a goddamned war

The war "who is most stupid of all" starts soon. I will go to take popcorns

>go to Sup Forums
>summon Sup Forums hack the power
>eat food
>no upboat

Article 50

>be American
>get shot

If you knew anything about modern conflict, Americans go in firat, zerg rush then the Brits come in and do thd job properly.

>be British mp
>get shot

Properly is barely fighting while the Americans do all the work? Wait you're British, of course it is.

>Be British
>Get raped by mudslimes

Yes. Just let the fodder do its job. Pip pip cheerio!

>run in
>blow up a hospital
>get shot by another squad member
>retreat and claim victory

>Brits go in
>use actual tactics to take out key targets
>stick around and calm civilian situation
>helicopters don't work because British technology is shit

>be American
>get raped by blacks

Scotfag here - don't include me in England's stupid plan for self destruction.

They think it's all over - it is now

>wants independence
>wants to join e.u. negating any benefit of independence

scotland knows it could not survive economically without the e.u. backing it up if it left the u.k. that's why your lot is so worried about leaving the e.u.

your leadership has no integrity either wanting to overrule the 55% that wanted to remain in the u.k. at least cameron has that.

Didnt realise u guys weren't raped by mudslimes.

55% voted for a uk inside the EU.

Games changed now - there's a drove of no voters who voted remain now changing too independence..

I actually feel bad for all the youth in the UK right now. They all voted to stay, and all the elderly and uneducated fucks voted to leave.

It'll be the same here when all the youth vote for Bernie/Hillary and the olds inevitably vote in Trump.

UK got fucked pretty bad, but it pales in comparison to whatever fresh hell Trump is about to pull us into.

its not rape if you asked for it

>55% voted for a uk inside the EU

and you all knew the eu referendum was coming. still voted 55%.

>Games changed now - there's a drove of no voters who voted remain now changing too independence..

keep believing snp propaganda. cameron has also ruled it out, and you need the actual government to permit it.

tell me - apart from snp brainwashing, what do you personally gain from being part of the e.u.? you should want britain to have sole authority over its democracy more. it benefits every part of the u.k. i thought having the ability to make your own rules and decisions was an snp reason for independence? or is that not part of the snp's brainwashing points now?

I'm 23 with a master's degree in physics and voted to leave. You only hear about young people voting remain because you're seen as racist otherwise, and so people stay quiet about it. I think that's why the polls for the referendum and the general election both got it wrong - because at university now people are afraid to show different opinions for fear of being ostracised.

>I actually feel bad for all the youth in the UK right now. They all voted to stay, and all the elderly and uneducated fucks voted to leave.

No you dingus. If you check the vote breakdown, only 35% of 18-25 year olds even bothered to vote. The older the voting population got, the higher the turnout. The young, stupid liberal lefties are bitching because they were too fucking lazy to vote.

Stop ruining the fear campaign! It is clearly impossible for the UK to run as their own country, they must have germany telling them what to do and dump low pay immigrants into their country.