ITT Girls from your high school

ITT Girls from your high school

I was posting this girl in the last thread, and was requested for more.

Didn't talk to her much beyond typical stuff in class (This was 2+ years ago)

She was and still is cute but in a odd way that I can't put my finger on.

If anyone wants more just say so.



Yes Please



This ginger


Sure thing.

During HS she was actually a bit chubby. But still kinda cute.



Still don't know why she is so damn cute.

fuck yeah Taylor






Repeat customer, huh?


Tell me if you want more, at this point its just dumping..

I like hearing thoughts from those who see her

Does anybody have more of this girl? Goddamn she's perfect to me

I'll take that bitch any time. Delicious.

Yeah she fucking is



You little faggots are lucky. Back in the 90s we didn't have the resources you guys have. If we wanted to jerk off to our classmates we opened the yearbook.

I guess I'll continue anyway.

We still do that, only if the girl has no social media

I definitely came looking at girls in the yearbook, user... the seniors, because their pictures were in color

We had cameras in the 90s you friendless loser

heck ya, skip to the good bits


Not camera phones, you faggot

No nudes sadly, or even anything revealing...

I'll see if her friends have something of her on their pages

are there more?



looks better with long hair



She looks best with the medium, shoulder length.

Short she can pull off, but not genuinely long hair


At the Cincinnati zoo? Shit. Where are you from?



That's a dude isn't it

uh... ohio? love her.

baby girl

Not in the slightest....






dem legs

Londonderry slut


moar any topless?


She is definitely not as skinny anymore from what I see.


Moar naked freshmen, plox.

middle school


No shit. Cincy area or what?

i'll take more please



nah, those girls are def seniors.


bit north of that, near dayton

Idk her name but i see her walking around all the time in the school and she has a fantastic ass.

mmm moar?

dat nose piercing

No.691869660 , forgot to reply to you

damn moar


Dunno what I think of her now that she is not as thin...

Fuck. I'm done posting her. It feels wrong digging through Facebook looking for her...

Last one. I have more saved, but they are being deleted...

she's damn sexy, man... got any bikini/revealing pics?

Nope, 8th grade, I'll look for the pic w/ the year on facebook

she makes me diamonds



i want it all

>mfw big titted girls all over my school



too much to all :P

closest I got

Though I'll probably end up posting her again in a week like usual. Or now.


any action?

such a fuckable slut... would love to get that dress off her

she's perfect. do go on.

What's with all the blonde/ half-breed gooks in this thread?

Can you do a zip?

good god moar
